Thursday Tree Love is like Thankfulness.The more you do it, the better it is for your heart and soul.
There’s something about trees which make me happy.
Probably that’s why I end up challenging myself to grow flowers as potted plants, which are almost trees.Like this Bleeding heart.Also known as Glorybower or tropical Bleeding heart.
This species of the Bleeding heart has delicate tendrils which help it grow as a vine.
In a pot up to 3 feet.But in a garden can grow up to 15 feet.It needs partial shade or soft dappled sunlight.That’s why it’s a great houseplant.

How to care for Bleeding heart vine
- Light trimming regularly, helps keep it free from mealy bugs and spider mites.
- You can train it to grow on a trellis and make a pretty canopy.
- It need swell drained soil and grows well as a houseplant in partial shade.
It is a subtropical vine that wraps its tendrils around a trellis or other support. I love it because it has dark green shiny leaves and beautiful crimson and white blooms.
The best part of the flower is the outer white petals.They stay for a very long time after the inner crimson heart falls off.They look so pretty I stare at them and try to find out how they live without their hearts.Have you ever done that?Stare at plants?
Watching pictures of green plants and flowers lower stress.That’s why you should have plant pictures at home even if you can’t have plants.
It works to activate your parasympathetic system .that’s the stress buster part of your nervous system.Nature is great.
Linking up with ThursdayTreeLove hosted by Parul.