Cancer is recognized as one of the most dreaded diseases affecting millions of people every year around the world. Getting diagnosed with cancer is shattering and the onset of hard times for people. To avoid being a statistic and prevent cancer, people around the world indulge in different things. Buying a cancer protection plan, altering their diet, working out and what not – people do it all to lower down their cancer risk.
Yes, anti-cancer foods exist and play an essential role in minimizing cancer risk. When combined with other lifestyle changes, a cancer prevention diet lowers the risk by improving body function. According to numerous studies, a healthy diet indeed cuts down the risk of cancer.
Top 7 Cancer-prevention foods that lower the risk of cancer
- Cruciferous Vegetables
Radish, Broccoli, Turnip, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Mustard Greens and Brussel Sprouts are vegetables that belong to the Brassicaceae family of vegetables. These vegetables are rich in Sulphur-contain glucosinolates and indole-3-carbinol, both of them improve detoxification function to reduce the risk of various cancers. These vegetables also reduce inflammation and enhance immunity. Studies show that intake of cruciferous vegetables can minimize the risk of colorectal cancer.

- Garlic
Garlic has allicin as the active agent that is known to kill cancer cells. There are many studies that show garlic intake can reduce the risk of many different types of cancer. According to a study conducted on men, garlic intake showed a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Allicin also acts as an anti-inflammatory and has many Sulphur-based ingredients that kill cancer cells. The phytochemicals found in garlic can stop carcinogens to form in the stomach.
Another study showed that intake of garlic is correlated with lowered risk of colorectal tumours.
- Tomatoes
Lycopene found in tomatoes is known as an anti-cancer agent. This compound is known to reduce the growth of bad fat and eventually stop endometrial cell growth. According to a review of 17 studies, both cooked and raw tomatoes can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Not only cancer, but tomatoes also have anti-inflammatory properties and are known to lower the risk of heart disease.

Enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals – green vegetables have them all. Not only do they have healthy nutrients, but green leafy vegetables are also low in sodium, fats and calories which makes them the staple anti-cancer diet.
Vegetables like beans are high in fiber and have properties that help in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.
Other vegetables like romaine lettuce, spinach and kale have a high quantity of beta-carotene and Vitamin C which are known compounds that reduce the risk of cancer.
- Berries
Berries contain a high number of anthocyanins which are known to have antioxidant properties and reduce the risk of cancer. Almost all types of berries contain phytonutrients (anthocyanins) that can stop the growth of premalignant cancer cells. For reducing the risk of cancer, blackberries are highly effective as they contain the highest number of phytonutrients. Berries are effective against oral, colon, skin and esophageal cancer.
- Nuts
Nuts are incredibly healthy and have cancer-fighting properties. According to a study, higher consumption of nuts leads to a decreased risk of cancer-related deaths. Some nuts like Brazil nuts have a high quantity of selenium – which is known to decrease lung cancer risk in people with a low selenium level. Another study conducted over the course of 30 years shows that nuts can also lead to a decreased risk of pancreatic, colorectal and endometrial cancer.
- Turmeric
Turmeric is a healing spice, known for its several health-promoting properties. Curcumin – the active ingredient in turmeric is an antioxidant and has anticancer effects. Various studies have been conducted to showcase the anticancer properties of turmeric and curcumin. According to one study, curcumin is highly effective in slowing the growth of cancer cells in prostate, breasts, and lungs.
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Stay Covered:
The foods mentioned above are highly effective in reducing the risk of cancer. However, it is never a foolproof idea, and other precautions must be taken. People should adopt a healthy lifestyle and always have a backup like a cancer protection plan in unexpected times.
Cancer treatment is expensive and being backed by a cancer protection plan helps get over with the financial crunches during the treatment. Insurers like Future Generali offer coverage up to 40 lakhs for both minor and major stage cancer. Apart from adopting healthy eating habits, it is essential to be protected by all means one can.
Disclaimer: This article is strictly meant for educational purpose. Cancer is a serious disease with long-term consequences. The genetically susceptible need more than just diet for prevention. All healthcare and financial decisions should be taken after consultation with a professional. Read my disclosure here.