Thankful Thursday is a popular category on my blog .I still write about thankfulness, but post it only when I want to.Does it make sense? May be it does ,may be it doesn’t .What matters is I like saying thank you .Life is a blessing and I feel blessed all the time.For every person I thank and every thing I am thankful for,I become a little happier.
14 Reasons you hate the word Thankful (7 is more common than you think!)
- But you have not heard of thankfulness .You don’t like the word ?
- It lacks X factor and doesn’t sound cool at all.
- There’s nothing to be thankful for ,ever!
- Life is too short for silly stuff .
- You are not into vague spiritualism.
- You don’t get the point of it.
- You can’t cook Turkey and thankfulness needs roast turkey(confusion with Thanksgiving).
- You are not of that particular faith ( confusion with Thanksgiving).
- You don’t want the positive brain wave associated with thankfulness .
- You think it’s all show and no substance.
- You hate the word and tired of it being overused .
- You love hating stuff .
- You are against anything which makes your life better.
- You don’t believe in mental and emotional health.

You pretend to hate Thankfulness but in your heart you are thankful.Because honestly being alive is reason to be Thankful .Thankfulness is a powerful emotional tool, to make you more happy and successful.
[bctt tweet=”It’s not that successful people who are happy ,its thankful people who are successful. #Thankful #Healthwealthbridge” username=”misra_amrita”]
Its a way of life,a choice to do the best for yourself ,a promise to your soul to always invite happiness and good fortune.If what you focus on grows,then you need to choose on what you want to grow in your life.This life and the one after will all be futile if you don’t decide to make the best of it.One way of doing this,is to keep an attitude to attract the blessings you need in your life.Attitude of Gratitude is serious buisiness,but it needs your commitment.
These are my favourite prompts to write on thankfulness and thankful notes .I believe you find what you seek.Thats why, being thankful works for me.What about you ?Are you a believer?