Floral A Hand lettering #Selfcare
The Parasitic Mind:How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense
The Parasitic Mind:How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense by Gad Saad is a book I read in 2021.I reviewed it on Amazon and then didn’t write about it on the blog.
That was not right.I.should have .But sometimes you are afraid of the selection bias and my husband says I need to come down from my moral high ground.But that’s his opinion,which is great.
Heres mine on a book which can shake loose a lot of “woke” mindsets and give you plenty of food for thought.You may or may not like him,but Gad Saad’s logic stands the test of time.Its 2024 and I still remember what the book talks about.Definitely not for the dinner table and only for those who won’t get emotional and willing to listen to both sides of a story.
This book clears up a lot of the psycho social problems countries are facing today.Outstandingly engaging with a logical narrative.A page turner packed with humour .Serious topics need that extra bit of humour which prevents it from weighing down your mind.
The Parasitic mind is a book by Gad Saad and its not for everyone. Definitely not for those with the Ostrich problem.Also not for those who don’t like analysing data,historical perspective and following logic and common sense.
While the author sums up many challenges issues the modern society faces ,he never lets go of laughing at his own self.
Serious topics need not be weighty.That’s what people tell us.But if you are someone who had a curious mind but don’t want the weight of the world giving you sleepless nights,but you still want to KNOW stuff which the woke keep spouting knowledgeable,then this book is for you.If you were starting to doubt your own sensible thought process and wondering if you are too old for the times,this book deserves a read.You are not alone my friend.
If the problem in UK is anything to go by,then the grooming gangs have honestly tried their best to destroy a generation of school children and if you are a believer in science,logic and the eternal power of the higher power, then Gad Saad helps you truly become Antifragile.
Pros of the book:
Extremely readable.
Tongue in cheek humour.
Highly relevant for our times but is also strangely futuristic.
Just the right length.
Cons:I can’t think of any .Maybe it’s my selection bias
Favourite Quotes from the book
Confucius was correct To know what you know and what you donot know,that is true knowledge.
Gad Saad from the book Parasitic Idea
In a free society, people should be able to analyze such data without accusations of bigotry. That is how we come to the truth.
Gad Saad from the book Parasitic Idea
The more people we have defending our core values the more likely we are to triumph against the enemies of reason.
Gad Saad from the book Parasitic Idea
Official book blurb:
Read this book, strengthen your resolve, and help us all return to reason.” โJORDAN PETERSON
The Westโs commitment to freedom, reason, and true liberalism have become endangered by a series of viral forces in our society today. Renowned host of the popular YouTube show โThe SAAD Truthโ, Dr. Gad Saad exposes how an epidemic of idea pathogens are spreading like a virus and killing common sense in the West. Serving as a powerful follow-up to Jordan Petersonโs book 12 Rules for Life Dr. Saad unpacks what is really happening in progressive safe zones, why we need to be paying more attention to these trends, and what we must do to stop the spread of dangerous thinking. A professor at Concordia University who has witnessed this troubling epidemic first-hand, Dr. Saad dissects a multitude of these concerning forces (corrupt thought patterns, belief systems, attitudes, etc.) that have given rise to a stifling political correctness in our society and how these have created serious consequences that must be remediedโbefore itโs too late.
What I learned as a writer from reading this book?
While writing nonfiction keeping a complete list of references chapter wise can be invaluable for the reader and also for further books in the series.Also don’t be afraid of using big words and writing aboutย complex topics.You just need to break them down to their A,B,C and start from there.T
This is my I blog post for BlogchatterA2Z
Why do I write? Why do I paint? Why make videos or record podcasts? Why work as a Doctor?” Procrastination helps no one,” and my last few year’s Ph.D. in it, didn’t help me find a different answer. Life was a little “blah” in a good way.I was in a rut of sorts. Not wanting to burn out, I still burnt out.
I was starting projects, and just near the end, when the finish line was visible, I stopped trying. Luckily I overcame that with the Voice of Anchor Challenge. Coming third in the first season of Voice of Anchor was a big boost. But it wasn’t an answer to my burnout syndrome.
I was crashing, and not in a good way. The problem with much helpful content is they take too much time to reach the good part. Sometimes people lose steam halfway through courses, webinars, and books that could potentially be life-changing.
The post-pandemic is a different world, and you must create value as a creator first. That’s why I needed to introspect, and for the last month, I was doing just that.
I have a serious case of shiny object syndrome. It’s a problem with art, craft, and tech stuff.I love learning, using, and sharing about my journey.
Creating value with work online is even more important now than before.No one wants the churn.No one wants nonsense redesigned.No one wants to waste time.
Why is the creator economy so much in the news? Why is Made in India, Make in India important? Why should our kids learn to make, think out of the box, and strive for an Entrepreneurial mindset?
Which industries survived the pandemic?
Which ones thrived despite hardships working ethically? How were you affected? All these will give you a reason to think, while you design your life in these times. For me, it’s about counting my blessings, introspection, and sharing what works for me.
As content creators, the first reason we create is for our self.
I am all over the place in 2022, and if Sona of Blogchatter hadn’t reached out, I wouldn’t have written about my journey as a podcast creator and audiobook narrator. Presenting my latest book –
Blurb :
Why podcast as a writer? Why do you need one more headache? What if I tell you it’s your chance to read right into your audience’s ears? Your voice can help you find new readers who would not otherwise find your book. Sharing my journey as a podcaster, author, and artist as I navigate wellness and monetizing after coming third in the Voice of Anchor season one challenge. This quick guide will help you start your podcasting journey without overwhelming you.
Author Bio
I am an ENT surgeon, author, podcaster, and digital content creator.I have been creating content online since 2014. I have published more than ten books on Kindle and just released my first audiobook. Check out my website Healthwealthbridge to know all about me.
Download the book here. You can read a review here.
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The Practice (Book Review)
Practice is all we can control .We become what we do.
Seth Godin
Creativity is always a difficult choice. It’s rarely for the faint-hearted. Thinking about who it is for and for what’s it for will help you make your creative decisions. It’s okay to create for your own self. In fact, your creations should first help you. Only then can it be of service to someone else.
Favorite nuggets from The Practice
- Hope is not the same as reassurance.
- You can learn to learn. Reading takes effort.
- Trust the process
- . Practice demands we make an impact on someone not everyone.
- Desirable difficulty is important if you want to upskill.
- Sign up for days of feeling of incompetence .Unlimited reason to hide our work and only one reason to share it full stop to be of service.
- People rarely criticize the critic.
- Become the best in the world of being you. . Curiosity generosity and connection.
- Art helps us make something better.
Growth connection, service ,daring- Creativity
Bhagvad Geeta
Whether you are an artist, writer,maker entrepreneur, you need to do the work.There’s no short cut.There is no fairy dust.Its just the magic inside you to create. Creating anything is Art and Art has an amazing power of making things better .
When I started writing in 2014 I had no clue. When I started podcasting in 2018 I had little clue and when I started on my watercolor journey in 2020 it was a free fall.
l chanced upon the book The Practice by Seth Godin. Seth in his customary style says if you can’t ship it’s no use to anybody. Basically in the world now going digital, if you are not putting it out there nobody knows that you are doing anything. Even fewer people will care.
Every day when I write or share my painting online, I am not even sure whether it’s worth sharing. I know it’s my journey and I want to encourage that one person who is still afraid. Sometimes a community can come forward to teach each other, even when each of them are still learning.
That’s what the Blogchatter community does. That’s what friends like Tangi do for its creators. If not for supported platforms like these, many content creators like me would feel overwhelmed. Sometimes teaching to learn, is the best way to learn.
Who is this book for?
- Anyone on a creative journey.
- If you are afraid of standing up and share your work.
- If you are waiting to publish that one wonderful book.
- If you have always wanted to share your paintings on Instagram on Pinterest on YouTube or even sell them on at Etsy, this is a book you must read.
- The pandemic project gives me a chance to play with watercolors I haven’t looked back after that to learn .
Create if you ever doubt. Fear no more.Start today and you will be ahead of all those who never started.
There is a reason the medical profession it’s called the practice because no one actually knows everything. The time we are interns with practice what we preach what we read what we learn what we see our teachers do. With painting and drawing it’s a constant practice to different kinds but you do get better very constantly keep on practicing life, after all, is never perfect it’s a work in progress that’s why we need to be our very best alarm at least try to be.
Become the best in the world at being you.
Seth Godin
Get the book now!
This is part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.
Real Artists Don’t Starve (Book Review): 13 Zen Gems
Real Artists Don’t Starve by Jeff Goins is the book all artists must-read. Talking about money is just not polite in many societies. You could wait for the person paying you to talk money and you could end up waiting forever.
But you must be able to support your work or have someone support it. Your day job may be supporting your creative life. Whatever it is, barter won’t work, neither will platitudes. You need real money in the back for your living expense and for supporting family.
Featured post
How is the Health of the Nation: The report is an eye-opener!
It shouldn’t be a one-off, and it definitely must be worth your work.
But why does the starving artist model made so famous? You definitely should create art for art’s sake. But for that, you need to be able to create from a place of zen. Thats, why you need the money from one or more sources coming in. Jeff Goins, doesn’t mince his words, and he is right.
When I work as a writer, I expect to be paid in money.
It’s okay if you can agree with someone’s valuation of your work who wants to give you gift vouchers of shopping sites, including their own. That could work for some people, not for all.
You must know what you need to sustain your work as an artist.
Did you know Michelangelo is one of the world’s wealthiest artists?At the time of his demise ,his estate was worth 35 million dollars in recent money
He definitely didn’t believe in starving.
His work ethic helped him thrive and not starve. The author talks about Paul Torrance and how he believed Creativity could exist in all areas of life. It was a way of thinking which could, if leveraged right, bloom flowers in desserts.
13 Zen Gems from Real Artists Don’t Starve :Rules of the New Renaissance-Principles every thriving Artist live by
- The practice is crucial for becoming an artist.
- You must always be teachable.
- But to learn, you will need patience, perseverance, and humility
- Thriving Artist makes money to make art
- The change starts with mindset.
- As Michaelangelo believed, you can live both a creative life and a prosperous one/Definitely works for me too.
- When you see the current life script doesn’t match the story you want to say, it’s wise to tweak it.
- But Creativity is work, and that must be remembered.
- We believe and practice it till we make it. Thats the spirit of the book,
- Becoming an artist has a lot to do with looking inside your own self. We are never done becoming who we are, and there is a choice to be creative at every turn.
- Grit is a superpower.
- The location of the Artist has a role to play.
- Sometimes our most apparent gifts are hardest to recognize
The thriving Artist understands that the art of making money is as important as making the art itself. Otherwise, it’s unsustainable. The money allows the work to continue. It’s not the reason artists create, but it’s essential. Let no one tell you otherwise.
We are all apprentice s in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.
So should you read the book or not?
Reading the book is a must for all.Because we are all artists in our work and we deserve to get paid!
This is Z for Blogchatter A to Z and Day 1 for UBC.
All my Books are here
- HaystackAnalytics Unveils โTB Oneโ Solution to Strengthen India’s TB Control Efforts #PressRelease #WorldTBDay
- Make Sleep Health a Priority #WorldSleepDay
- WomenโsDay celebration with Oishani at IMA Malda 2025 #AccelerateAction
- Childhood Obesity and Adult life :Powerful Secrets No One Told you
- Womens Wants and Priorities by Lakshmi Anand
Birth of a Unicorn:The Six Basic Steps to Success (Review)
The Birth of a Unicorn is a surprising package. I was intrigued by the author’s bio when I was invited to read an early review copy. The author’s life experiences, tenacity, and ability to work through thick and thin, make this a truly inspiring book. The author being Evernotes first 8 employees was a point that piqued my interest. In fact, she was one of the founder employees, you may say. I am a big fan of Evernote and using it since 2014. We learn from our life experiences, and no lesson is too small. In times like these, this book is a powerful motivator to remember to pray and persist. A must-read for all those who believe in learning by doing.
Birth of a Unicorn: The Six Basic Steps to Success by Heather Wilde is a surprise package.I didn’t know what to expect when I started to areas the book.
Is success as easy as the six steps she describes?
Well, you won’t be surprised if I tell you that you probably already know all the six steps, but dont know how to trust the process. The author talks about her marriage, early struggles with mental health struggles, the twin tower attack, and the struggling American economy. She ends by giving her readers hope.
The world is one big family, and we just need to accept, learn, believe, and persist. The book is not preachy, considering it quite heavy reading parts.
I enjoyed getting a bird eyes view of a successful note-taking cum personal secretary app the Evernote. Thats, the software. I jotted down my notes on the phone. Then opened my laptop to continue writing without emailing myself back and forth /the sync is effortless, and I still have my notes from 2014 on the Evernote app.
When I started blogging in 2014, I saved many articles on Evernote to refer to when I would write later. I never thought about the silent group of people making all this possible. Now I know and am grateful I read this book.
Every journey in life takes you closer to your goals. It’s impossible to know how far you have come until you look back.
Thats why trust your gut and embrace uncertainty.Thats the only way we can have any semblance of peace in life
Learn to know when to let go. What’s suitable for your life now me not be what you need later
To navigate between this need for balance in life, never stop learning, playing, having fun, and your hobbies.
This pandemic is one of the most uncertain times in the recent future. The vaccine is giving us hope, but the world is still wary. The ability to swerve and innovate is crucial. Remember to always remember your contribution. Many times people may underestimate your assistance, but you must remember to appreciate your own self.
Heather talks about how marriages are happy when both partners grow together.
As you go forward in life, you need to make time for yourself, friends, family, hobbies, pets, community, and giving.
When you teach, you are giving back. When you vote, you are giving back. The authors [erspective about how small acts of thoughtfulness and kindness add up is empowering.
About the Author:
Heather Wilde is also known as the Unicorn whisperer. She has worked at multiple Fortune 500 companies making their vision a reality.
This book is a culmination of all that she has learned, It shares a powerful message about learning, growth, companionship, and persistence. How emotional intelligence and critical thinking both are crucial.The importance of work-life balance.How to find your real skills to build a Unicorn team.
My favorite part from the book :
About Growth: Personal growth, Heather says, is possible every moment of our life. Becoming wiser with every learning opportunity is the perfect way to grow forward.
If you want an excellent book to inspire you as you navigate 2021, this is something you must read. Unicorns are human too.
Writing this for BlogchatterAtoZ .This is U .