Nobody can forget the 2015 swine flu outbreak in India when thousands of people struggled with it, and a large number also lost the battle of life. The outbreak was such that Rajasthan declared it an epidemic. It was not just the government that offered various measures but also top brands like Dettol that helped in spreading awareness about swine flu. Though the cases did drop after a while, the fear of getting swine flu still lingered in the country.
Unfortunately, the beginning of 2019 has been stung by this fatal virus again. As per reports, in just two months, more than 6000 cases of swine flu have been reported across the country. This indicates that apart from just reading the news and being worried about the outbreak, one should rather invest time and energy in adopting habits that are helpful in swine flu prevention.
By changing some of the habits and adopting a few measures, it is possible to save oneself from this deadly disease. Some of the everyday practices that one can introduce in their lifestyle are listed below. Read the article till the last to know them all:
Everyday Practices to Prevent Swine Flu
Wash Hands
Washing hands has always been recommended by the doctor for the prevention of infectious diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia. However, not many people know that this simple and easy step can also work wonders when it comes to swine flu prevention. Germs are everywhere, and thus they can easily transfer from objects to hands and then into the body; thereby infecting people.
By using Dettol Hand Wash regularly, one can decrease the chances of getting infected by swine flu. Notably, Dettol Hand Wash not only keeps away swine flu virus but also offers protection against 100 illness-causing germs. In case water is not available, one can also use Dettol Hand Sanitizer and make their hands germs-free anytime anywhere.
Clean Home
As swine flu is an airborne infection, its virus can be present at common places and objects in the home. From the bathroom knobs to computer keyboards, the virus can linger on any such objects. Therefore, it is recommended that people must clean their home thoroughly. One can use a disinfectant to clean the home. If there are small kids or babies, Dettol disinfectant can be picked up to protect the family from harmful germs.
Important to know that the flu virus can survive maximum up to 24 hours on a hard material surface and even lesser duration on a soft surface. The infectivity is reduced outside the human body but exact data is not present.
Cover Nose and Mouth
Coughing and sneezing are some of the ways swine flu virus can infect a lot of people. The liquid droplets that come along with a sneeze or cough carry the virus; which can then infect a healthy person who comes in contact with it. Thus, one must always cover their nose and mouth when interacting with a person who shows signs of swine flu. Moreover, people who have swine flu must also adopt this practice to protect others.
There are various masks available in the market that one can use for covering mouth and nose. In case one uses hands to cover the mouth or nose, they must clean their hands with Dettol Hand Wash or hand sanitizer.
Stay at Home When Experiencing Swine Flu Symptoms
If at all one experiences the symptoms of swine flu, they should stay at home and avoid meeting other people for at least 24 hours till the fever wears away. Here are some of the common signs and symptoms that indicate swine flu infection:
- Aching muscles
- Fatigue
- Sore throat and cough
- Fever
- Runny nose
- Diarrhoea or vomiting
- Headaches
- Shortness of breath
There are chances that the symptoms might disappear in a day. If not, visit a doctor soon and get a diagnosis done. To prevent swine flu from spreading to others, try to restrict contact and stay indoors.
The Bottom Line
The alarm bell of swine flu has started ringing, and thus, it is time again to strictly follow these swine flu prevention tips from today onwards. Begin by adding Dettol Hand Wash to your bathroom essentials and adopt hygienic measures.
Disclaimer: This article is meant to help create awareness and spread knowledge. All decision regarding your health should be done after consultation with your doctor. ย While all efforts are made to keep articles updated the speed of research in these fields mean the information often may change when more research knowledge is available. Healthwealthbridge or the authors should be in no way held responsible in that case.Read my full disclosure here.
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When I heard about the cases of swine flu again, I was scared because I commute in train on daily basis. Now thanks to you, I know how to keep it away.
Very useful post……I think more awareness is needed to stop this deadly disease
very very important information in today’s scenario as swine flue has nearly become an epidemic. Thanks a lot for this great post!
Thank you so much for sharing this . Much needed in this bad season of illness
I haven’t vaccinated my child for swine flu.. after reading your post, I should do it ASAP. Thank you Amrita.
Thank you doctor for coming up with this informative post
Very simple and effective tricks to prevent the disease. I will share your article across to keep these simple hygiene habits in mind.
Awareness is much needed in this case. Thanks for sharing this.
Your posts are always so full of information. One more thing that my father used to insist that we keep with us was the Star Anise herb. It improves immunity and helps keep Swine flu away
Even though the diseases like there are of serious in nature, we usually tend to ignore everything related to it. Sad truth! But articles like these definitely helps in getting to know all these much better.
Very informative post, these are a few simple tips which can help us staying away from this disease.
Awareness is very important and thank u for spreading that. Very informative & useful post.
Since the starting symptoms of swine flu look similar to usual cough and cold, people tend to take it lightly. Perhaps awareness program can make a difference.
Very helpful article. I know for a fact that ppl hardly follow the prescribed hygiene and that’s why the increasing issues.
An Informative and helpful post highlighting how basic cleaning practices can go a long way in treating the swine flu.Thank you for sharing
This is a informative and helpful post highlighting importance of cleanliness and hygiene goes a long way in disease prevention.Prevention is always better than cure.Thank you for sharing
very informative post on Swine Flu. Thanks for sharing
Good one Doc, especially because we recently had a mini our break at home with the DH getting it.
Very useful post. Cleaniless and hygiene is the must to prevent any kind of infections. If anyone feels those symptoms immediately visit the doctor.
Wonderful post Amrita. You have given us very simple steps that go a long way in avoiding a dreaded disease like swine flu.
This is very helpful article
Yes the swine flu is becoming dengerous these days
And we have to follow upper mention instructions
Swine flu is indeed very serious disease and as we all know, prevention is better than cure. Loved the entire blog post.
Aloe vera – A teaspoon gel taken with water daily can work wonders to boost immunity which can prevent swine flu.
A helpful article!! loved it
Very helpful post. These 2 months have been really tough for us as well in terms health. Me & my son suffered back to back with lower respiratory tract infection & were on antibiotics for almost 2 weeks. Washing hands regularly & using mask to cover mouth were suggested by our doc as well. Dettol sanitizer came very handy that time.