ROTA VIRUS VACCINE,Why our children need it
In low socioeconomic countries. Rotavirus is the main cause of diarrhea in up to 80% of babies less than 1 year.In India upto 87% of diarrhea requiring hospitalization is caused by Rota virus ,of which one-third is severe.Rota virus vaccine helps prevent childhood mortality and morbidity to severe dehydrating diarrhea caused by Rota virus.
Under such a situation giving the Rota virus vaccine appears to be the best way to protect our children from a highly preventable disease which can cause severe dehydration and its associated complications in babies less than one year age.

Rota virus vaccine. :types
2 variety of live attenuated oral vaccine available
- Rotarix (RV1) :2 doses
- Rota Teq (RV 5): 3dose
When to give. Rota virus vaccine ?
Routine vaccination best practices dictate :
- Minimum age 6 weeks for both types.
- Rotarix , 2 doses at 10 weeks and 14 weeks.
- Rota Teq, 3 doses at 6, 10 and 14 weeks?
- In case type of vaccine not known for any dose in the schedule , a total of 3 doses may have to be given.
For Delayed vaccination schedule:
Maximum age of 1st dose of vaccine schedule: 14 weeks, 6 days.
Maximum age of last dose 8months preferably within 6months.
No Rota virus vaccine to be given if:
- History of severe allergic reaction to any previous dose of Rota virus vaccine.
- History of severe allergy to latex- Rotarix cannot be given, Rota Teq may be given.
- Past history of severe bowel obstruction known ad intussusception.
- Baby is sick with high fever, or recent history of diarrhoea ,and/ or vomiting.
POST vaccination ..what to do
- Child can be fed normally .
- In case of fever, diarrhoea, irritability ….contact your doctor.
As it is a live vaccine child may shed the virus and hence proper hand washing during diaper changes is important( like. always ) and try to avoid contact of baby with anyone with a decreased immunity.
In India upto 2,000,000 outpatient visits and upto 1.5 lakh deaths occur due to Rota virus diarrhoea in less than 5 year old children.
Prevention in this case, like always is definitely better than cure.We owe our children a happy healthy life and anything which helps us achieve this goal is what all parents want.
So for all new parents with infants less than 15 weeks age , who are not yet protected from this highly preventable , but deadly disease should not delay.Take care and take charge.
Disclaimer :Kindly consult your doctor for all health and vaccine related decisions.This is strictly for general awareness. Read full disclaimer here.