Bursting loud crackers and the relation with your hearing is not simple or straightforward. From ear drum perforation to permanent hearing loss this is what can happen if you don’t take precautions.
Festivals are loads of fun. But do you know how to have a safe celebration? One of the major worries while bursting crackers other than fire hazards, and air pollution, is the risk of noise-induced hearing loss It can be temporary or permanent. Acoustic trauma is a more serious condition. The good news is, this year the supreme court is serious about air and noise pollution. But this kind of pro-activeness we need throughout the year. Sound pollution is real and can destroy the quality of life forever!
Your local policemen will be the person responsible for preventing bursting illegal noisy crackers at the wrong time. If they don’t prevent it, or fail to do so, they run the risk of being hauled in front of the honorable court for contempt. What I don’t understand is, why won’t sensible Indians think about their own health and wellness? Diwali is a festival of lights. Why make it deafening?
#Truth 1 about Fire Crackers sound & Hearing
The sound which is loud enough to cause damage to your inner ear may cause permanent hearing loss. This is not reversible. therapy.Up to 75 dB sound levels will generally cause temporary hearing loss.
Acoustic trauma: This occurs when there is a one-time sudden exposure to very high sound pressure levels. Usually at around 130 dB. Sound crackers can cause this damage.
Noise-induced hearing loss typically occurs when the ear is exposed to very high noise levels, sufficient time to cause damage.
If temporary, recovery will occur within the first 2 days.
In the audiometry report, it will appear as a steep auditory notch at mainly 4 KHz. The temporary depression may disappear after minutes or hours.
#Truth 2
Symptoms of acute, sudden noise trauma after cracker sound?
- Ringing, buzzing sound or tinnitus.
- Partial hearing loss. Depending on the distance and intensity this may progress.
- Perforation of the tympanic membrane with bleeding from ear.
#Truth 3
Precautions you can take against loud sound exposure:
Don’t use crackers that cause a loud explosion.
If you are in a locality where such activities are usual, try to keep a distance from these crackers.
Use Acoustic blockers. Visit your nearest emergency ENT services and get audiometry done if you have any symptoms.
Don’t buy Chinese crackers. They contain chemicals at nonpermissible levels and can burst at higher sound levels.
Check the sound levels specified in the crackers. Buy only when it is within specified levels.
#Truth 4
Treatment of Ear problem occurring after Sound trauma:
Sudden hearing loss following acoustic trauma: Your doctor may also prescribe steroids and neuroprotective drugs.
Eardrum perforation: Repair or conservative treatment depending on the size of the perforation.
Hearing aid trial and hearing aid. Cochlear implant in some cases.
Unfortunately, Tinnitus treatment is not full proof.
Honking causes hearing loss too and so do excessive alcohol binges!
What does the law say about loud noise?
โEnvironment Protection Act, 1986 and the Environment Protection
Rule, 1986 and 1999 (amendment) rulesโ;
The manufacture, sale or use of firecrackers generating noise level exceeding 125 dB(AI) or 145 dB(C) pk at 4 meters distance from the point of bursting shall be prohibited.โ
The Explosives Rules 2008 (Rule 14) mandates that every manufacturer shall on the box of each firecracker shall mention details of its chemical content, sound level and that it satisfies requirements laid down by the chief controllerโ
May the light of Diwali make you blessed. Have a wonderful Diwali.
Read all about Noise cancelling Head phones
References :
Cummings Otolaryngology: Head
& Neck Surgery6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Sa unders; 2015:chap 150.
Disclaimer: This post is for spreading awareness and is not meant to be medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor for all health concerns. Read my full disclaimer here.
Updated 2019
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You are bang on this Amrita. My kid hates crackers just because of these sounds. Lighting ones are OK for him, but feels that his pet brother gets scared with them too. So he doesn’t want to burst any crackers.
Thank you
If only people would listen to doctors instead of politicians when it came to taking steps for safeguarding their own health… sigh.
Haa Haa.E veryone suffers including people and politicians. But its destiny I suppose. Few listen to common sense advice.
You were so right about the noise of nowadays crackers. But glad that government and even people are also taking good preventive measures.
Exactly Nidhi. It’s good that everyone is trying to reduce noise pollution.
This Diwali is so quiet you’ll be surprised! There were more crackers for Ganpati!
Yes, it was a nice bright and quiet Diwali.
These are some seriously useful tips of advice..People wanna have fun but seriously forget the danger associated with it and these are great remainders of safety !
This is excellent advice. We need to check our hearing.
Great post on safe holidays, every parent should know how to prevent injuries and what treatment to get once something happens.
Hearing fireworks as I read this!
I always try to wear headphones when I start hearing fire works around my home. These are great reminders thanks
You do the right thing.Thanks for your feedback
This is astounding that Diwali celebrations run the risk of hearing injuries. I can imagine the volume of the crackers being risky, but this was new to me. Have a safe one!
Yes nowadays it’s better.In some parts it’s worst
Glad you found it useful.
I’d be curious to know the percentage of ear injuries following Diwali. It would be a shame to lose one’s hearing after celebrating such a joyful event!
That’s an interesting study no doubt.Will look into it.Thanks for a great feedback
This is so important. We always forget about the damage we may cause to ourselves when we do things that are fun -like sitting front row at a concert or shooting off fireworks. It’s important to stay safe!
Yes safety matters .Fun should never end in tears for anyone.The problem is most people think it doesn’t matter if done once.But some damages need only one strike.
Thanks for the feedback
Glad you found this useful.
So important to play safe with firecrackers. They are beautiful but can be damaging
Eek, this is a great reminder. People set off tons of fireworks for New Year over here and I always worry someone will get hurt.
Yes its important to take care of safety precautions during using firecrackers.
I stay away from crackers since I was a kid. I like lighting diyas instead. Sharing this post with my friends though.
Thanks for the appreciation. Glad you liked it.
It’s always so important to take care when attending events and celebrations like this that involve fireworks and sparklers. Great post!
Thanks Ellie you are right.Its always best to take care .
I didn’t know any of this and I’m glad I read it because even though I don’t think anyone in the US uses the Chinese crackers, real fireworks are legal in ny state and are often set off feet away.
Yes its always better to be safe in these cases.
Thanks for the feedback.
This is such a great post amrita! You just pointed out few of the major adverse effects from the crackers. I too believe in safe diwali! Wishing you a very happy diwali!
Thanks Shreya.Glad you found this useful.
A great post on negative effects of crackers on our ears. Let’s be safe this Diwali. I have always been against crackers and hate them.
Happy Diwali
Thanks Vishal.Crackers causing soynd pollution harms everyone.People are too deaf to the problem and realize too late
Happy Diwali Vishal
Its very important to take care while bursting crackers and this is a very useful and informative post Amrita. Thanks for sharing with us all the information and tips to take care of our ears.
Yes taking care can prevent many accidents. Thanks Deepa for reading
Seriously! Apart from the crackers, I have no clue why people want to put on loud music and dance on the roads. I wish I could say grow up. Glad that you wrote about this!
Yes that’s another story altogether. A very important cause of noise pollution specially during festivals. Thanks for reading Shalini
I have suffered from temporary hearing loss due to crackers, which lasted overnight.
Hope more people read this post and learn and follow.
Yes Temporary loss luckily recovers.But often its difficult tp predict who has suffered temporary /permanent loss even after tests.Also the noise sensitivity may have individual variations.
That is someone may have heaeing liss at 75 dB sound and another may not.
Thank you sharing your personal story.Appreciate your feedback.
So very True Amrita! Diwali id great yet there is so much caution we need to take as parents that we are left tensed and concerned all the time. You have clearly outlined the medical conditions that may be caused by excessive sound,,very informative..
Thanks Menaka .Prevention in this case is the best way to prevent irreversible damage in this case too.