When I talk about three things to buy on Black Friday Sales,you can’t miss the three below.Unlike other creators sharing numerous offers ,I kept it simple.The reason being I talk about software and courses only when I have bought them and used them or been gifted them and used .The 3 below I bought myself, liked them and then signed up as an affiliate.
The links below are affiliate links.This means I earn a small commission if you buy any product through these links.Thst in no way affects the price of your product.Thank you for your support .
Printable by Numbers is one of my favorite courses and if there is one thing you want to buy to start your digital entrepreneurship it’s that.If you are thinking of starting small check out her digital product ideas for a quick jump start into creating info products
Can I talk about creative entrepreneurship without Canva?Get Canva Pro and start creating printables like a pro with pro elements.
Pro Writing Aid Life time is what I bought abd it’s easily my best investment decision as a writer.Whatever creative content I write,my books,blog post,podcast script or video script ,the editing ,structuring flow readability are all taken care of by ProWritingAid .
Now that’s done.I have to tell you,why I waited several months before recommending them .
On this blog I started to share about my journey towards mompreneurship back in 2014.In 2020 I became a creative mompreneur.That I felt was more befitting my journey in the digital world.
Canva is perfect for growing your brand identity,creating blog post images,social images,podcast show creatoves,videos,book covers,digital products etc.You name it they have got it.I am using Canva for a very long time and now using Canva Pro for 3 straight years.Its one of the best investments ever.
The pro templates ,fonts ,images,videos,are amazing.But even better are their one click video background remover ,which by itself makes Canva Pro worth its prize.Plus Canva now let’s you schedule from inside the app.
The best accompaniment to Canva Pro is Suzi of Start a mom blog Printable by Numbers course.Her updates are free and it’s for lifetime access.Create your own digital business with Suzi’s easy to use Printable by number.Even if you don’t have Canva Pro you can use her tutorials with the free Canva account.Plus she shares how to use other free software to create Printable.
Pro Writing Aid is now my favorite software to edit better.If you want some special tips from the experts of editing get this free book Take your writing to the next level