When I started writing three and a half years back people asked me about the wealth part of healthwealthbridge.com.It’s, not something I talk a lot about. But I feel two common worries common to people all over the world is health and wealth challenges. That’s why when I share a story of an entrepreneur, a blogger, a writer, I am sharing with you the secret various way you can invite wealth into your life without a headache. This doesn’t mean I am saying its going to be easy making money writing or blogging or starting a business Its going to be very difficult. But its possible.Thats why people like you and me who want to work hard and learn to have hope.
On my Blog today I have one such woman who writes and blogs the way you and I breathe.
Romila of Novemberschild.com.Her new book midnight Musings is just out and you must read my review here.
Why did you want to write a book?
Just like riding a bicycle, writing a book is a skill that you can master with focused practice and repetition. Before I started writing books, I never considered myself to be a sellable author. For me writing a book is the fastest way to gain credibility, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and build a professional reputation. It can also be used as a promotional item and marketing tool for your business.
It provides an opportunity for to write and publish something on a subject that is important and that you will have for the rest of your life. You can express your creativity while sharing your message with others. Chances are if you are passionate about a certain subject, other people are too. And by writing a book about that subject, you can help others in their own lives and, in turn, help yourself achieve a more fulfilled life.
- What is this book about?
Midnight Musings is my 4th book- 2nd poetry attempt and first in Haiku. I am happy to call myself a successful poetess. I experimented with Haiku and I am happy with the result. I wrote haiku because I love noticing what’s going on around me and within me. I feel each day offers gifts of insight and moments worthy of contemplation which I tried to bring it alive through my poems. All the haiku’s I wrote happened between 12 am – 2 am. I write during nights. Every poem has a story behind it. It took me more than 62 nights to write them and all these nights have been special for me.
The most challenging bit was handling Haiku with alphabets Q-X-Z. As always self-brainstorming session helped me crack that challenge.
Who helped you write the book?
Youtube and Google. Every book of mine has been my own hard work and I usually don’t take anyone’s help in content or editing, but for designing/technical things I do seek help.
- Tell me a little about your writing habits. (How many hours a day, how do you proofread, edit, format to help those who are inspired by you.)
I don’t really have a method to the way in which I write, I tend to just write when I feel inspired. I think that’s the best way to really connect to your material, and go on a journey with your words. And unless I am writing for others, I prefer to not outline explicitly. There’s something about entering the unknown in writing that is an important part of the creative process for me. Once I feel satisfied I hit publish and share the post.
I proofread it myself and also edit/format and everything. By chance after publishing if someone points out any mistakes, I do re-read and make the changes immediately. I help each and everyone who is inspired by me and who is not inspired by me. Off late, I have realized people have started to hate me a lot than before ( hate messages/tweets/group DM bitching) and the irony is these people come to me for help and I do my best for them without any grudges/hatred.

Tell me a little about your background. Your story
I began blogging in 2004, anonymously with a couple of experimenting pen names, till I zeroed in Novemberschild. Since then till today I have set up and edited many blogs, managed online communities and blogged professionally. My writing has developed from personal musings to social issues, reviews, creative writing and digital content for businesses and more.
14 years I have been in the Blogosphere, and over the time, I have been christened with many nicknames by co-bloggers and friends – Blogging Queen, VIP Blogger, Veteran Blogger and many more. I was for sure one of the earliest users of the Indian digital space who was loyal to Yahoo for 7 years and has been more loyal to Google (Gmail & other products) since 2005. I’ve been writing since the year 1996 – prose, poetry, stories, and articles. This blog proves the unconditional love that I have for writing.
Born in Delhi, living in Hyderabad, I am a perfect mix of both the North-South cultures. I have a Doctorate degree along with few other 5-6 degrees in different subjects. I write about topics as assorted as art, relationships, style, pop culture, genders and writing (as an expertise). I have been featured in many websites/blogs not just as a Blogger but that as a Writer, Editor, Author, and Brand Consultant. My content is globally on many platforms in form of updates, blog posts, guest notes, and photographs. Professionally I help brands to promote themselves on social media and digital platforms through hosting chats/developing website content.
Do you think this has helped you write?
Yes definitely. Every step I took as a budding writer until today has helped me a lot.
- When you started blogging did you have a plan of writing a book?
No, I never had any intentions of writing a book when I started blogging. It happened in 2016 and I am bitten by the bug of writing books and I want to write at least 10 of them.
What about Blogchatter EBook Carnival? What is your favorite part?
In 2017 I was a part of this carnival and it helped me making my ebook famous and I got really amazing reviews. Off course reading reviews from other bloggers is the best part. In 2018 I am not part of this as carnival but still, I picked up 5 books.
Your favorite quote?
“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.”
—Samuel Johnson
Did you have a launch plan?
No. I launched my first ebook without any plan, it just happened and now I have better marketing strategies which helped in my 2nd, 3rd and 4th ebooks success.
How happy are you with this milestone?
Yes. I am very happy with the way my blog, writing career, and books have reached the milestone and the result has been very encouraging and positive.
Tell me about your future plans and goals?
To write more books, more blog posts, more articles. I want to just keep on writing.
One wish you have for your journey as a writer.
Wish one of the books turn into a best seller!
Read my Book Reviews