I made two of my books free in this last week of #MyFriendAlexa challenge. I also decided to launch my blogging in India books, as a special Pre-Pujo Gift bundle now! There are two reasons behind it. But number one is also the secret behind Blogchatter Challenges.
September means MyFriendAlexa, Durga Pujo and all things gifts and fun. What better way to celebrate than gift my books?If you are a book lover or know someone who loves books or blogging or both share this post with them. I guarantee they will be happy.
Now comes the secret info I promised you.
Why should you do a Blogchatter Challenge?
If you are doing Blogchatter challenge for the first time, or had to leave in between or missed signing up this time, I will make it simple. Blogchatter is a unique platform which gives a shoutout to bloggers the right way. Even if it happens once, it’s special. It’s worth your effort to be given the spotlight in front of the audience who knows what blogs are! This challenge is a study of human nature, as well as an educational and social experiment.
The numbers are just the tip of the icebergs. The journey with #MyFriendAlexa is a way of testing your persistence. Can you do it? I did it three times in a row. Did I ace it? Not entirely. Will I do it again? Definitely!
[bctt tweet=”I did #MyFriendAlexa three times in a row. Can you do it?#Healthwealthbridge @blogchatter” username=”misra_amrita”]
There’s a reason I wrote a book about Blogchatter challenges. The reason is, they work!
Blogging challenges are not life, but the dynamics are similar. You never ever get, what you give. You may get more or less but its always an experience. You can learn from it, or not.But if you do things at your own pace, without expectations, things have a way of working out. It did for me.
That’s why today I made two of my books free and two more is on a special promo bundle. If you already have the books you can gift them to those you care about.I owe a lot to these challenges and this is my way of giving back!
Two Books Free!
Fruits for Life: Nutrition secrets your doctor won’t tell download now!
A healthy life starts early. It starts with what your mother ate when she was pregnant. It depends on what you ate as a child. It depends on your parent’s food habits and your habits in early childhood. As a mother and a doctor, I have always felt the most difficult part of parenting is this trick of needing to walk the talk.T hat’s why my books Fruits for Life and Picky eater are both close to my heart.
Both the books were written during my stint with Blogchatter Ebooks last year.
Fruits are nature’s desserts, full of natural vitamins and minerals. The right amount of fruits in your diet will help you and your family live healthier. You know fruits are good for your health. But which fruit, when and in what amount?
- Are apples good for you? Are apples good for weight loss?
- Why should women have cranberries?
- Is Guava a superfruit? How safe is Lychee?
- Orange or Capsicum? Which of these have more Vitamin C?
- What are the hidden benefits of Prune? Vanilla pod, extract or essence?
If you want to know all about this click to Download my book. It’s free for a very limited period. You can also gift it to a friend or a family member. Just forward the link to them.

PICKY EATERS?: Quick Guide to make you Happy (Nutritional Secrets Book 2)
The book Picky eater was written by me but largely edited and researched by my Paediatrician hubby. That’s one topic about which all moms have a lot of queries. This quick handbook solves a lot of your queries.
- Did you know what you eat during pregnancy can change the eating habits of your unknown child?
- Do you know why you should avoid foods which cause allergies?
- If all these questions make you worried or you know someone who has a toddler at home gift them this book. Read what my audience says about these books here.

It’s free till 25th midnight! So hurry.
I am also having a special Pre-Pujo book bundle discount offer for a limited time for my Books on Blogging in India.
Why should you buy these books?
I am a Doctor, blogger. I was as nontechie as you can get. I barely knew how to open a word document.I learned everything the hard way. By reading and trying. Two people who have made my journey easier, Amy Lynn Andrews and Pat Flynn have amazing blogs full of helpful tips for bloggers. But in India, you will have a tough time finding out what works.
Two Books at a never before price! Pre -Puja Discount sale, just for my readers!

Discount code: DURGAPUJO(all caps)
Flat 50% DISCOUNT on this bundle.Discount code DURGAPUJO(all caps)
What does the Blogging bundle have?
It includes:
Starting a Successful Blog: Secrets from taking your blog to kickstart to awesome.
Click the link above to get a flat 50% discount now! Use Code DURGAPUJO(all caps). (Actual MRP INR 500.MRP after discount INR250)
The book includes
1)A step by step plan to create your Blog content plan
2)Social media and SEO made easy.
3)How to repurpose blog posts.
4)How to use free Podcasting tools, to take your Blog to the next level.
5)Why you should start a newsletter and what to use.
If writing is difficult, monetizing your blog may be even more tricky. Read this book to know what works in India.
7 Blogging challenges for a Successful Blog
Click the link above to get a flat 50% discount now! Use Code DURGAPUJO(all caps).
(Actual MRP INR 199.MRP after discount INR99)
This is a quick handbook for those who are starting out and would like to know about blogging challenges which can help. This list keeps changing for me every year, with a few constants. I can guarantee, that your blog will shine if you can take part in at least some of these challenges. Even if you don’t want to do challenges, by reading about what they entail you can apply them on your blog and take it to a whole new level! Challenges which changed my Life include:
- My friend Alexa
- Ultimate Blogging challenge
- A to Z with Blog chatter
- Blogchatter EBooks
- Super Blogger Challenge 2018
Read the book for quick tips about where and when to expect these writing challenges and how to use them to grow your Blog.
Let me know in the comments below your plans with Blogging in the last quarter of 2018!
I am taking my Blog to the next level with #MyfriendAlexa3.0 and Blogchatter and you should too!
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