Things are what you make of them:20 Life Advice for Creative Entrepreneurs is my way of sharing a review and takeaway from a book by Adam J . Kurtz. Today, Paul’s newsletter(from the Ultimate blog challenge) came just then. He asked us to write about inspirations.
I love an opportunity to give Gyan /wisdom to unsuspecting readers from behind the laptop. So here goes. Today’s post is dedicated to the two men I just mentioned in the first part of the blog post. Leave a comment below to tell me your favorite nugget from today’s post.
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I am an ENT surgeon by profession, and that’s how I earn my living. But my blog sustains its own self. I prefer not to mix up money. When I started back in 2014, I was not sure about what makes creativity. I didn’t even know I was moonlighting as a creative entrepreneur.
“Always be connecting the dots”
Sir Richard Branson
If you are using different mediums to express yourself, you are creative. If you are earning money through creative or intellectual work and you have the system, you are a creative entrepreneur.
20 Life Advice Every Creative entrepreneur should know -favorite inspirations from Things are what you make of them
You must believe in yourself. Most of the time, no one else will say they do.
Don’t expect the family to fall over themselves, helping you share your work. It’s a rare event. Be grateful if they do.
Creativity is not effortless; it needs discipline and work.
Don’t let coffee be a crutch. Make it an option.
Creators create.Every day.
A muse stays with a disciplined writer.
Having a plan is not anti-creative
You don’t have to be low, sad, and out of work to be a true creative. Happiness and balance,work great too. This is what Big Magic teaches us too!
Everyone’s work is unique. Find your strength.
Don’t stop. Keep sharing.
The Universe is listening.
The right-brained thinker has a lot to offer.
Science and arts both help create, accept your creativity. The differences are artificial.
Nature will always inspire.
The free flow of creativity happens when you try a little every day.
Walking at least forty minutes every day can uplevel your creative threshold,
The creative artist necessitates you tap into your inner Zen. What you don’t have, you can’t share. So always refill your creative soul.
Listen to your gut.
Your Well-being is crucial for being creative.
Being creative is a choice.

Who should read this book?
If you are a creative person feeling burnout or in need of some inspiration to keep going or start afresh then this book will help you do so with a smile and the much-needed playfulness.
Book Review:
Written in the style of pin-it notes, this book is colorful in both design and word craft.
The author is a master at engaging your attention and advises with humor and empathy. Easy to read, carry, and re-read it’s a good way to get started on the days when you lack motivation. My daughter is an artist and she was eight when she read the book and she loved how colorful and funny it was. So age is no bar when it comes to gifting this book. A must-have book for your home library and a great gift for an artist.