One day while scrolling Twitter feed I found an ad by Goldman Sachs, about a special business training by Goldman Sachs on Coursera. It was free, with a chance to be mentored by them. They were training the women business owners for free. Making them be more confident about the information necessary to get started.

There’s a saying when you really want something, the entire universe helps you get what you want. SRK said it and believe it or not I had checked out Seth’s course on business had bought books about Business. But actually signing up for some business education was too expensive and would require more time than I had. This course was just what I needed.

Pros of the 10,000 Women by Goldman Sach’s course
The course is in a simple language and is a mix of short videos with transcript, reading material, quizzes and worksheets in a user-friendly Coursera format.
Initially, there are two weeks of introductory course material, which if you complete, you get a chance to take the 10weeks course. This includes over 50 hours of course material.
Learn anytime anywhere.
It’s easy to understand
Better if you do the worksheets on the laptop and the interactive maps are best viewed on a computer.
The certificate is free and valid lifelong
You develop a crash course understanding for free without overwhelming on your own time
What you get in the 10,000 Women by Goldman Sach’s
Total of 12 modules,10 in the actual course and two in the introductory course.
You can do the course according to your timeline but their ae time-bound work submission in a few instances/
It covers different aspects of the business including leadership style, management structure, financing, funding, resource allocation, operational efficiency, growth, negotiation
The exercised are focussed on women entrepreneurs and understand the unique strengths and weaknesses women face The exercises help you in developing your Business Growth plan which I had no idea I could do. There are helpful exercises to help you communicate your vision and ideas to your team, stakeholders and customers. By taking this course you are connecting with women business owners the world over and developing a pool of 10,000 Women alumni

Challenges I faced
Some terminology and things like financial ratios were totally new, challenging but were interesting learning.
What did I enjoy most?
Writing my business growth plan.
Learning about funding and negotiation and mindful listening.
Cons of the course
It’s in English and currently no other translation option available.
Who is this course for?
All women who dream of financial independence don’t miss this course. Sign up now for Goldman Sach’s 10000 women .
As I complete five years of Blogging journey in October, I am trying to take a few courses to keep myself updated with the needs of my business. In May -June I finished the Blogchatter’s Basic Blogging course and in July the Creative writing course work was completed. This August I finished a ten-week business course and I am feeling good. What about you? Share in the comments below.