With the new year, we got the news of the new Coronavirus outbreak in China. I am thankful that at least the news was released. Every second matter, when we are fighting healthcare scares.
Looking at the world’s news, one feels a little depressed. So this January thankful post is my mental pick me up.
It was my birthday month and I was pampered.
We started discussing interior plans for our new apartment.It comes after a long delay.
My hydroponic system for growing veggies arrived and we have set it up. The updates will be on the blog soon.
I participated in the Ultimate Blog challenge which was, as usual, a lot of fun. I cant than the UBC team for making our blogs shine. Blogging challenges are a big favorite.
I am glad I enjoy writing and blogging and not just staring at numbers. It makes Googleโs updates bearable.
I am grateful for Ubersuggest for making my life easier. Keyword research with this tool is a blessing.
Thank you Dharamshala for gifting me wonderful memories.
The three picnics I enjoyed with family and friends in January gave me a happy glow.
My book Fruits for life on Amazon Prime Reading ,is making me very happy.
The Saraswati pujo bhog I made was delicious even if I say so myself and I am happy that my mom’s cooking gene is finally revealing itself!
On the health front we are walking and working out every day and thatโs always good news.
My in-laws sent pithey, patishapta and malpua, all seasonal Bengali home-made goodies.
I finished reviewing Company of one and I must say I am a fan.
I visited the local book fair and went shopping at the local nursery. I wrote almost every day and worried some more. At the end of it, all January was very happening and I am trying to plan my February.
- The Enormous pearl heist book review
- Nice Day for Doing nothing plus Audiobook Release!
- How To Know Whether You Can Be A Chef Full Time?
- A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (Review)
- Winter: Things I love (Then andย Now)
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Martha DeMeo says
So many January goals! Congrats on them and also on the blog challenge! I’m looking forward to following your blog between the challenge months and see you in April for the next challenge!!
Julie Jordan Scott - Let's free your words.... (@JulieJordanScot) says
My goodness: you had such a productive month! This is wonderful – I love the book fair and the food from home, and oh – how I love how you continue to move forward with your vision.
Congrats on it all and here’s to an even more exciting future!
Carrie Ann Tripp says
So glad to have met you through the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month!