I liked playing one game of cards.That’s bluff.I lost inevitably.That’s one reason why I never tried poker.I am not very good at hiding what I feel.
Women on Wheels:Azad foundation helps make women car driver
The world over women struggles with career options. Can women be professional chauffeurs? Can they become car drivers on hire? The problem of employment is bigger in the marginalized part of society. Lack of education and lack of family planning makes earning enough money difficult.
What happens when you have migrated from one place to another? What happens when you are not educated, have no skills and have several mouths to feed?
Population control, adult education, and skilling India, all have a role to play. Only the last option will help both in the short term. Women who are from the disadvantaged part of society, work under extraordinary circumstances to earn enough for their family.
Too many mouths and not enough resources make things worse. But how can you help? This is where the work being done by Azad foundation is important.
What is the Azad Foundation doing?
Azad Foundation is a charitable trust in Delhi strives hard to fight, the persistent gender inequalities in India. There is a need for finding non-traditional, safe, high-return earning options, for economically weak women in urban areas.
But is that even possible?
Yes, and they have shown the way!
Women on Wheels is a successful flagship program of the Azad Foundation and Sakha.
Together they helped more than 1600 socio-economically weak women to become employable.
Skilling and employability in the transport industry as chauffeurs paved the way for financial independence.
They have successfully provided safe rides to more than a million women.DTC’s first woman car driver, UN’s first woman driver was all part of the Azad family.
What is nontraditional work for women?
Training women to become drivers,
masons, electricians, plumbers, etc make work options available. Skilled work in a specific, high demand niche can help women make enough income while working with dignity.
To meet the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) you need to include women. The development will only be sustainable if its benefits accrue equally to both women and men, and women’s rights will only become a reality if they are part of broader efforts to protect the planet and ensure that all people can live with dignity and respect”
Now compare the following scenarios :
Shantaben, 45 years old, lives on a pavement in Ahmedabad city. She is an unskilled worker earning as a construction worker. Her life is a struggle every minute. From access to toilets, drinking water, food, childcare, and work.
At 300 rupees per day, she works 18 hours a day at the construction site and at home.She has no energy for anything else.
Somaben, 24 years old, has migrated to Ahmedabad from Banswara, Rajasthan, with her husband and 3 young children. Somaben lives and works in a construction site in
Ahmedabad. The challenging part is, she has a two-month-old, who is at the construction site with her, while she lifts heavy cement loads throughout the day. Let alone child care, she hardly has hardly any toilet breaks.
This is where Azad foundations Women behind Wheels is walking the right path. It is giving women in a marginalized part of society, a chance to get skilled and become professional drivers. A chance to earn a good living and live with dignity.
A few examples:
Shanti is a commercial chauffer with Sakha. Quite and confident she inspires confidence in her clients.
Azad Foundation India-women cab driver Chandni, studied up to the 10th standard and now she is financially independent.
Deepali A determined young woman from Ahmedabad, Deepali has exceeded her life expectations in becoming a professional driver.
The first two stories were vastly different from the last three. The difference is Shanti, Chandni and Deepali are now skilled and have control over their life. Azad foundation helped them get financial azadi.
The Women on Wheels programme started in 2008 in Delhi. Now it reached Jaipur, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Indore.
Who is this programme for?
- Young women
- Aged 18-35years
- Living in slums and resettlement colonies in cities.
- Socioeconomically backward.
- School dropouts.
- Interest to learn
- Hardworking
Women on Wheels programme helps socially excluded females, move from the margins to the mainstream economy.
A few statistics
- 2016-17, 582 women enrolled in Women on Wheels programmes across India.
- 322 women achieving their permanent license, which was a 41% increase on the previous year.
How do Women on Wheel help?
Women on Wheels give technical, self-empowerment and self-development training. It’s a way to learn, how to be a car driver.
Qualified women drivers are enrolled with a partner, Sakha Consulting Wings Pvt Ltd. They help employ female chauffers for Sakha cabs. The goal is to serve women customers with a women car driver in India.
Azad works with both government, business and non-governmental partners to give the highest quality training.
They help trainees get citizenship document.
They help them get accident insurance.
They also help them open a bank account.
They help with uniform and also registering a mobile phone number.
Self-defense, protecting themselves from violence and soft skills for communication and crowd management is also a part of the curriculum.
Testimonials from Women on Wheels alumni are proof of their commendable work.
We can’t do everything all at once. What we can do is, skill those who need our help and who are willing to work for it.
Do you want to help?
Share the story of Azad by sharing this post with your friends and on social media. When women work and earn, can social change be far behind?
Baby Colic Pain: what it is, why it happens and what you can do about it?
No one likes to hear a baby crying. As a mother, you will always want to prevent it and give baby relief as quickly as possible. That’s why you need to know why colic happens and the first steps to prevent and give relief.
How does Hing tummy roll on by Mother sparsh work?
What does Mother Sparsh tummy roll on contain?
How to use Mother sparsh Hing tummy roll on?
When to worry when baby has colic pain?
What is baby colic pain?
Persistent, inconsolable baby crying due to gaseous abdominal distension, mostly in the evening without any other identifiable causes.
Who is at risk of colic pain?
- Poor feeding technique causes aerophagia or excessive air in the stomach and distension.
- Poor burping technique
- Top fed babies
- Mothers having a certain food intolerance, baby may have similar intolerance and may have colic, if diet includes them.
Prevention of baby colic pain & how to soothe baby colic
- Proper feeding technique prevents excessive air being swallowed.
- Proper burping technique helps eject the air which is swallowed during suckling even at a minimal.
- Change of formula in top fed babies in case of lactose intolerance
- In some cases, maternal diet may need changes if the baby is breastfeeding
- Home remedies like the Mother Sparsh Hing tummy roll-on fennel oil or hing oil compress. Read more about Infant Colic: What to do? When to worry?
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How does Hing tummy roll on by Mother Sparsh work?
For baby’s colic pain remedy, Mother Sparsh has developed a Tummy Roll On, which is made up of the combination of different natural oils.
What does it contain?
It contains natural oils Hing Oil, Pudina Oil, Sonth Oil, Saunf Oil, and Sova Oil. The unique combination of 5 Oils helps ease stomach discomfort. The benefit of Hing oil for colic is widely known The presence of fennel oil (Saunf Oil) in this roll on has anti-colic properties which help to reduce stomach bloating, gas and also helps the baby to burp.
Hing or asoefitida is an interesting ingredient in the Indian kitchen. Since ancient times in Indian households, in case of flatulence and distension of the stomach, asafoetida or Hing was dissolved in hot water and a pad of cloth steeped in it was used for fomenting over the abdomen(source). The gum resin and the hing oil has antispasmodic, carminative, laxative, and sedative effects. This method is cumbersome and that’s why the tummy roll-on is a boon and blessing. You can buy it on Amazon
How to use Mother Sparsh Hing tummy roll on?
Apply directly on the stomach around the naval area.
- Relieves Gas Pain: – Hing (Asafoetida) helps to relieve abdominal colic, gas and indigestion. Since it acts locally the baby tolerates it better.
- Skin Friendly Ingredients:- This product does not contain any chemicals. Its suitable for sensitive skin and is also free from alcohol.
- It’s pocket-friendly
- It’s travel-friendly.
- It’s free from preservatives
When to worry when baby has colic?
- Baby not thriving and not gaining weight adequately
- Decreased urine output
- Persistent distension not responding to home remedy
- Not feeding well.
- Home remedies not working
Do not delay and visit your doctor quickly if the baby has any of the above symptoms and not getting relief.
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Tuberculosis:Symptoms,Tests,Treatment #WorldTBday
Tuberculosis is an equalizer. Just like HIV and all the other big scary diseases. During our community medicine classes at Calcutta Medical college, one sir famously said the man driving your AC car is coughing out blood in his handkerchief on the way to your child’s school.
You learn later he has Koch’s disease(Tuberculosis).
What do you do?
So many times in buses trains crowded market place in centrally air-conditioned places you are exposed. You never know. As a doctor, we ask for family history to rule out exposure.
Because Pulmonary Koch’s if sputum positive is highly transmittable. But discrimination will just give the diseases deeper roots.
What should you do?
World TB day is on 24th March.#WorldTBday is a fresh chance of spreading awareness about a treatable disease.his annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB).
The theme of World TB Day 2019 is “It’s TIME” CDC and its partners are working together to eliminate this deadly disease.
What are the common symptoms of TB?
- Fever more than two weeks
- Cough more than two weeks
- Chest pain
- Pain on deep inspiration.
- Blood mixed sputum
- Unexplained sudden weight loss
- Any abnormality in chest Xray
Shocking Tuberculosis stats(Source WHO)
- 1.6 million people die of TB every year.
- 4 out of 10 people are undiagnosed
- It is the top infectious killer disease in the world.
- It kills 4000 people every day worldwide.
- Leading cause of death among HIV infected in the world.
- In India estimated incidence of 28 lakh per year.(Global TB report 2017)
- The incidence of HIV and TB in India 87,000
[bctt tweet=”Any cough more than two weeks with or without producing sputum. Get tested as per WHO guidelines #Healthwealthbridge #EndTB” username=”misra_amrita”]
Chest Xray is not conclusive but additive.
In a country like India, we have all been exposed to the bacteria. The statistics are scary.
Tuberculosis vaccine
BCG at birth protects against miliary Tuberculosis and some protection against meningeal TB.
Transmission of Tuberculosis
Spreads by sneezing, coughing, respiratory droplets. It’s a community disease and needs our support and care.
The Gohn’s foci stay and have a tendency to flare up when your immunity is low, stress and cortisol floods your body.
Lack of awareness is another big problem. Not getting tested in time is scary. Any symptom beyond two weeks needs expert consultation and tests. Tuberculosis can affect any part of your body. Some more dangerous than others.
Tubercular can cause cervical lymphadenitis. It is a type of swellings in the neck not going down with antibiotics and no obvious focus in head neck oral cavity. If not associated with lung infection it may or may not be contagious.
There are excellent drugs to fight TB. You can get them free at Government Hospitals, Medical Colleges, DOTS centers.Drugs can have side effects so get help early.
What makes Tuberculosis worse?
- HIV(Human immunodeficiency virus), coexistent Diabetes and immunity lowering conditions make it a problem.
- Inconsistent medication, not completing treatment makes you at risk and your family too.
- MDR(Multi-drug resistant) TB is a big problem. Incomplete treatment is a factor behind it,
Prevention against Diabetes mellitus to prevent TB bacteria from becoming super powerful
HIV is another condition which prevents TB destruction. In these cases, the classic Tuberculin test is a false negative.
What should you do if you suspect you have TB?
- Get tested quickly
- Take your medicines
- Take precautions not to spread the disease in case of pulmonary TB. Using face masks protects you from other infections (your immunity is lowered)and also protects your loved ones.
- Your ability to fight the disease may be more than an infant or an elderly person.
- After starting drugs, a repeat test of sputum is done at two months(end of intensive phase) to check status. Sputum positive or negative at this stage will decide the next step. Another sputum test is done at the completion of treatment.
Tuberculosis Test
Microbiological confirmation on sputum: All patients who have presumptive TB and who are capable of producing sputum, should undergo a sputum test for rapid microbiological diagnosis of TB.
Chest X-ray as a screening tool: Where available chest X-ray should be used as a screening tool.
Tuberculin skin test: Used as a complementary test along with history, symptoms, signs and radiology.
Cartridge-Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CB NAAT): The CB NAAT knew as the GeneXpert, is the preferred first diagnostic test in children and people with TB and HIV co-infection.
Serological tests for TB are banned and are not recommended for diagnosing TB.
Diagnosis of pulmonary TBUnder (RNTCP) in India
- Involves collection of at least 2 sputum samples (spot & early morning).
- Followed by sputum smear microscopy (both conventional Ziehl-Neelson staining/fluorescent staining)
- AFB culture
- Conventional PCR based line probe assay (LPA for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex)
- Real-time PCR based CB-NAAT.
Tuberculosis Treatment in India RNTCP new guidelines(for Healthcare professionals)(Source)
There are significant changes in the drug regimen in the new guidelines
The principle of treatment shifted towards daily regimen with admin. of daily fixed-dose combination of first-line ATD as per appropriate weight bands
For new TB cases
• Treatment in IP(Intensive phase )will consist of 8 weeks of INH, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol in daily dosages as per four weight bands categories
• There will be no need for an extension of IP
• Only Pyrazinamide will be stopped in CP while the other three drugs will be continued for another 16 weeks as daily dosages.
For previously treated cases
• IP will be of 12 weeks, where injection Streptomycin will be stopped after 8 weeks and the remaining four drugs in daily dosages as per weight band for another 4 weeks
• No need for an extension of IP
• At the start of CP, Pyrazinamide will be stopped while the rest of the drugs will be continued for another 20 weeks as daily dosages.
Management of extra-pulmonary TB (new guidelines)
The CP in both new and previously treated cases may be extended 3–6 months in certain TB such as CNS, skeletal, disseminated TB. This will be based on the clinical decision of the treating physician’s. Extension beyond 3 months will only be on the recommendation of experts of the concerned field.
Listen to the newest episode of my podcast, Healthwealthbridge by Dr.Amrita: Tuberculosis: What you must know to stay safe #WorldTBday
Be aware. Get tested. Get treated on time. It is very important to complete treatment otherwise you have a real risk of suffering a relapse. Multidrug-resistant TB needs awareness. Tuberculosis is curable. It’s time to end the stigma.#Endtb
Watch @misra_amrita‘s broadcast: #WorldTuberculosisDay:Tuberculosis Awareness Dr.Amrita Basu (Misra) was live https://t.co/m64pP5VubM
— DrAmrita Basu Misra (@misra_amrita) March 24, 2019
Disclaimer: I am a qualified medical practitioner sharing healthcare information. But all healthcare information is rapidly evolving and updates if delayed, this website or the author is in no way responsible. Kindly take all healthcare decision after consulting your own doctor.
Central Tuberculosis Division Government of India
Research gate data
Pinterest account suspended:What to do?
Pinterest account suspended? What can you do?
I have been Pinning since the time Pinterest was born. I had a personal account back then and saved everything home decor, gardening and DIY. I was a blog ignorant and was reading a lot of blogs but didn’t know I could write one too.
Then I found Amy Lynn Andrews and started Blogging and Pinterest became a treasured library. In June 2018, one fine day I found my Pinterest account was suspended. The day before I was saving a pin of mine, with a picture of the larynx on fiber-optic laryngoscopy. Back then I knew about Pinterest spamming but not on Pinterest banning. I found out soon enough.
Signing in was not possible. I was getting an error message saying the account couldn’t be found. I was devasted. I was worried and checked their community guidelines. My account had a lot of secret boards, all my home decor pins for the new home and everything I loved on Pinterest. What was I supposed to do?
No one had any experience with Pin account suspension in my social media circle. I was close to tears. I checked my mind for possible mistakes, I may have done. I didn’t find anything specific, except the seven times I saved one pin. Since I had no access to the Pinterest account, I couldn’t check it.
Stage I: severely upset and crying. At a loss for what to do.
Who helped in solving the Pinterest account problem?
1) Google and Tailwind
I searched Google and read everything I could. I read that Pinterest does this sudden spam checks and accounts can be suspended forever. But there was good news. The spam checks are mostly automated and if you have suddenly saved the same pin multiple times at a stretch, you may be caught in the mix. The good news if you are a real person, plus this was your first time and you use Pinterest genuinely with good content, there was hope.
2)Stage 2: Hope
You write to Pinterest and wait for them.
- I filled up a form here. Click on appeals and the appeal account suspension. Then you will receive an email from Pinterest.
- Check the spam folder and reply to the email. This email is crucial.
- Reply to it .Tell them how much you love and appreciate Pinterest and will do everything in your power to keep it as awesome as it is and that you never spam.
- They will do a manual check. If they find and the found the account good and healthy they will reactivate your account.
3)What else did I do?
I wrote to a Tailwind representative and she was kind enough to get back to me, saying she will put in word for me with the Pinterest rep she knew.
Whatever the reason it happened. The account was back. But one problem. I had already made a new account. I had to deactivate that account before I could use this one. Apparently only one account with one website is allowed. But I am happy I learned this thing about Pinterest because since then I have heard about many people have lost their account and never got it back!
What does Pinterest want?
- Original content that adds unique value.
- User-friendly formatting making it easy for people to understand what your pin is about.
- A landing page that matches what’s in the Pin and not click bait.
What doesn’t Pinterest like?
No porn nudity or erotica.
They remove content that physically or sexually exploits people.
They remove images showing violence.
They remove content that displays, rationalizes or encourages suicide, self-injury, eating disorders or substance abuse.
They remove hate speech and discrimination.
They remove content used to sell or buy regulated goods, like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms and other hazardous materials.
They remove accounts that impersonate any person or organization.
They remove harmful advice, disinformation campaigns. Don’t put harmful misinformation on Pinterest. They are strict. They don’t allow advice having a bad effect on pinners health or public safety. If you are not a medical expert, it’s a bad idea to give health and fitness advice in any case.
Promotion of false cures for terminal or chronic illnesses and anti-vaccination advice is strictly dealt with.
Pin how you want others to pin. It’s an amazing platform and making good quality content will help. Please don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest and if you want to be a part of my group boards DM me on Pinterest and we can pin together.