A to Z challenge Reflection post, is supposed to be about looking back with quiet pride right?But me, I am ecstatic.I am still alive after an entire month of mayhem when nothing seemed to get ironed and buttons didn’t get sewn.I was writing you see.Also reading, sharing and researching like a woman possessed.I take this opportunity ,for saying a heartfelt thank you ,to the 6200 readers who visited my blog during this month.
What did I do in April?I jumped ship. When I did my theme reveal ,I wanted to write about my journey as a mom blogger.But somehow as the launch day drew near, my brain started whispering, sometimes screeching
Healthy living, healthy living!
This is your chance to spread the message you want.
Since it’s a challenge people, will at least speed read?After thinking for entire March, I changed directions a few days before April 1st.But I never ignore gut feeling.!
Fruits are an important part of healthy diet.But few people know how much to have and the good things about these miracles which are nature’s multivitamins.Enter the perfect opportunity.I not only wanted to write about fruit good Ness but also about any fun quirks they have.Like watermelon and nature’s viagra .Who knew?
The enormous amount of research was exhausting.But my speed reading brain is forever ready to snack on interesting reads.Health and nutrition are great topics for an e-book.At least according to stats its is, and according to my hopes, it better be!
I woke up talking about lycopene in watermelon and tomatoes, cranberries for UTI, Indian Gooseberry and Vitamin C.I ran a contest based on my fruit posts.Thanks to all my readers who participated.
The winner is Neha Tambe!She blogs at nehatambe.com .Congratulations
Congratulations Neha!

Bingo exactly what Blogchatter ordered.
Health topics cannot be written on the fly without reference. So long hours of reading writing and researching.But it was worth it.I finally got something on my miles long to do list done.That feels good.
After all, the A to Z challenge is going to have a cherry on the cake.The ebook carnival.my brain is spinning faster than a spinning top.Can I do it?Finish edits, proofread, cover, marketing, etc ,etc?
Resources I am checking out :
How to write an ebook
(Disclaimer: There’s are affiliate links in the following part of the post.This means I will earn a small commission if you buy any product through the link.That in no way affects the prize you buy the book at.I only recommend products I personally use and love.)
Will it Fly? : An interesting handbook to help you check whether your book idea will work.
Make a Killing on Kindle: Marketing Tips and tricks of kindle book formatting .
Zen of ebook marketting :The different places you can promote your book.
When the going gets tough, we write even more!…
Comment below to let me know if you have written an ebook.If yes share your tips.If no , do you have plans?