I have always made resolutions .But not really very detailed ones.Just difficult ones.
It has come to such a state, that there are some resolutions, which I have repeated since some years.
But ย that doesn’t make ย me ย give up on them .Rather I believe I am like my resolutions .A work in progress.If I don’t give up it will get done or at least I am an improved version of what I was.
Like I really want to stop speaking my mind.A childhood behavioural challenge ย that I just can’t seem to give up.But I am better than my ย 6 years old self or for that matter when I was 16 .
Believe me I try .Every moment of every day I try.But when the moment comes to hold my tongue,seven times out of 10 my tongue wins.It’s disheartening.
My hubby insists that I really need ย to work on this more.
Stop ย giving people unsolicited ย advice.
This one I am proud to say is turning out better .A close cousin of number 1 resolution ย I can control this impulse five out of 10 times.
Suffering anxiety attacks during night duties .This again is betterย (better is my favourite word).It’s avoidable specially when I distract myself.So again five out of ten.
Stop eating ice cream ,avoid sugar and highly salted food .Avoid chocolate.
The last one I am still failing .Ice cream I don’t crave anymore.
Sugar cravings much less and salt too is considerably less in my food.Not too bad right.A ย five again .The chocolate addiction is pretty bad.I tend to sniff chocolates out of their hidey ย holes and eat them ,with zero guilt.That’s not good for fitness plans.This can actually topple the entire apple cart.
Walking everyday and strength training 4 days a week .This was pretty good .I did moderately well.The best part, I have started to feel ย more energetic .But it’s still a long way.I tend to forget to get on the treadmill ย some days and that’s to be strictly avoided.I think I can give me a six on this one.
My blog goals .These were interesting.
I wanted to write and I wrote ย .Thanks to some wonderful friends I made ,blogging was a lot of fun.I am learning everyday. Making money ย blogging on my own terms .The next part making it better.
So a six for my blog goals.
In 2017 I plan to get a ten out of ten in all my resolution. For that I have chosen one of my least favourite word .It’s also am unpopular ย one in today’s ย world.But one which is needed even more than before.
The word is patience.
High time I actively practiced this .Thankful Thursdays helped me to ย find thankfulness .By ย counting to 10 or maybe 100, ย before I speak I will be able to prevent a lot of stress.
My favourite phrase of the year
“I am a work in progress “
My 12 ย favourite Quotes in 2016
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Mae West
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.
You’ve got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you’ve got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s learning to dance in the rain.
Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today
ยBe the change you wish to see in the world.
If you try, you risk failure. If you donโt, you ensure it.–Anonymous
The best time to plant a tree is twenty-five years ago. The second best time is today.-Unknown
Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you donโt need to escape from.–Seth Godin
Be so good they canโt ignore you.–Steve Martin
My 10 most popular posts this year
pandemic?ย ย ย
Why you should say no to tobacco:Yes to a healthy life
SPI PRO THEME & BLOG DESIGN :Mompreneurโs blogging journey & miracles
Soyabean,good bad and ugly:10 Truths why its not in my kitchen
7 Scary truths about Hidden salt diet ( India salt story )
Truth About Air Fryer :Healthy Lifestyle
Effect of Alcohol on Ear and mouth:Health Questions India
Mompreneur biz focus:Mayura Amarkant the soothsayer
Vitamin D deficiency :Is it a pandemic?
A very happy New year to all my friends and readers who visit my blog and are kind enough to share their views.
Do keep visiting. I have a lot ,planned for the year 2017.It’s time to give back.
Writing this for the Blogchatter prompt resolutions and linking up for word of the year ย Laurel Regan @alphabetsalad
You can also link up using the submit button ย below.
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Wow! This is chalk full of great stuff. I think if your tongue only wins 7 out of 10 times you’ve done great. I tend to fail in the other direction, not telling people what I think or feel. Which is just as irksome to people as offering my unsolicited opinion. Good luck on your resolutions and determination. What a great word.
Thanks Nita .Yes we both have opposite problems .Good luck for the New year
Loved the post, Amritha. Distraction is definitely the best way to fight anxiety! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead ๐
Thanks Malini. Finding enough to keep myself busy and happy is my number one challenge.
Excellent and worthwhile word for 2017! I wish you all the very best with your resolutions, and a very Happy New Year!
Thanks Laurel.A happy new year to you too