Will you lose weight?
- Lifting heavy weights will make you bulky.
- It’s bad for your joints
- When you have muscle if you stop lifting it will become fat.
- You will lose your femininity.
10 Truths about strength training for women:
- Make you stronger
- Make you healthier.
- Make you toned.
- Helps you lose weight even when you are not exercising.
- Boosts your BMR
- A quick way to get rid of your blues and increase endorphins.
- Helps control attacks of anxiety depression and mood swings
- Decreases stress
- Sleep quality improved
- Stronger heart
Should men and women lift different weights?
So why do women heavy lifters look so big?

Start lifting heavy weights .Lift everything. The stronger you are the better you will feel.The more confident you will be.
But it’s important to talk to your brain.Because exercise has a lot to do with your mind. What makes you happy?
Are you ready to make a change be stronger?
Tell me , do you do like strength training .Comment below and let me know.
Disclaimer: This is meant to promote awareness about healthy lifestyle and necessity for exercise.This is not a blanket recommendation for all.It is advisable to consult your own doctor before starting any new exercise program.