No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” – Cinderella
This is something I believed in wholeheartedly. Then one day I realized it had a small corollary, a hidden subtext, an underlying clause which you must know. Today it’s almost a year since I discovered this truth.B y sticking it to the front of my brain, I have avoided some epic mistakes. Today I will be sharing with you my wishing secrets.
15 Secrets No one Told you about Making Wishes
#1 When you wish you must always wish in the positive.
#2 When you wish make it from a place of truth. Never lie to yourself. It’s not a good life strategy.
#3 When you wish, make it about you, your life, your actions.If your wish is about how someone else might act or do it may or may not happen. It depends on whether the primary person wishes for the same or not.
#4 Never wish when you are angry.

#5 If you persist with positivity it’s great for your immunity.
- It fights age-related health problems.
- It prevents depression and mood swings.
- It prevents stress-related health disorders,
#6 When you are positive, you attract similar people in your life. Being positive helps you find positive friends and being around positive people, helps you channel optimism. It’s a win-win for everyone.
#7 When things get dark you don’t give up. But persist. Fairy tales taught us just that.
#8 Ageing and health, positive emotions and well-being are all connected. The sooner you know this the better it is for you. Practice a hobby, learn new things, Garden, sing, draw, write whatever makes your reserve of positivity full, must be actively practiced,
#9 If you see yourself indulge in negativity and negative discussion, ask yourself these questions.
- Is it helping me now?
- Is it helping anyone?
- Is it giving me peace of mind?
- Will this make me money or prevent me from making a bad money choice? Important question.
#10 Emotional resilience is the basis of a happy life. Ups and downs come in life. The trick is to stay stable.
#11 Practicing positive belief, enhances wellbeing. That is an important part of holistic treatment, in almost all spheres of medical science. Only medicines will not work until you channel hope and positive thoughts in the treatment process. That’s called patient factors and is as important, as everything else. There is a lot of research being done on the physiological effects of optimism.
12 While making a wish you need to focus. No other thoughts must enter your mind.
13. Think and Grow Rich has a lot going for it still!
14. Positive thinking doesn’t mean it will be easy. It just means the journey will be more pleasant. The hard work still needs to be done.
#15 Psychoneuroimmunology is an interesting research area, which studies the relationship between optimism, health, immunity, success and whether clear correlations can be drawn.
[bctt tweet=”If the question is whether optimism is a good thing or a bad thing? The answer is a profound Yes! #writebravely #Healthwealthbridge” username=”misra_amrita”]
Remember Celine Dion’s song? Love comes to those who believe. Success and happiness reach those who believe and work for it too. That’s the way it is.
Other posts in this Challenge :
On Education:
Distance education: Learn from the past.
On Emotional health and wellness:
13 Warrior Tips to Slay Naysayers
13 Secrets No One Tells you about Adversity
15 Secrets No one Told you about Making Wishes
Write Tribe
The Health Significance of Positive Emotions in Adulthood and Later Life
Anthony D. Ong,1 Daniel K. Mroczek,2 and Catherine Riffin1
Well-being, positivity and mental health: an introduction to the special issue.
MacLeod AK1
Optimism and immunity: Do positive thoughts always lead to positive effects?
Suzanne C. Segerstrom*