If we were having coffee I would tell you my maid is back, after a two months break. The poor dear broke her wrist and was unable to work.
I interviewed one replacement. Her vibe was the type where I was afraid of being given gyaan every other day.
I and hubby are good at managing things even when all hell breaks loose. We may be average, but work gets done here. The focus is on healthy, no fuss tasty food,(air fryer is a big help), with as a little headache as possible.
The replacement maid was not going to be a little headache.
My balcony garden is blooming. Alamunda, bleeding heart, yellow and orange Ixora, pink Musanda, the chilies, all look happy.Birds or some other living being ate my baby watermelon!That made me sad .but then hubby said
[bctt tweet=”Someone ate what you grew from a seed !” username=”misra_amrita”]
That made me happy.
If we were having coffee I would tell you about one of my senior colleagues.A true gentleman and a helpful soul.He went from on-call at the hospital to the ICU battling for his life.Now diagnosed with a serious malignancy.I love my profession, it’s difficult to be a doctor otherwise.But the problem health care is facing is deep rooted.
In the mess of expectations and political lies, the truth of abysmal lack of human resources, drugs, expertise all becomes a khichdi.
Passing the baton of responsibility to the end service provider(in this case the doctor), shows the lack of goodwill and transparency, of the people in power.Oh yes, if we were having coffee, I would bore you with all this info too!
On a lighter note…
This is the season of Ilish, so if we were having coffee, I would tell you about the fresh fish delicacy I had for my lunch.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you about the Silk my hubby has hidden from me.
If we were having coffee I would tell you about my daughter’s dance function and how cute she looked. If we were having coffee I would tell you about Tooth Fairy visiting us with gifts!
If we were having coffee I would tell you about the tug at my heart string every time I see a loved one choosing their headaches.

If we were having coffee you would know, about my love for tea and my coffee need when I write.If we were having coffee I would tell you I finished the writing bravely challenge by Write tribe. Seven days daily blogging on prompts.It was the best experience of daily blogging I had!
If we were having coffee I would tell you…
[bctt tweet=”Only two ways to live… One is as though nothing is a miracle.. other everything is a miracle – Einstein” username=”misra_amrita”]