Advice to Newbie Blogger 2018 special?
I am a newbie too.What advice do I have? Oh, plenty.
The human nature loves giving advice. In the online world, you learn everything because of this innate nature of human beings to spread knowledge(often unsolicited) and help others(or so we think).
But as Lord Krishna famously said
You can only help those who are ready to accept this help.Who are open to receiving help!
One thing I read somewhere(I have forgotten the source)
You are always one step before the person just behind you and one step behind the one just ahead!
Thats an interesting concept when you reflect.
Your life is a humongous interlinking chain.The chain is as strong s the weakest link.To grow stronger you just need to help the one who asks for your help.
While seeking help may be awkward, only the very blessed can help people.If you are able to help one person every day, know that you are collecting blessings in your kitty.It always comes back.
Now if it is one advice:
Go deep and narrow!
Be the real you.You may be popular or not ,but your content will be unique.In this world of content explosion, only the real, the authentic, makes-sense kind of stuff stick !you may be writing the best prose, you may the best writer this world has seen, nothing will make sense till your audience finds the real you .
Share your expertise in topics of your niche( but do not forget to connect with your audience at a molecular level.It is easier to go deep and narrow as a specialist than a generalist.That’s why pick the core categories of your blog carefully .they will be your cornerstone categories.My cornerstone blog content is all health-wellness related (that’s my specialty).But I also write about the topics which indirectly affect wellness.My mompreneurs blogging journey series is the third leg of my blog structure.
Now deep and narrow may not work for you.Maybe you are a generalist or a specialist-generalist?You do not want to be restrained by the confines of deep and narrow.Thats cool too!
But then my Advice needs to change.For the Newbie Generalist:
Be authentic!
The real you.Share your experience that will make your blog stand out.This is why I am writing a book about what worked for me in the last 3 years.You can check out the very beta version of two chapters I have shared here.
A lot of knowledge plus loads of passion and an infinite amount of hard work is needed to make your blog shine.
Believe me, your nature shines through your writing .
[bctt tweet=”Writing happens when your soul touches the paper (or the keyboard).” username=”misra_amrita”]
If you are faking it, that’s obvious.If you are not writing about things which makes sense to you, that peeks through the lines of your words through.
Writing is cathartic.It is because it needs your brain and soul to connect.Now the soul has a strange definition.Its a 6D concept and is clear only if you think deeply.All creative person need the doors and windows of their soul to be open.
If you have difficulty opening your heart, if its full of distrust bitterness, writing will help you heal, if you let it.But till then it will also reveal shades of it through your words.Until the time you keep your real words hidden your writing, will always be less than what it can be.
So writing may very well be the dance with the devil.Are you ready?
Writing this for Blogchatters #Chatterprompt Advice to a Newbie.

Writing this to link up with #mg