The Eternal Question: Blogging or Vlogging? What willย survive the test of time? Life death and everything in between is a myth. This life you see, has a past, present, future all running in parallel worlds. Truth and false all seems to be relative and so are Doomsday theories.
At least for me. With the digital world, the whole world is yours. But you must accept and adapt. Change some and still do the old things which work. Why have set rules and notions which don’t work? Instead, do more of what works for you and less of those that donโt! Print, video, blog everything in this world, will survive the test of time, if it’s useful. See, I didnโt use the word Quality. Because that can be paralyzing.A fear of not being good enough.
But useful, you can always be. Some people like reading some watching moving videos and some like listening, to cut down on digital screen time. You focus on what you want.Y ou focus on what you need to do. You focus on your plan, to make this world a little better. Thatโs when you will realize video, blogs, and print media only that which is useful and relatable survive!
[bctt tweet=”Useful and relatable are sustainable! #Writingwillsurvive” #amwritingย username=”misra_amrita”]
My preference:
I love reading paperbacks, but my Kindle is perfect for reading anywhere! I buy digital and paperback versions of same books, if I want it as a family treasure, The Go-Giver and the Faraway tree series are two such. I like to watch videos to understand tech stuff, courtroom dramas on Amazon Prime, gardening tips and home decor how toโs. I enjoy speed reading blog posts when I have no time to watch videos. I also remember better when I read.
So for me, Text blogging is going to stay.
But should there be more options? My question is why not? On my own blog, I always like to explore options to reach more people. Just like my blog helped me reach more people than just those whom I met physically, Videos could increase the reach even more. Telehealth, tele-education, text blogging video, podcasting whatever it takes, I am willing to try them all. If it comes to making a difference, the medium is important. But people are different, so one medium fits all, may not work.
[bctt tweet=”When its a choice between good things, I choose both. What do you choose?#Healthwealthbridge ” username=”misra_amrita”]
Exciting topic whats your views on this?
[bctt tweet=”When someone asks: ‘Are videos going to kill text blogging?’ Will you say: ‘Has the television killed print media journalism?’ So, is the written word doomed?@arvindpassey #Indispire #WritingWillSurvive” username=”misra_amrita”]