Blogging journey
Why we started Super Blogger Challenge :Backstory #SuperBloggerChallenge
Did you sign up? If you didn’t,ย register now!
Super Blogger challenge is not just any challenge. Its one big adrenaline rush.Its a sure shot method of beating those Alzheimer’s plaque (at least mine) and its a definite way of making friends like never before. I have never met Dr.Bushra in person and we have been working together for the last two years.
That’s the power of blogging
Fun fact
We are both blogging from small towns and big cities depending on our professional work commitment and we are full-time Doctors! That makes us super crazy to even start this.B ut what’s life if not challenging?
This challenge is conceptualized and hosted by Dr.Bushra and myself. This is the second season and Iย we are so excited, that we can’t sit still!
If this is your first time, then go throughย the tips shared by the Super Blogger Challengers of 2018 posts about the challenge will help you understand what this is about.
4 years back when I started blogging I knew no one in the Indian Blogging scene. Then I stumbled upon Indiblogger and Blogchatter both amazing platforms for bloggers to find friends and grow together.
But I remembered the time back in 2014 when I was blogging in a vacuum and felt lost. I wished there was someone who showed me how they were doing it so that I could find my own way. Blogging has a different purpose for everyone. Why I blog is different from why you do.
But if you have a blog and you are sharing content online you are spending time and money.
Time is precious and limited.Make it count.
Even if its a free WordPress blog data is not free. So your does have a financial investment whether you accept it or not.
Why am I telling you this? Because if you are serious about Blogging it needs to be self-sustaining
Thatโs what we teach you during Super Blogger Challenge.
Do you have a blog? Thatโs great!
Is anyone reading it? Thatโs where we come in. During the next 30 days, we will share our insights about blogging and take you on a journey with us. Hopefully, this will make all our blogs stronger and better.T he best part is you will win prizes.
How much and how many will depend on your efforts.
Last year was fun. This year it’s going to be even better.
Instacuppa is our official sponsor. That means we definitely have to support them too. Use the hashtag #Superbloggerchallenge and #Instacuppa on all social media.
Super Blogger academy 2.0 by Dr.Amrita
What can you expect from theย Super Blogger Challenge?
Read the Terms and Conditions.
Register here.
Super tips to Ace Super Blogger Challenge 2019
Linky opens at 7 pm on 07.02.2019
From next week onwards it will open every Thursday at 12.01 am (midnight)
Super Blogger Challenge 2019 Quick rules (Read Full Terms and Conditions)
This will run for 4 weeks thatย is from 12:01 AM IST on 7th February 2019 to 11:59 PM IST on 7th March 2019.
- One week will be count fromย Thursday to Wednesday.
- You have to write one Blog post every week. You can choose from our Topic ideas or can take your own ideas.
- You can draft your post with givenย Blog postย content ideasย or as per your wish. Please notice you must write every week and link up on time to be eligible for the prizes.
We will be giving you aย sudden promptย too in theย 2nd week.ย That is to test your response to sudden writing events you may have an opportunity to write for.
Your work this week
1) My Blog postย contentideas andd tutorial will be revealedย soon!
Read it, draft your posts on the given prompts or as per your choice.
If you have any queries mail at or on WhatsApp
3)Updateย this formย
4)Linky will be open from 7th Feb 2019,ย 7:00 PMย on this page.
5)Readingย includesย Commenting on all hosts blogsย is mandatory as soon as you post your blog on linky. Feel free to read as many or as little as you wish. Reading is a necessary part of growing as a writer, so itโs your call.
6)ย Sharingย all theย blog postย of theย weekly linkyย usingย hashtag #SuperBloggerChallenge #Instacuppaย is compulsory on Twitter.
7) Share your blog post using hashtagย #
8 )Watch the Videos we send. It will help you understand the why behindย this challenge better.
9) Participants have to add this mandatory note at the end of the article:
โNote: This article is written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge2019 conducted,ย Alla
10) Participants Must share their own and other posts, using the hashtag:ย #
Super tips to Ace Super Blogger Challenge 2019
Super Blogger Challenge is back. It’s bigger better and even more exciting. We have one very important rule. You must have fun blogging during this challenge!
Life and work are hard enough, let’s make this fun.Come join us for the Super Blogger Challenge! Register here!
FAQ Super Blogger Challenge
How to get most engagement?
The earlier you link up in the linky the bigger is your chance to do well in this challenge.
Why should you comment on other people’s posts?
It’s a great way to advertise your own blog on other people’s websites and also spread goodwill
You find amazing blogs to follow
Why should you even register for the SBC challenge?
Dr.Bushra and I are happy to tell you it helps your blog
We share tips with our Super Blogger challengers only here during the challenge.
I also share in my ebooks but this is where we can talk and exchange ideas.
Super Blogger Challenge
Is it very difficult?
Depends on you. If youย have a strategy, it will be easy.
If you want to learn with us, it will be easy.
If you are open to new experiences it will be easy.
If you want to have fun; it will be easy.
Will you win?
Yes.But only if you work hard and wish harder.Because we have seen in the last challenge that wishes come true. Now register for the challenge and make a wish
Why Super Blogger challenge is great fun?
- It pushes you to think strategically and challenge your brain.
- It means you have to work with people. That’s always great for your EQ(emotional quotient).
- It means you will become moderately famous.That’s always a good side effect.
- It means you could win big.No complaints about that!
- It means you get to join us on our journey. The journey is the best fun.
- It means you can challenge the winners of 2018 or if you were a winner repeat the wins. Looking for strong competition.
Can you do this? Isย it your thing?
Why do we do this?
- It’s a chance to read some amazing blogs.
- Make new friends.
- Spread some of the hope we found blogging.
- Mostly to give back to the community.
How do we learn best? Carrot or the Stick?
That’s why SBC will have some amazing prizes which we will as you know reveal slowly over the next few weeks. The prize money increases with your energy level and commitment.
It decreases with…. I hope nothing!
Can you bear the suspense?
Come join us for the Super Blogger Challenge! Register here!
Seth Godin is right :Don’t shave the yak! #Freebook
If you know a blogger or anyone with a mile long to do list, please read this post onย shaving the yak. Seth’s blog is a treasure trove of rare wisdom and this post is a classic. If you want productivity tips and finding the right way to market, then Seth Godin’sย ย blog is a must-read.
What’s Yak shaving?
It’s a classic description of the long-winded process of doing several tedious steps to finally start doing the actual focus work.
In order to start crocheting, you will need to get the wool and the crochet needle. Then see the videos on YouTube, find the perfect design, then start the hobby.
When you want to write that one book, start that home business, it’s the research that bogs you down. You never get it done. When you want to decorate the kitchen, the clutter destroys your creative thinking.
When you want to write that blog post, a random email wanting to give you twenty dollars for a sponsored guest post drives you up the wall. While it’s impossible to totally ignore the yak, what you can do is read the post and recognize the “Yak alert!”
Changes I want to make in 2019
I am at a point in my life, where I am unable to do anything which bores me to tears. I need it to challenge my brain or my skills. I need to love it or have fun learning it.
This is why I loved writing my book on Probiotic food. It is a topic I research a lot about. Probiotics, I personally use. Something I have asked my patients to include in diet and they were helped! The best part, it’s available naturally in the right food.
By finding the topic which I was already ahead in research, the work got done quickly. Just not going to try shaving the yak. Been there, done that. It’s not working! What I don’t want to do is, waste my time boring myself.
Free Book for the Health Conscious
Just want to give a heads up. This book is free to download from 19th January till 20th Januaryย 23.59pm PST andย on 23rd January again in honor of Netaji’s pre-birthdayย celebration on the Great Indian festival on Amazon.
Download Freeย 19th January, 20th Januaryย & on 23rd January
Listen to my podcast about Probiotics for a quick overview to live life healthier. Whether you need
A few days back someone called me up about a totally awesome app, which is the next best thing. They just wanted to promote me.Is there a catch? Yes, there is. I just need to promote them everywhere. In exchange, they will promote MEย everywhere.ย It’s that simple. Will this involve any payment? Not in material terms. But it will be an amazing experience and will make me a household name.
Hmm. I was left wondering. Do I want to be a household name? What or who is a household name? Did I start writing because that was the aim? Do I have the potential to be a coffee, chocolate, Nirma washing powder or Vicky Kaushal? That isn’t what I want!
Thus I totally neglected the wonderful opportunity for free (though questionable) publicity. That was going to need shaving the yak for publicity.Do what makes you shine. Inside out. This weekend I am visiting the book fair. That’s a bookworms idea of Disneyland. Are you doing something fun or after that Yak again?
Should you leave Social Media when you are writing?
Is leaving the social media the right step for those who wish to focus on writing?
Must writers stop interacting even in life? #GoodWriting
Such an interesting question, that I wrote in the middle of the night.
While I love people, interactions with the wrong sort make me feel drained. Social media or life both I feel needs to be screened for quality content. As a writer, we are in a unique space. Everything anything we see or experience may be food for thought.
But for these thoughts to make words on paper I need aย calm inner and outer space. With the increasing noise pollution, I often dream of a soundproof library, like in Medical college, where talking was prohibited. Forced seclusion makes your mind free to look inwards and converse with yourself. If you do this its easy to write and thoughts flow onto paper or the keyboard.
Before I started writing, I always felt strange sense of unease when I had to spend time at meaningless social events. Now the definition of meaningless varies, but Iย have made a pact with myself to ditch all efforts of trying to fit in. If God wanted me to fit in, he would have made me someone else.
Thatโs why I find so much pleasure in writing. While who reads depends on a lot of factors, writing is like a friend. It’s like my fingers and brain talk to each other. I ย like listening to songs on loops, to keep me focussed. But that’s not a distraction. Music helps me focus better.
Books and Blogs: Distraction or Fertilizer?
Reading books or blogs are not noise or distractions, but much needed. It’s not only the basic tools of the trade (as Mr.King famously said) but is very important for me to be happy. Reading is like breathing for me. I canโt, not read. I read everything. I think the single most important habit which has always helped me is my ability to read a lot. My mills and boons, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie’s, Perry Mason.Byomkesh, Satyajit Ray, Rabindranath Tagore, and my nonfiction friends. All these have helped me find my writing space.
How reading well helps you write
Anyone who has difficulty reading and wants to write will face challenges. The challenge is a little bit technical and also the ability to tell stories and replenishing stores. It’s not impossible but difficult to write when you have no inner compass, no inner library of stories and words. I am not talking about casual reading but well thought our reading habit to make books your friends and mentors. Because everything that has happened, will happen is already in the books. If you are not reading you miss seeing the rainbow in your mind, you miss your herd of unicorns, and the Patronus never appears. So dear friend if you want to write from the heart, donโt ever stop reading for the heart.
5 Things which will help you write
Stop the distractions. Cut them loose; you have only sixteen hours in a day to be productive. If you are juggling a job, have a family and writing, that comes down to a maximum two hours of writing a day. Make it count.
Increase your typing speed. While you may take a typing class and learn speed typing, the main thing here is typing while the words flow. For that, you need to think, write, repeat, time yourself and most importantly, focus. When you write you canโt list the must buy on Amazon Great Indian Festival and you definitely can’t be planning your dinner menu. When you write you must be one with your fingers and the keyboard, your eyes, and your mind.
DO NOT EDIT while writing. It will slow you down. But editing must be done.
To write well, you must try to live well. Health and wellness in daily living are important for everything. Look deep inside, be authentic about your experiences, hopes, fears, and dreams. Until you break down your inner shackles, the word refuses to flow if you love chocolates and write about hating chocolate, it’s not going to be easy!
Writing every day, helps me write โ There’sโ no two ways about it.
What you write reaches your readers. They find a connection. That aha moment, when they know, someone else in this world thinks like them. For that to happen, writing needs to be from the heart. To write like that, you must read books where the authors have felt this connection with their inner soul and higher power. Now, which books make you feel that way only you can find.
Writing is a journey to self-discovery. Everything else is delicious bonuses along the way. Whatever the destination enjoy the ride and keep writing.
Soย is leaving the social media the right step for those who wish to focus on writing? It’s a yes for me!
DesignCap Poster & Flyer maker:Create Beautiful Posters,Flyers Quickly,Easily for Free
If you are a one-woman/man business and need help with making flyers and posters, what do you do? You can try Canva, Microsoft word, Microsoft power point or a simple Poster maker from Designcap.
Their simple website interface prevents overwhelm and distraction when you get work done. I love Canva both on my Phone and on the laptop. But sometimes whenย Canva acts up and I am rushed for time I use the Designcap Poster and flyer maker for making quick promotional creative.
There are many good templates for posters and flyers. You will be spoiled for choice.
Key features of DesignCap:
- Hundreds of poster and flyer templates available.
- Thousands of resources: clipart images, shapes, fonts, and backgroundsย for your design needs.
- Fully customizable:ย You can make your unique poster and flyer. Each of the templates is customizable to the last itty bitty part and your creativity can take wings.
- Convenient and quick: no download or registration required. Since no download or registration needed, you never have to remember the password or sign in.
- Images can be saved as JPG or PNG.
- You are in a dedicated place for designing posters and Flyers, so don’t need to think deeply about how it will look like a poster orย flyer! There is no chance of you using the wrong template or size.
Cons of DesignCap Poster & Flyer Maker
You need an internet connection
There is no phone app. I like using both versions of software if they are available to check for comfort and reusing previous work.
Since no registration, it also means your work is not saved on the site.
I couldnโt find an undo button. If it’s there, I don’t know how I missed it.
I could only write on the text box after double clicking. Single clicks don’t work.No walkthrough video for the site. May help first-timers.
Graphic designed with DesignCaph
Concluding thoughts
Basic flyer and poster maker. I like fully featured sites with more than just the ABC s. But saying that sometimes when bandwidth is an issue Canva can create a major headache. That’sย when this can help. Point to note, if it’s a Canva challenger, it has miles to go.
Healthwealthbridge Score :3 /5
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