People like to put other people inboxes.They even put their own self inboxes.All neatly labeled.
When I describe myself, I am aware of the labels and the boxes I am in.What if we don’t put labels?What if we explore and learn?
The only thing my daughter keeps needing is, art copies and those black pens. We seem to run out of both regularly. I used to draw too. But then life happened, and drawing for fun just disappeared. I don’t even remember why, when, or how it happened. It just quietly slipped away from my life. The magic of pencil on paper, the colors bringing it to life all went out like a dream does on waking up.
Then my daughter was born, and she drew all around our house, our walls as far as she could. Her drawing, painting, doodles make up for most of the papers we need to sort regularly. But they give us plenty of smiles too.
The right brain experience has a lot to do with creativity. Its also the source of design thinking. If you have ever wondered whether Right brainers will rule the World, give the podcast a listen.
My daughter’s art teacher used to visit every Saturday. Due to the pandemic that came to a stop. Even with online resources available, certain things for kids are best learned with human contact. That’s why now when there are no teachers, we draw together.
If you flip through the album below, you will see how she is drawing her daily life. I sometimes wish I could pull images out of thin air.

Shop my favourite art stuff here.
7 Things to Inspire the little Artist
Draw with her, because you cannot help her if you can’t help yourself. You may not be an expert; you just need to be there. Drawing with her.
Ask her to draw the stories she tells.
Learn to draw from her
Encourage her creativity and dont focus on whether its anatomically correct or not.
Enjoy her art.
Help her explore different art forms
Take her for nature walks for inspiration
Give her the confidence to create from a place of grace.
Embrace the magic of creativity, because if you’re a parent, you need to believe too.
Stay fascinated with creating art, and dont forget to have fun.
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What art does for a kid’s brain?
Improves cognitive skills , social and emotional development.
Helps develop thinking tools and life skills like pattern recognition.
The effect of drawing on memorization is interesting. When we remove something and its associations, the pictorial representation is far more robust than words. Thats, why a picture is worth a thousand words.
Drawing improves memory by helping make multiple synaptic connections across semantic, visual, and motor aspects of a memory. It’s like having different ways of finding a memory.
The Steiner school of education in Australia believes that art education should be an essential part of learning. That image needs to be used daily to help it create its magic.

I am taking part in the My Friend Alexa Challenge with Blogchatter .
This post is also part of my CauseAchatter initiative with Blogchatter to spread the cause of quality Digital education. Equal opportunity for a better world.
Resource list:
The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall Jeffrey D Wammes , Melissa E Meade, Myra A Fernandes