Pinterest account suspended? What can you do?
I have been Pinning since the time Pinterest was born. I had a personal account back then and saved everything home decor, gardening and DIY. I was a blog ignorant and was reading a lot of blogs but didn’t know I could write one too.
Then I found Amy Lynn Andrews and started Blogging and Pinterest became a treasured library. In June 2018, one fine day I found my Pinterest account was suspended. The day before I was saving a pin of mine, with a picture of the larynx on fiber-optic laryngoscopy. Back then I knew about Pinterest spamming but not on Pinterest banning. I found out soon enough.
Signing in was not possible. I was getting an error message saying the account couldn’t be found. I was devasted. I was worried and checked their community guidelines. My account had a lot of secret boards, all my home decor pins for the new home and everything I loved on Pinterest. What was I supposed to do?
No one had any experience with Pin account suspension in my social media circle. I was close to tears. I checked my mind for possible mistakes, I may have done. I didn’t find anything specific, except the seven times I saved one pin. Since I had no access to the Pinterest account, I couldn’t check it.
Stage I: severely upset and crying. At a loss for what to do.
Who helped in solving the Pinterest account problem?
1) Google and Tailwind
I searched Google and read everything I could. I read that Pinterest does this sudden spam checks and accounts can be suspended forever. But there was good news. The spam checks are mostly automated and if you have suddenly saved the same pin multiple times at a stretch, you may be caught in the mix. The good news if you are a real person, plus this was your first time and you use Pinterest genuinely with good content, there was hope.
2)Stage 2: Hope
You write to Pinterest and wait for them.
- I filled up a form here. Click on appeals and the appeal account suspension. Then you will receive an email from Pinterest.
- Check the spam folder and reply to the email. This email is crucial.
- Reply to it .Tell them how much you love and appreciate Pinterest and will do everything in your power to keep it as awesome as it is and that you never spam.
- They will do a manual check. If they find and the found the account good and healthy they will reactivate your account.
3)What else did I do?
I wrote to a Tailwind representative and she was kind enough to get back to me, saying she will put in word for me with the Pinterest rep she knew.
Whatever the reason it happened. The account was back. But one problem. I had already made a new account. I had to deactivate that account before I could use this one. Apparently only one account with one website is allowed. But I am happy I learned this thing about Pinterest because since then I have heard about many people have lost their account and never got it back!
What does Pinterest want?
- Original content that adds unique value.
- User-friendly formatting making it easy for people to understand what your pin is about.
- A landing page that matches what’s in the Pin and not click bait.

What doesn’t Pinterest like?
No porn nudity or erotica.
They remove content that physically or sexually exploits people.
They remove images showing violence.
They remove content that displays, rationalizes or encourages suicide, self-injury, eating disorders or substance abuse.
They remove hate speech and discrimination.
They remove content used to sell or buy regulated goods, like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms and other hazardous materials.
They remove accounts that impersonate any person or organization.
They remove harmful advice, disinformation campaigns. Don’t put harmful misinformation on Pinterest. They are strict. They don’t allow advice having a bad effect on pinners health or public safety. If you are not a medical expert, it’s a bad idea to give health and fitness advice in any case.
Promotion of false cures for terminal or chronic illnesses and anti-vaccination advice is strictly dealt with.
Pin how you want others to pin. It’s an amazing platform and making good quality content will help. Please don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest and if you want to be a part of my group boards DM me on Pinterest and we can pin together.