Humanity and being human.Is it the same thing?Just being born human does it make you humane?Unlikely otherwise we would have no wars and crimes.
So what are the qualities of a real human?
Empathy: Feeling someone’s pain like your own
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Kindness?Ability to help those who need?Ability to care for the weak, downtrodden and the needy.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
Wendy Mass, The Candymakers
It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters,”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations
Positivity in life #WATWB
Imagination: Ability to dream and build castles in the air.
Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”
Albert Einstein
Couldn’t we all be human?Yes, we could.
Are we?Not always.Thats where it’s important that on platforms like WATWB we spread the good news, good deeds, and humane humans.
It gives us a chance to hope, dream and believe in human beings.
Keeping the faith gets difficult when you hear news every day of men killing men.
So what chance do poor animals have?
Being the Real Human does exactly that.They take care of the elderly, plant trees and are best friends with our animal friends.
Being The Real HumanNGO in India spreading the message of humanity
Do they deserve a shout out?Yes, they do.Do they deserve support?Yes, they do?
What we spread and discuss increases.Lets spread more positive news and happy stories.
Will you learn from this example?
(A special thanks to Utpal Krishna who shared this story )
This is my entry for this month in the amazing linky called We are the World Blog Fest.Our hosts this month are:
Our co-hosts for this month are Shilpa Garg, Sylvia McGrath, Mary Giese,Belinda Witzenhausen andGuilie Castillo .Please link to them in your WATWB posts and go say hi!
Once again, here are the guidelines for #WATWB:
Keep your post to Below 500 words, as much as possible.
Link to a human news story on your blog, one that shows love, humanity, and brotherhood. Paste in an excerpt and tell us why it touched you. The Link is important because it actually makes us look through news to find the positive ones to post.
No story is too big or small, as long as it Goes Beyond religion and politics, into the core of humanity.
Place the WE ARE THE WORLD badge or banner on your Post and your Sidebar. Some of you have already done so, this is just a gentle reminder for the others.
5.Help us spread the word on social media. Feel free to tweet, share using the #WATWB hastag to help us trend!
Tweets, Facebook shares, Pins, Instagram, G+ shares using the #WATWB hashtag through the month most welcome. We’ll try and follow and share all those who post on the #WATWB hashtag, and we encourage you to do the same.
There’s one thing I love most about myself.It’s not a secret for those who know me.I feel it’s my best quality and also my most exasperating.It depends on which side of the table you are on.If we stand on the same side it’s going to be a party, but if not we will need to find a middle path.
Still confused?I will give you a clue.It’s a quality all little children have.
Children are perfect.They know this secret to success.When you grow up you forget it in the course of adulting and naysayers.The secret to success is persistence and perseverance.
That’s the only thing that can melt rocks and build bridges.
But what about things which just don’t happen?However much you try?That’s when you have to be wise enough to know.You have to choose to stick to things which you can change and wise enough to know the ones which can’t.
Life I feel gives all of us chances what you do with it is important.
Do you give up, give in?Forget your dreams because someone told you to be afraid of ridicule, someone tried to break your heart?Really ?Are you going to let this happen?
I don’t think so.You must try one more time.Believe one more time and have faith.The only thing which is confirmed is that you will not succeed if you don’t try.
I love that all the bones in my body are the persistent kind.
[bctt tweet=”I am persistent and it’s what I love most about me! #ThankfulThursdays” username=”misra_amrita”]
When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.”Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
This is my mantra!When the going gets tough, I get out my reddest lipstick by Sugar, and my highest heels and get going .The lipstick makes me feel good, the heels make me feel taller and its a handy weapon!
Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Genius.intelligence education are all important but give me persistence any day .Thats my secret talent.Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
― Calvin Coolidge
Thankful Thursdays :Quotes on persistence
When you try, try and try again something changes.Time, situation, you everything .What is important is to focus and persist.But look inside and choose the things, people you want to persist at .Half the battle is won with the right choice.
“It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down. All that matters is you get up one more time than you were knocked down.”
Roy T. Bennett
When you look at kids learning to walk you understand this deeply.They don’t know about giving up.They just know they will try again.Then again, one step at a time, till they run.That’s how a character is developed.Don’t we all want a strong character?The type of person who can weather any storm?They make good friends, wonderful partners, and superlative parents.
Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.” James A. Michener
I realize that giving up may sometimes be the best option.That’s the logical part of my brain.My hubby insists I have a third brain(very unscientific of him).This third brain he claims is made up of all persistent cells, which never give up.Now the only thing which helps me in situations which cannot be saved is praying.I pray and ask God to guide me, to help me choose my battles.
“Don’t ever give up.
Don’t ever give in.
Don’t ever stop trying.
Don’t ever sell out. And if you find yourself succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a prayer, and start where you left off.
But never, ever, ever give up.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Eena, The Tempter’s Snare
When I started writing 3 years back(I had written one poetry when studying in standard nine before that ), it was to share what I knew about health and healthy life as a doctor, and how it helped me become a better mommy .I also wanted to share my dream of being a mompreneur.
Did I know what I was doing?Partly .
Do I regret starting to write?
No never.It’s the most fun roller coaster ride after marriage and mommyhood.My blog baby is a blessing and challenges me every day.Did I want to write nonfiction which was not about my profession?Not at first.But I realized one thing while writing.The blog is not just about helping others.It also helps me .It’s cathartic.When I am writing its like a soul cleansing.
The one quality which helped me write is persistence.
English is not my first language.But its the language I learned from age four.It is also the language in which I love writing.
But did this make it easy for me to write?Yes and no.
But persistence did.I can write more easily than three years before.That for me is progress .I challenge my brain to participate in contests even outside my comfort zone as long as its fun.
“Writers remember everything…especially the hurts. Strip a writer to the buff, point to the scars, and he’ll tell you the story of each small one. From the big ones, you get novels. A little talent is a nice thing to have if you want to be a writer, but the only real requirement is the ability to remember the story of every scar. Art consists of the persistence of memory.” Stephen King, Misery
One Thing I Love About Me #ThankfulThursdays
Nothing in life is stronger than perseverance; time only promotes it, failure is afraid of it, negative people hide from it, and disease is affected by it. Even rocks give way to perseverance: because if water perseveres its impacts on the surface of a rock long enough, the rock starts to wither.”
Jacinta Mpalyenkana
When all is said and done, life is a beautiful adventure.You just need to persist and have fun.
[bctt tweet=”Now only if I could fly! #ThankfulThursdays ” username=”misra_amrita”]
[bctt tweet=”One thing I love about me #ThankfulThursdays celebrate yourself” username=”misra_amrita”]
One thing I love about me
Rules of linky:
Write on the prompt and Link Up.We have a fun new option.
You can submit tweet links and Instagram posts too.
You can also link up other posts.Just comment on this post and my co-hosts post and any two of the posts in the link up.Share using #ThankfulThursdays hashtag.
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
Follow @misra_amrita @twinklingtina, on Twitter
Prompts will be announced every Wed 20:00 hrs IST
Linky opens on Thursdays 00.00 hours.
The linky closes the following Wednesday 23.55 hours.
By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
We share your entries on Twitter and other social media platform generously.
Who doesn’t like blog promotion?
Read, comment, share on the host and co-hosts posts and at least two more posts linked in the party.
Pro Tip – Networking and commenting are good for your blog’s health.Who
doesn’t like their blog to be read?
Mama Earth!Such a pretty name. Did you know Mama Earth is the first and only MADE SAFE certified brand in India? That’s what attracted me to review this product in the first place. Below is the list of product I am reviewing today.
Mama Earth Baby Product India: Review
Mama Earth Moisturizing Daily lotion
Deeply nourishing body wash
Soothing massage oil for babies
Gentle Cleansing Shampoo for babies
Disclaimer: I received the product for use free. I am writing an honest review to help moms compare the best products for their babies. Any use of products on babies should be started after proper skin testing and consultation with a pediatrician.
Being a mom and a doctor I have become a speed reader of product labels. I had almost given up on finding a baby-friendly and human skin, hair-friendly product, which is affordable.
I really wanted something which could stand testing, by international laboratories. Not just make random unsubstantiated claims about purity.
Another scare tactic is to talk about our ancient heritage and peddle anything as natural and Ayurvedic.
Mama Earth is screened for:
Behavioral toxins
Endocrine disruptor
Fire retardants
Heavy metals
High-risk pesticides
Reproductive toxins
Toxic solvents
Harmful VOCs
This is truly a complete list. I received four products.
All the products are free of:
Mineral oil petroleum,
Synthetic fragrance
Mama Earth Moisturizing Daily lotion
Very easily absorbed. It contains Shea butter, Aloe vera, Calendula extract, Almond oil, Jojoba oil.
Deeply nourishing body wash
It has coconut-based cleansers, Aloe Vera, and orange essential oils. Very pleasant smelling.
Only con: I felt a little dryness in my skin after washing. But that’s much less than what other baby products do.
Soothing massage oil for babies
This one was my favorite product.
It has cold pressed Sesame oil, coconut oil, Olive oil, Sweet Almond and Jojoba oils. It spreads and absorbs easily. The beautiful smell lasts for a long time and makes the skin soft and supple.
Mama Earth Products in India are exactly what you want for your baby. It’s MADE SAFE certified, hypoallergenic, organic and made in an ecofriendly manner
Gentle Cleansing Shampoo for babies
Amazingly soft on the hair having coconut-based cleansers and conditioners which never dry the scalp. This product has Lavender essential oil so kindly consult your doctor before using it.I have used all this product’s first. Then on a small area on my baby’s wrist to check any possible allergic reaction. It’s a hypoallergenic product but sometimes the little angels may be sensitive to essential oils in the product.
It is recommended you always do an allergy test before trying any new skin or hair care products.
Who can use these products?
It’s great when you don’t have to buy different products, for baby and mommy. In fact, everyone can use these.
Where will you find Mother Earth products?
They are available on Amazon and thats where I buy . If you are traveling with your baby, the Baby travel kit with essentials is a big help. Click the picture below to know what it contains.
[wp-review id=”109184″]
The best part is Mama Earth products are very affordable and makes great baby products available to all. Have you heard of Mama Earth? What’s your opinion? Comment below to let me know.
Diwali brings light into your home.It is also very auspicious to start something new be it habit or investments.
When we declutter our homes from unnecessary items, we rid ourselves of financial insecurity. You invite Goddess Laxmi into your home by not only words but by deeds and she stays.
But if you buy expensive home decor and unnecessary appliances om EMI (zero interest or not) you live out of your own means.The more things you buy on credit, the more stress you have whether you admit or not.
Neeraj Deginal wrote a book which many will identify with.
Wisdom from the book Zero Debt: What I liked
When your life becomes a series of EMI and credit card bills, its time to reassess.Are you building a better future sacrificing your health and happiness today?
How is this future be if you can’t enjoy it?
The things which you buy on credit you don’t own
Depreciating assets bought on exorbitant interest is another no no.
Plan your finances
Save more
Freelance and earn more.
The book
Genre: Nonfiction
Self help
The book is written in a simple language and easy to read.
Zero Debt by Neeraj Deginal
Zero Debt by Neeraj Deginal Book Review
In the first part of the book, the author tells us about the life he led.His challenges and mistakes.The pitfalls and the help he received.
Then he takes us step by step through the plan by which he gradually reclaimed his life.The life which he almost forgot to live under the burden of financial stress and strain.
In the last part, he gives the reader 10 steps to simplify life.Interestingly the author in the first step asks you to consider getting rid of social media from your life!
What I liked:
Simple easy to read style.The author has made the book copyright free .That means you can share as much as you want and help more people.That’s a lovely gesture.
3 messages from the book which needs a shout out :
Health is your true wealth.This I believe in too.
I also liked how he has stressed about living a debt-freee life.Highly recommended.
Creating passive income is another very important lesson.The question is how.
What could be better?
While I appreciate the honesty of the author, the most important step by which he was able to get rid of debt from his life may not be possible for many.How did he do it?Read the book to know exactly how !
Book Blurb
Zero Debt has all the ingredients of Becoming Debt-free, Financial Freedom, Passive Income, Minimalism, and Healthy Lifestyle. It feels so good being debt free!
Do you have credit card(s)?
Do you have personal loan(s)?
Do you have home or real estate loan(s)?
Do you have business loan(s)?
Are you deep in debt giving you sleepless night?
Congratulations, you will be happy to know that you are not the only one in this situation.
Have you made up your mind to battle out these challenges?
Do you want to be debt-free, do you want financial freedom?
Do you want to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle?
If yes, then this book is exactly for you. In his book “Zero Debt: Break the Debt Cycle and Reclaim Your Life” the author narrates a true-life story.
About the author:
Neeraj Deginal – Author, Trader, IT (Information Technology) Consultant, Minimalist and a Life Enthusiast!
Neeraj is a passionate person with a never say die attitude. After freeing himself from his debts, he wanted to share his experience,that’s how his book Zero Debts – Break the Debt Cycle and Re-Claim Your Life was born.After becoming debt-free, he quit his full-time job to become a part-time IT Consultant. Neeraj lives in a rented house with his wife and daughters; his parents, elder brother and family living next door. He follows minimalism (has limited pairs of clothes and stuff – donated the rest) and likes to keep things simple.He is vegetarian, likes to eat healthy food and exercise to keep himself fit. When he is not working, he likes to spend time with family & friends, reading books, traveling and for community services.Neeraj is a Trader (stock market) as well, his newfound love and passion.
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of the book.The review opinions are strictly mine and are in no way influenced.
Affiliate Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in the following part of the post.That means by clicking on the link and buying something I earn a small commission.This in no way affects the price which you buy at.In case you do buy using my link, send me an email at with the Amazon receipt and you may get a lovely surprise.Read my full disclaimer here.
When you are having fun it’s difficult to remember to keep fitness goals in mind.That’s why holidays and festivals are a challenge when it comes to healthy eating plans.But don’t worry.You can follow a physical and emotional recovery-rejuvenation step by step plan, just like me, forgetting your system in order.
Confused ?Oh well, it’s all that sugar and calories in your bloodstream.Don’t worry we will soon get you in order.Just hear me out.
Why I do a detox?Is that your question?I have very good reasons.
I boost my immunity.I remind it to fall back to its normal pattern.I signal my brain that it’s time for work again.I also get ready for the next celebrations!All perfect reasons for kickstarting the detox game.
What do I do for recovery & rejuvenation after celebration?
I focus on planning for the next holiday even if it’s all in my mind.This helps me channel my energy positively towards looking and feeling good, even during the next celebration.
I believe our mind needs a good stimulus for us to get going.So focus on your mind.
Drink plenty of water.This is easily the simplest and quickest way to get rid of the excesses in your body.Water is needed for all your metabolic processes.So drink water.At least 4 to 6 liters depending on the weather.
All the fries sweets, salty and what not you have stuffed yourself with, needs to escape your system.For that, you need to focus.Eat plenty of seasonal fruits, veggies, and water.Diet should be low in salt and low on sugar.Avoid processed food carbonated drinks, sugar, smoking, alcohol.
No late nights.Catch up on sleep to let your body recover.Check whether your energy level is up.If not take your vitamins and probiotics.
Lemon water: helps keep me full and boosts up my immunity.Its packed full of Vitamin C and antioxidants.
Cucumber water: It helps prevent reflux and acidity naturally
Ginger water: Well known as a natural immunity boosting and detox agent.
Three things I avoid :
Talking with negative people.Negativities just make me feel worse after celebrations.
Eating out at restaurants is a strict no after bingeing on festival food.You have to be strict.
No skipping exercise.It’s non-negotiable!
RECOVERY & REJUVENATION after celebrations
One weird thing which helps
Gardening helps me get back into the groove.I am back after a holiday.Vizag was beautiful I will tell you about it soon.But its tough to be back to regular life.But I am grateful that I got a chance to visit such a beautiful part of India.
A great way to get rid of stress is, every once in a while, do something totally different and unexpected without any prior planning.” Franklin Gillette, The Secrets of Concentration and Mental Rejuvenation
I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge .Have you joined? #Writebravely
Our Prompt this week :
How to detoxify after Festive Bingeing?
Monday Mommy Moments
Featured winners
Zainab wrote a beautiful post Read it here
Anupriya’s DIY Diwali decor made us delighted.
Congratulations Zainab and Anupriya you are both featured this week!
#MondayMommyMoments 42 Featured Mom Zainab
#MondayMommyMoments 42 Featured Mom Anupriya
Comment on this post and co-hosts post You can write a post prompt or link up your new post in the linky. We share and visit each blogger who links up. This is not just a blog hop.This is a journey. That’s a total of at least 4 posts we want you to give some love. Write the post and Link Up with Amrita or Deepa.Follow on Twitter @Deepagandhi1 & @misra_amrita.
Copy the badge code and put it at the end of your post.
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Use #Mondaymommymoments or #MMM in your post and share on social media using the same hashtag.
By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
Did you know reading blogs makes your Alexa better? We deeply believe in community spirit.
Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs. Prompts will be announced every Sunday at 21.00 hrs IST.Linky opens till Sunday 21.00 hours.
We always visit the blogs and promote them as much as possible.It’s like your own blog promo.What’s not to love? We share your entries on Twitter and other social media platforms generously. Who doesn’t like blog promotion? Click the blue button below and submit your blog post.
In recent times, there has been a surge of developmental problems like autism, learning disability and behavioral problems in children other than the so-called global developmental delay and cerebral palsy.
With the advent of PICU(pediatric intensive care unit) and NICU(Neonatal Intensive care unit) better healthcare facilities and better survival of sick and small neonates, there has been an increase in childhood disability. At present 10% of the population has some form of disability, it is much higher in high-risk babies graduating from NICU and PICU.
It is important to screen our children for development from time to time, as it not only helps to document their development track but also aids in early detection of any significant lags and addresses them timely with appropriate measures.
Child Development Clinic is an early intervention and pediatric rehabilitation center which works exclusively for High Risks Infants and children with special needs
So why we need a CDC?
1] Disabilities are not always visible: Doctors along with parents, play a key role in monitoring child’s development and identifying any signs of delays or challenges.
2] Early intervention is important:.The first three years of a child’s development are the most crucial. Intervention at this stage before any formal diagnosis is essential.Early intervention can be remedial or preventive in nature i.e remediation of existing developmental problems or preventing their occurrence.
3] Burden is huge:.As per official data, approximately 52 million children in India have symptoms of developmental disabilities.
4] Social stigmata: to break the stigmata that these children with special needs are not a burden to the society.We believe that all such children can be included in society and reach their maximum potential if given the chance. And we the apparently normal people have a lot to gain from them.