Monday MommyMoments is in week 21.We have come a long way together.In June we have something fantastic planned for you.But right now today I have something to share.Blogchatter is going to have the ebook carnival up soon.I will have my book, Picky Eaters: Guaranteed Hacks to make you Happy up there.
I also self-published my book Fruits for Life: Nutrition secrets your doctor won’t tell on KDP select.If you have signed up for my newsletter, then wait for the behind the scenes email, just for my VIP members.
I love experimenting and learning new things.Probably that’s why being a mom is so much fun.It’s the biggest adventure and has the best surprises in it.But is it easy?Anything .but that!
After I became a mom, I once declared to my hubby
PG entrance was easier!
How can you help new moms?Easy ask her to make a Baby Gift guide and share it with friends and relatives with a polite.This sounds weird, but can actually help, cut down on duplicate gifts, waste of money and 10litre of baby oilI am still trying to use up those baby lotions I keep getting.
When we thought about this week’s prompt, we realized new moms have a trying time getting useful gifts.
Sometimes a little imagination can go a long way.That’s why we invite you to find the most useful ideas for a Baby Gift guide.
This week’s prompt:
#MMM week 3 #Contest question”:
Top 10 Gift Ideas for New Moms

[bctt tweet=”#MMM contest! New Mom Gift guide.Make it fun .Write ,link up & enter @Deepagandhi1″ username=”misra_amrita”]
We have simple rules.
Comment on this post and cohosts post
You can write a post prompt or link up your new post in the linky.
We share and visit each blogger who links up.
This is not just a blog hop.This is a journey.
That’s a total of at least 4 posts we want you to give some love.
Write the post and Link Up with Amrita or Deepa.
Copy the badge code and put it at the end of your post.

- Follow on Twitter @Deepagandhi1 & @misra_amrita
- Use #Mondaymommymoments or #MMM in your post and share in social media using the same hashtag.
- By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
- Did you know reading blogs makes your Alexa better?
- We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
- Prompts will be announced every Sunday at 21.00 hrs IST.Linky opens till Sunday 21.00 hours.We always visit the blogs and promote them as much as possible.It’s like your own blog promo.What’s not to love?
- We share your entries on twitter and other social media platforms generously. Who doesn’t like blog promotion?
Enter the contest through the raffle copter giveaway and submit a post using the blue button below.Multiple entries allowed.
Mothers Day Contest
Share with us your thoughts on the topic-
The most beautiful part of being a mom / Salute to motherhood or 10 Best mothers day gift ideas.
week 2 5Best resorts in and around your city!

- Submit as personal experiences, short stories, or poems.
- Having a blog is not mandatory.If you don’t have a blog, e-mail us your entries to or deepagandhi1 and we will post on our blogs with your authorship.
- All entries must be within 350-500 words.
- All poetry entries should be more than three stanzas.
- Subscribe to both our blogs like & follow the Facebook pages too.
- Your work should be original. Don’t get bitten by too much inspiration that your work fails the plagiarism checker.We know you can do it.
- All entries should be sent on or before 31st M May 2017.So HURRY!
- The decision of the judges will be final.
- Share your entries on social medias and tag 3 friends.
Winners will be chosen by a special judge on the following basis
1. Follow all rules
2. Content
3. Tag 3 friends
The first winner gets Rs 750 Amazon gift voucher, the Second winner gets Rs 500 gift voucher and 2 third prize winners each gets 250 Rs gift voucher each. Also #MMM super mom winner certificates.Don’t wait.Write and link up NOW!