My daughter’s summer vacation started almost when the monsoon was upon us. We were planning to visit Darjeeling.
Train tickets ,cars and hotel booked.Advance payment in hotel done. We had thought about visiting Cedar Inn this time.
Unfortunately the violent political unrest in Darjeeling, has made it impossible to travel to The Hills.We were not only very worried about the destination next, but also the booking amount already deposited.
The hotel representative who interacted with us over the telephone, was extremely courteous and informed us that the entire amount would be reimbursed.
We just need to send the email requesting cancellation. In spite oft he disappointment of not visiting Darjeeling and missing Glenary’s, it helps us feel better.
This ethical behaviour of the resort administration ,has made us feel blessed.The Goodwill this small act has generated,has made us decide that we will definitely visit Cedar Inn, once Darjeeling returns to normal
Definition of ethical behaviour (dictionary)
Acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals typically think are good values.
Ethical behavior tends to be good for business and involves demonstrating respect for key moral principles that include honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights.
Why is Ethical behaviour important?
Why do we need moral standards ?
Why is democracy not to be abused?
How do you teach ethical behaviour to children ?
I am searching for answers .
On a lighter note my #MondayMommy Moments partne Deepa’s blog just turned One. Kreativemommy is an inspiring platform for all creative mothers who want to feature their creativity .
Deepa is hosting a giveaway where The Child City Edutainment who publishes illustrated storybook series ‘Curious Club’is hosting a giveaway.
Join Curious Club – Meg, Ali, Yogi, and Choco, in their expeditions and discover the joy of exploration, creation and new learnings .
It’s through books that morals and ethics can be best taught to children
Deepa is a dear friend and we have hosted MondayMommyMoments since January this year.
So Healthwealthbridge will be giving a bundle of digital gifts to 3 lucky moms and a gift voucher to one winner .You just need to do two things,
Participate in the Giveaway here
Subscribe to my newsletter by filling up the form here.
Winner will be informed via email .All decisions of the judges will be final.
What you will get today when you take part ?
My book FRUITS FOR Life has been made free for all participants .
Just click the link above.
You also get a chance to get a sneak peek at the MondayMommyMoments Ebook bonanza’s inaugural launch since its Kreativemommy birthday !
Check out the Monday MommyMoments first Ebook.
(Disclaimer:This is a multi author Ebook .Don’t forget to give due credit when you share).
Check out the Healthwealthbridge store here