Painless vaccine for Whooping Cough?
Does this work?Are there painless options for everyone?The answers get interesting.Vaccine and painless? Sounds like an answer to a prayer. Who in their right mind would like to cause pain to babies right?
Updated 2019
Painful vaccine for whooping cough or Painless? If the answer was limited only to the “pain ” factor of the vaccine, I would probably not even bother with this post.
But few things in life are that simple. Being parents mean, you have to take enormous ‘pains’ to make the right choice.The right choice and easy choice are not always best friends. With several types of research over the year, facts about the two types of DPT vaccine has become clear.
Though my aim is to help you take the right decision, you should always consult your pediatrician in case you have difficulty deciding.
What is Painless Vaccine?
The painless vaccine is the popular name of acellular Pertussis ( whooping cough) vaccine.It is generally given as a combination vaccine, DaPT (Diphtheria,acellular-Pertussis, Tetanus).
What is Painful Vaccine?
The painful vaccine is also Pertussis vaccine like the painless vaccine, but it is whole cell vaccine.This too is given as a DwPT combination. So , both these vaccines are Pertussis vaccines, with a few important differentiating factors.

Pros of Painless vaccine for whooping cough
Post-vaccination side effects, like high fever, persistent cry, local site painful swelling, are less common, in this variety than a Painful vaccine.
If a Painless vaccine is available, why the necessity of a Painful vaccine?
Experience with the Painless vaccine in industrialized countries has unfortunately brought forward two important facts:
1) Painful, vaccine (whole-cell) for DPT: Better priming, which means initial sensitization to the antigen (bacteria) is better. Thus antibody production is more and protection is superior.
2) The painless vaccine has a faster period of waning that is the immunity provided by the painless vaccine decreases faster than the painful vaccine. These two reasons are responsible for recent recurrence of whooping cough in many of the countries using only the Painless vaccine.
Why do we need to vaccinate our children against Pertussis?
Pertussis/Whooping cough/Kali Khasi/100 days cough are few of the names of the disease that can occur in all age groups depending on the level of immunity.
It is a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. Highly contagious, usually manifesting as severe, persistent disturbing cough, lasting for a prolonged period not responsive to antibiotics.
Primary prevention (vaccination), and supportive care during disease are the management protocols. Infants are more at risk of debilitating course of the disease and thus most countries include this vaccine in their immunization schedule.
Current Recommendation for Pertussis vaccine
Indian Academy of Pediatrics recommends DPT vaccination.Give whichever is available. Importance of timely immunization cannot be stressed enough.
Primary immunization: at 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks.
Booster dose: at one and a half years and five years.
When can you give Painless vaccine for whooping cough
- History of severe adverse effect to the previous dose of painful vaccine.
- A child having any neurological problem.
- Booster doses at one and a half years and five years.
Best practice:(IAP 2018 December Update)
The painful vaccine is to be preferred in all cases as it gives better protection for a longer duration. A healthy child is a happy child. As parents, we have to make choices which have the potential to change their lives forever. S
The Primary series or first three doses of DPT vaccine can be given with either wP(painful) or aP(painless vaccines). The painful vaccine is definitely superior (as recommended by WHO )to aP vaccine when it comes to level and duration of immunity. But causes a more local, painful reaction. In view of parental anxiety and concern regarding the local and systemic reactions to painful vaccines, the painless vaccine can also be given even in the primary series.
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Disclaimer: This article was written after discussion with Dr.Abhijit Misra MD Pediatrics a.k.a my hubby. It is purely meant for education and information purposes and not to be confused with professional advice.Feel free to write to me with your questions and I promise I will help.Take care, stay healthy.
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