In the month of November one year back I and Tina started a blog hop together.Life was busy for both of us.Sometimes she did more sometimes I did more, the train rolled on.Who knew, one year of writing together we have traveled a long distance.I have met friends on this journey who write with us.
I feel life, gives us a chance to make a difference.
You may not know how.You may not know when, you may be confused, but when you open your soul to wanting to help, there are ways in which you can do that.
My blog would just be another health-wellness-lifestyle blog, if not for the two amazing blog hops I write with two amazing women.Both Tina and Deepa are Mommy Bloggers and both outstandingly talented, sincere hardworking, take-no-nonsense type of women.
That’s why even when we disagree, (we have plenty )we agree that we are doing something good.
I think I need to say Thank you to ThankfulThursdays, with which I started writing my thankfulness posts .My love affair with inlinkz started back then.Its been 365 days of thankfulness.
I once wrote about maintaining a gratitude journal.
In a few articles I researched*(yes I researched for this too), I read that daily thank you’s are important.But life happens and few can manage.
Best ROI is with weekly thank you notes, Challenges and gratitude practices.
A good habit formed is for life.Do it for yourself.Write with us and say Thank you Thankful Thursdays.
Click on the Thankful Thursday hyperlink to read all my learnings from one year of writing thankfulness posts.
Blogchatter Projects: Entrepreneurship and social media promotion, what gives best ROI?
Now I mentioned ROI.I am doing a Project with Blogchatter on Entrepreneurship and social media promotion, what gives best ROI?
This return on investment can be measured in many ways by many people.If you don’t run ads you think you don’t spend money.But every second you are on the internet you are using data.That’s money, my dear.
Make a list of how much money you spend on the internet per month.How many hours in a day are you working online?For your blog, book, projects?Are you keeping track?
Time is money and time is even more precious.Its the only thing which is equal among rich, poor and everyone else.How you spend your time, what you do with it is most important.
A very famous man said 80% of your income comes from 20% of your work.This is the famous Pareto principle.Look what Wikipedia says about this
The principle was suggested by management thinker Joseph M. Juran. It was named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that 80% of income in Italy was received by 20% of the Italian population. The assumption is that most of the results in any situation are determined by a small number of causes.
But which 20 % is helping you most?Do you know?
If you are not online for earning?What is your goal?Readers ?Thatโs ROI too!
- Investment is: Your time
- Return: Your readers love.
If you are online for earning, how many hours do you spend on social media?
- Do you automate?
- Do you have a VA?
- Do you use paid promotions?
- Are you part of blogging groups?
- What helps me most?
- Would you like to participate in this study?Would you like to know the results?
If you participate you will get due credit.
[bctt tweet=”#Women #Entrepreneurs can change the world. Knowing the framework to promote smartly is needed for solopreneurs. #Blogchatterprojects” username=”misra_amrita”]
Aim: Social media which give the best bang for time and money invested
Fill up this form if you want to get the report pdf and a workbook for planning your Social media promotion.
Or email me at and say Give me the report when its ready!
Thankful Thursdays 47 Prompt :
Thank you Note to ThankfulThursdays!
Tell us about your journey with Thankful Thursdays.
Read the rules and get the badge here
This week I and Tina plan to read, comment and share all the post you wrote over the last month for #ThankfulThursdays.I want you to email me the category links to your thankfulness posts and the exact number you wrote.Remember good things happen to people who persist.
I am participating in the #Blohgshots linky party hosted by allaboutthewomanblog
Next week we plan to announce our winners and a few more fun things which I think you will enjoy.Tell me in the comments below what you think will be our next level Thankfulness challenge?
The winning idea will win a goodie bag!Also don’t forget to keep writing and linking up, because we have surprises lined up for all those who have a Thankful Heart!
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I have been trying to write on this since forever, I finally wrote on it. I hope to continue this journey every week ๐
I think you Dr. Amrita are an amazing woman. I always wonder how you have the energy and enthusiasm to do so much in just 24 hours. I agree with you that it is a good habit to feel and express gratitude but I also feel that sometimes when you share your gratitude publicly you attract the evil eye. Hence I stopped participating in Vidya Sury’s Gratitude Cirlce, Upasana’s Gratitude Pie and never participated in Thankful Thursdays. But I do appreciate your effort and congratulate you and Tina on this initiative. BTW I do enjoy your regular blog posts too so please excuses my non-participation in this endeavour of yours.
Thank you so much for your appreciation .I deeply appreciate your reading my posts.About the evil eye,I am sure we can beat it together!
I think I will be following your posts more closely now, as a I’m pretty new to ROI.
Loved the post, informative and sometimes I was having a slow moment too ๐
I always love Ur posts Amrita .this too is very informative . I am sure thankful to your #thankfulthursdays and will definitely write a post on it …I need to learn a lot to have good ROI
Amrita a special thank you to you for inculcating this habit of feeling gratitude towards different aspects of life that other wise are taken for granted. I thoroughly enjoyed entire month of Thanks Giving courtesy this challenge! And felt blessed in return.
Thank you Anagha.I am so glad you enjoyed the feeling of gratitude.That is the biggest gift of all.To feel blessed!
It filled me with motivation and the question asked here is actually a food for thought. I too will try to keep up with Thankful Thursday this month. Fingers crossed ๐
Question is how many of us know? How many of us are bothered? How many of us actually work to improve it? Very nice concept.
This is a good topic which is not much explored. I am sure the analysis and results will be helpful for many especially women entrepreneurs.
Love the concept totally. Indeed we should know ROI and the power of social media. Working in well planned manner works wonders. Following this series to learn. More from you
This is a great idea, Amrita. Iโll be following your posts to learn more about ROI on something that is so integral to us bloggers. Good luck with the project youโve taken up!!
Very nice post. I loved the gratitude journal concept.
I always get scared to be thankful publicly for fear of the evil eye. But I do make it a point to list out what Iโm grateful for especially when Iโm beginning to get irritated about something. This brings me back on even keel. I never understood the concept of Blogchatter Projects and unfortunately when I asked them to elaborate , no one bothered.
Iโm now just blogging blindly in the dark and do feel I need a ROI that justifies my time spent . Thatโs why I feel like giving it up .
But Iโve given up so many things that Iโm determined to stick this out …. else Iโll be a bad example to my grandchildren
I think, my ROI is to reach to bigger audience. Social media help me a lot with this. It’s good that you are continuing the blog hops. I participate whenever I can.
I really want to get a Roi on blogging investment. This is such an informative post.
There is some major thought going on in this post. I never considered the ROI part of blogging from a viewership and blog love point of view. Makes sense though. As for money via blogging, I’ve started looking from that point of view extremely late so will take awhile to really give a decent answer about earnings.
Thanks Roshan for a deep answer .Will await answers.