[bctt tweet=”Is it correct to always convert a passion into a profession? Does this destroy the essence of blogging? Must earning money be the final aim of blogging? #EarnThroughBlogging” #Indispire @Indibloggerย username=”misra_amrita”]
This was too good. I just couldnโt resist voting for this one. The eternal question. Is money worth it? I am a doctor and a teacher in a Medical College. I started writing with a purpose. But money was not the purpose. But whatever I do, I always try to make it self-sufficient. While my other profession helped me start the blog, I am happy to say its self-sufficient now. Indiblogger was the first platform, which by sending me a gift voucher of Rs 1000, two and a half years back, made me believe the potential a digital platform has.
My time is valuable. My blog doesnโt run on air and I need money to maintain hosting, domain and wi-fi and some other costs. So I aim to #Earn through blogging, but on my own terms.
The best professions in the world are the ones where your passion helps you support itself. That’s the story with me being a doctor and a blogger.I donโt promote alcohol, smoking, non-family friendly content or controversial treatments I try to share my knowledge and professional skills to make something which is helpful. If the Universe wants me to earn something on the way thatโs perfect.
Goddess Laxmi is not just wealth it’s also good fortune. So if you want to earn through blogging no harm. Focus on good work and you will find a way, but not the other way around. Goddess Laxmi and Mata Saraswati are sisters for a reason. If you can use your education to help others, it will help you be blessed by Laxmi.I am a big believer in a self-sustaining venture. Just writing on the blog is not a money minting plan. The money comes in different ways depending on multiple variables. If you donโt feel earning through blogging is good you will notย earnย through it. It’s a simple mindset. Ask yourself one question
What is the harm in earning through blogging?
If Indiblogger didn’t have a monetization plan, could this platform be possible? You know the answer to that. Earning and money by herself is faultless, theย problem lies in the how and mindset. Write like an angel and always be blessed by good fortune, that is my wish for you!
For this Sunday the two books, I revised are very relevant.
The Trick toย Money is having someย
Comment below to let me know your thoughts about making money the nice way!
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I like your phrase of blogging on your terms. I started blogging as a way to express my creative side but it canโt be a little expensive. I occasionally get paid to do the things I love. Iโve found that when your made purpose is money itโs the joy and purpose of blogging
It is wonderful when you can convert a passion into a profession . I started blogging really as a means of expression . I have not earned anything from it really but it is something I love to do . I think like with most things you have to lead with love and let things grow from there .
Oh yes, it starts with love !
Marvelous consciousness, my dear. ????????????When it comes to any endeavor, sustainability is always a win. Thanks for sharing your journey in such a genuine and positive way. โค๏ธ Evelyn, PathofPresence
That’s true.Thank you.
I love your philosophy – there’s this mindset in the creative world that we should create just for the sake of creating with no thought of money, but the reality is, we live in a world where money is required to sustain ourselves. And I agree with you, if we are creating something of value to help other people, why shouldn’t we be rewarded for our efforts? Why should blogging be any different than plumbing or fixing a car? I think the critical shift is seeing our writing as something of value.
Yes we are creating something of value and the Universe agrees!
I wish I could only blog without the thought of compensation but it’s very time consuming and I need to earn a living!
I began blogging to share our unique lifestyle by being a military family and just a way to update friends and family without having to post on Facebook. I wanted a platform of my own. At one point, I dipped my toes on monetizing, but it didn’t necessarily last long because that was never my main purpose. However, in the near future, when my blog takes off, I’ll probably try it again.
I believe we need to do what makes our souls happy .Right?
Hei Amrita,
A nice write-up. However, if you ask me, I would say, it all depends on the need of the hour, I would say. If you have a main job that pays you handsomely and you don’t depend on the income from your blog, you can focus on the quality of the blog first. But, if you are starting a blog to make money out of it, in the first place, then you have to focus on monetizing it from day 1. It also depends on how much time you have at your disposal. Blogging used to be just writing stuff and people coming to your blog automatically. Now, it is no more so. Blogging doesn’t mean just writing anymore. Blogging means writing, being active in one or more social media, knowing how to convert your readers into your subscribers, writing sales copies that convert your subscribers into customers and networking with like-minded individuals and profiting from their knowledge and skills as well.
Very true. A systematic viewpoint and insight into own expectations from blog and life is needed!
I have wanted to earn through my blog as I have been a homemaker for so long now and wished to earn. So, when I saw others doing it, I decided to take the plunge, too. And, that’s why I made mine a health blog. I know I have some way to go before things start working for me. Sharing what I know about health care, food and nutrition is the way to share something good and so I know that someday it will pay me back in some way or the other.
That’s a very good way to start.An aim to help others is the best way to go forward in life.
I think of blogging as a hobbie any money I make is a bonus.
My goal when I blog is to help others live a happier and more fulfilling life, at the same time, my life is improved thru what I learn as I write and what I learn from others who respond to my posts . It’s a two way street! Hopefully the site will become self sufficient monetarily but it is not my motivating factor for starting or continuing to blog.
I have never earned a cent from my blog. (OK. Maybe some of the blog readers have purchased my books- but I have no indication one way or the other.) Does it bother me? Not generally, but every once in a while, I postulate what it would feel like if I did.
Though I’m not thinking about monetizing my blog right now but this post is wonderful. Do you have any post on time management by the way? ๐ You’re donning so many hats and that’s amazing.
Thanks Jheelam.Its a fun life experiment.Maybe one day I will write that post!
So true….writing emanates from one’s passion and to monetize a blog is ones own choice,while earning prize vouchers really fuels your inspiration for writing.
Thats true!
Very logical and honest write up. Nice take on the prompt.
Thanks Jyotirmoy
Great post on Blogging.
Quite true. Goddess Laxmi and Goddess Saraswati are indeed sisters and so whereever there are elements of creative involvement, money cannot remain far for long. It is all a matter of ‘mindset’ as you say. Loved your post.
Arvind Passey
Thanks, Arvind. Loved the prompt.