When I was a teenager, one of my favorite monthly reads was laughter is the best medicine. A Readers Digest magazine staple.
While reading has helped me discover a lot about myself, writing helped me fill the missing bits.
Health is a favorite topic on my blog. Its the soul of it. It’s the reason I started writing. But what about wellness, wellbeing, peace, and happiness? Do they go together?
Can happiness come without peace and contentment? Is contentment the antithesis of success and can the pursuit of success and happiness happen together while practicing daily wellness?
So many questions whose answer I can’t find anywhere. But to the questions whose answer I have some idea about, I write. Daily Wellness is the new series on my blog, to celebrate the five years of writing.
Life is full of small joys and sorrows. The important thing is the right mindset and the right group of people around you to help and support you. That’s the only recipe I know for doing what I do. Even if it’s five people in this world, that’s more than most people have.
A is for Attitude :
Attitude and the right mindset is crucial. Isn’t that what gives us the extra push? The added strength to climb the mountain? This can-do attitude for the right thing needs to be developed from the right age. With control of positive thinking will this attitude become easier.
An attitude of gratitude is an important ingredient, in your wellness cupboard that needs regular airing. You will feel that you are sufficiently grateful, but start cribbing when stressed.
Daily living is stressful. As a Doctor, I meet people in pain and distress. In order to fight the stress monster, I have to try daily practices. Doctors and caregivers at all levels, need to recharge daily to heal.
During our medical college training, no one taught us how to cope with disability and death on an emotional level. Soldiers and the police need PTSD therapy after wars, so do doctors. Doctors are fighting the inevitable every day at the risk of getting beaten up.
Anyone who faces death, disability and the dark side of life daily, needs a guiding light. Without a guiding light, you and I both can get lost in the black hole of darkness.
The only way to avoid being sucked into an abyss is to have faith.
Developing an attitude of self-discipline, self-improvement, self-development, self-help, whatever you call it, is important. Because true growth occurs only with inner growth. Without this, everything appears empty.
Focus on an attitude of growth and nurturing.
Stay connected to those who make you feel happy and comfortable in your own skin.
All that which helps you stay peaceful needs to be embraced and nurtured. Nature and a loving family can go a long way in bolstering wellness.

Then should you all visit wellness resorts?
While that depends on your budget and lifestyle, I dream of a society where wellness is a daily practice. Just like you need to brush your teeth to keep them sparkling, practicing daily wellness keeps your soul shining.
I grew up in a family with a lot of mental health challenges. I have survived several health scares and all through it, one simple habit has helped me. That habit was reading. If you want to unlock the right attitude for wellness, you must plan your brain food well. Both nutritionally and intellectually.
What you think and read, reflects in your actions and choices. If you don’t read that shows too.
Do you read? Let me know in the comments below about what helps in your daily wellness.
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