Cochlear Implant: What you Need to know(Part 1)
Cochlear Implant: Who needs it? ( Part2)
When do Babies speak(Part 3)
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 8
Cochlear Implant: What you Need to know(Part 1)
Cochlear Implant: Who needs it? ( Part2)
When do Babies speak(Part 3)
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 4
The uterus is the home of a new life.As your baby grows the space inside may seem cramped.
This cramping causes the legs to be folded .
The child is born with bowing of legs ,due to folded leg position in utero.
This bowing in infants is called physiological Genu Vera.
Once they start putting pressure on them while walking ,they may straighten out .This happens by 2 to 3 years of age.
If not corrected ,then they may cause some serious problems.
Persistent bowing may be due some deficiencies.
25(OH) Vitamin D in serum
Measurements of distance between knees while child is lying on the back.
This is monitored to see for any worsening
All problems may not be solved but timely intervention can change the life of a child for ever.
Day 21 #NaBloPoMo
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 8
While it’s not an easy journey, its never boring,that’s something I can promise you.It’s also a self-discovery and self-improvement journey.Because
[bctt tweet=”Physician heal thyself! #Healthwealthbridge ” username=”misra_amrita”]This is s a proverb found in Luke 4:23. is very true
To be a good doctor we need to try to heal ourselves every day.Empty the residue and fill up our souls with hope and thankfulness.Because those two are the secret ingredients to healing with grace.Everything you will learn will be useless if you don’t have hope in your mind, that all will be well and gratitude in your heart for this opportunity to help people.Because only the blessed can help!
The Human qualities: Compassion, confidence, and calling.
The Subjects: Community Medicine, Cardiology, and CTVS surgery.
Being a doctor is more a calling than a career.A profession where you not only have to use your brain with confidence but also listen to your heart is a tough one.While compassion helps you become a caring doctor, it is also the biggest reason behind the high rate of depression and suicide among Doctors.Caring for the sick and the infirm, the newborn and the geriatric will take its toll on the heart mind, body and spirit.
Yes until you recharge yourself with healthy lifestyle practices and happy family life.
The chronic stress of being a doctor is considerable.Good emotional health practices should go hand in hand with training to become a doctor.Its high time this was included as a compulsory additional to the course curriculum.
The course is tough.
The exams are tougher.
Real life where you treat patients, knowing that only one percent of the diseases in this world actually have proven cure may be overwhelming if you are not prepared.
Community Medicine is a very important subject taught in the third year of Medical College Undergrad training.It’s a very important subject where the role of inclusive community practices for sustainable and better health care practices are taught.The practical.involves visiting urban slums to spread awareness about health issues like mosquito-borne water-borne diseases.First steps treat diarrhea, Malaria, Dengue.It also teaches us the role of overcrowding pollution and poor socioeconomic and educational status play a role in healthcare.
It also teaches that Cleanliness is next to Godliness.Helping out in immunization clinics, are also a part if the training.The transition from lecture theatres to harsh reality can be mind-numbing without adequate preparation.This is an also, the subject which will teach you the concept of Universal Health coverage and why Healthcare needs to be inclusive.The exam for this is Third Professional MBBS part 1.
Cardiology and CTVS are both Super specialty subjects needing further studies after Post-Graduation.
This is another tough qualifying exam in your battle to get those letters after your name.While Cardiology mainly deals with the medical management of heart diseases.Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery involves surgical interventions of conditions involving Heart-lung and Thorax.Both require dedicated back-breaking training, experience, high-quality setup and fully qualified support staff for future practice.
D for Diploma and Degree
While both Degree and Diploma are postgraduate qualification and requires you to clear entrance examinations there are grey areas.A diploma is a two years course and makes you eligible for Government services needing post grad qualifications in some states.You can do a senior residency for a full period of 3 years after a Diploma for a boost to your CV and experience.But it may make teaching jobs in Medical Colleges challenging.A degree is preferred and has a mandatory three years training.
That’s it for this episode.
Watch out for the next part.
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16 Study tips from a Doctor Mommy
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 40
Life as a child is not easy. Life as a mommy is not easy. But what exactly is easy?But does that mean children should bear the burden of their parents’ worries?
But sadly, they do!Every time a parent display disappointment with their kids’ grades, studies, career choices…the children bear an impact bigger than parents can ever imagine. And that’s the secret – Children understand your worries. They get your vibes.
That’s why the ITC Classmate Television commercial #BeBetterThanYourself touched my heart even more. Children know when you are disappointed.
At home, we try talking to each other through our brain waves. Yes, it sounds weird but try it with someone who gets your vibes and you will know what I mean. When people sync together (like your Gmail accounts over devices do) they understand each other’s thought processes. That’s why as a parent, you and me, we have our work cut out. Children will know when you don’t believe what you say. They will see whether you walk the talk. Raising a good child obviously starts with the parent.
If we want them to do well in life we have to give them resources but not spoon feed. We have to give them a blueprint but encourage charting own course. As a parent, we all want the best for our child. But what if you feel what they are doing is not good enough? Should we scold them? Not say anything? Judge ourselves? Think we have failed?
No, no, no!
The key to this is the balance. The time of adolescence is when the brain biochemistry undergoes massive changes. People are sensitive, malleable and are likely to test boundaries. All of which are important. The sensitivity makes them pick up your body language cues. The malleability makes them accept your guidance even if its silent. Testing boundaries are good. Encourage them to do their best. Regular study habits and timely revision will make exams stress free for you and her. Early habits go a long way.
When children don’t do according to capacity, its time for a talk. It’s time to check those leaks. Talk to her ask her what the issue is. Try to help guide and make her find her own solutions.
ITC Classmate’s Be Better Than Yourself television commercial stole my heart. It says exactly what we should say as parents.
I am a doctor and I have always done well in exams consistently. But I have rarely come first in school exams. I think I had too much going on inside my brain. This was something my mom used to say
Try to do your best. Go one step ahead with every exam. Look at your own report cards, not others.
In our entrances, I chose to sit only for premeds and not the engineering entrance whereas combined exams were such a rage. I just didn’t find my calling there. But being a doctor was a dream! My mother supported me in this choice. But she was worried. By God’s grace things worked out.
As a parent, you and I have the important task of speaking to a mind which is growing into an adult. They are open to ideas, thought processes and lifestyle habits. They need to know that doing well in exams are important. Learning is important, getting good grades are important. But most important is this realization that self-improvement through education helps you first.
When I ask my daughter what she wants to be when she grows up. She says she wants to be a Doctor like mommy and daddy so that we can be together even when we work. She also plans to have a cake shop where we can bake together. Daddy and she in charge of the actual baking, mommy in charge of the brainstorming recipe and the marketing. Also, she will be working on our blog with me before bedtime.
This made me smile.
I forgot to tell you, we also want to learn to fly one day Maybe a bird will teach us or a technology will be available. But with children, we need to start dreaming. Make them feel accomplished with what they draw for you and make for you. But set benchmarks, to make them realize that life is easy and fun only on the surface. But you need to do the hard work and smart work on time.
Childhood and adolescent are the time for growing physically and mentally and becoming stronger.
As a parent, we need to learn how to help them and support them reach their potential, make their spirits smile and guide them gently. But also teach them to choose. Choose to do the right thing. Choose the good friend. Choose the right path.
Choose self-sufficiency and smart work. Realize that each of us has something special in us. Life is a maze challenge where the pot of gold is actually the treasure inside you which you have to find.
3 Things you should not discuss in front of your child
The truth of the matter is employability of education and skills are important. While being an expert at something is always recommended there is no harm in pursuing creative fields too. Its a world of enormous potential. It’s time to be an expert generalist. But make it fun. Education and learning are great. What’s not fun is making it boring. As a parent, we need to make it relatable, guide and help choose. We need to encourage self-improvement and not an external comparison. We need to always strive for excellence inside and outside with the only competition being own self! And that is where the mother in the ITC Classmate #BeBetterThanYourself campaign is bang on when she tells her daughter
[bctt tweet=”“yeh doosron ko nahin…khud ko beat karne ke liye” ITC Classmate #BeBetterThanYourself” username=”misra_amrita”]
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 11
I love milk.
Specially cold milk.
I like the milky chai and the nice cup of coffee with milk.
But to keep healthy I had switch to green tea.I still have my cup of midmorning coffee and the ginger chai on weekends.
1 cup milk has ;
Eight grams of protein12 grams of carbohydrates
300 milligrams of calcium, which is 30 percent of the recommended daily allowance for most adults.
It’s easily available
High quality protein.
Soya milkis in no way better.It’s the evil cousin.
The main problem with milk is not just the calories .
That you can beat with the skimmed variety.
But the milk protein itself has a few of its own issues .
It’s a grey zone.
It is digested quickly .Absorption occurs fast and cause rapid increase in plasma amino acids .
This causes faster release of insulin .
This is dangerous .
Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinaemia are both factors of insulin resistance.
This insulinotropic role of milk products is a cause of concern for health.
What is Insulin?
Insulin is a peptide hormone secreted by the β cells pancreatic islets of Langerhans
What does Insulin do for you ?
It maintains normal blood glucose levels.
It helps in cellular glucose uptake, regulating carbohydrate metabolism .
Helps inlipid and protein metabolism .
Insulin stimulates glucose uptake.Promotes lipogenesis while suppressing lipolysis .
Promotes cell division and growth through its mitogenic effects.
Problems with obesity
Other scary facts about milk include issues with prostatic and ovarian cancer.
At the end of the day ,diet is supposed to be balanced.
See what works for you .
Day 19 NaBloPoMo .
Linking this up with Honest mum
References :
1)Nilsson M, Stenberg M, Frid AH, Holst JJ, Bjorck IME. Glycemia and insulinemia in healthy subjects after lactose-equivalent meals of milk and other food proteins: the role of plasma amino acids and incretins. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80:1246–53.[PubMed]
2) Calbet JAL, MacLean DA. Plasma Glucagon and Insulin Responses Depend on the Rate of Appearance of Amino Acids after Ingestion of Different Protein Solutions in Humans. J Nutr. 2002;132:2174–82.[PubMed]
3)Nilsson M, Stenberg M, Frid AH, Holst JJ, Bjorck IME. Glycemia and insulinemia in healthy subjects after lactose-equivalent meals of milk and other food proteins: the role of plasma amino acids and incretins. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80:1246–53.[PubMed]
4) von Post-Skagegård M, Vessby B, Karlström B. Glucose and insulin responses in healthy women after intake of composite meals containing cod-, milk-, and soy protein. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2006;60:949–54. [PubMed]
5)Obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of a WHO consultation.
6)Insulin and Insulin Resistance
7)Childhood obesity :The control is in your hand(part 3)
8)Childhood obesity healthy eating habits
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