StumbleUpon is the greatest source of my site traffic just next to facebook.But facebook is erratic and changes rules whenever they want.They can because they are the boss.
But stumbleupon is nice.It plays fair.
If you want your blog traffic from Stumble, you can’t stumble only your pages.You have to Stumble and like others.
Otherwise Stumbleupon penalizes.
For inspiring you my traffic pic from Stumble.
My account is quite new from March.
The numbers are not very high but good.But they are good if you consider the value -effort curve.
You can’t stumble ย and like more than once.Have a good ย selection of your ย interests.
Your interests are important, as stumbleupon ย will try to show more options to your liking.
It’s a great site for ย organic social traffic.
How to find your friends on Stumbleupon?
Guide for app users:
Click on stumblers
Human icon on right upper corner
Find your friends by @stumble handle, Twitter or facebook
You can’t stumble your ย pages?
Check these criteria ย before adding a page to StumbleUpon:
- Your account must be over 24 hours
Profile picture - Do you have a minimum amount of Stumbles? (Exact limit not known)
- Have you liked,disliked,commented on various of your interests?
If not stumbleupon will not let you add pages.
Can you ย use StumbleUpon to promote your ย web page?
It’s fine to post your pages on Stumble ,but don’t do it all at once.Follow ย 1 of your post ย ,10 ย of other rules.Otherwise stumble is angry????
StumbleUpon ย helps people share and discover interesting actionable content.
You are allowed to add your best content to StumbleUpon. But there ย are limits in place.You can’t like and Stumble more than once.
There are rules about ย how many times you can add a page from a single domain (it’s a secret which they are not sharing) .
If you approach or reach that limit, you will ย be identified as spammer and they will put you in stumble jail.No clue about bail.
Forum links show they don’t answer!
If you have a commercial web page , you may only use StumbleUpon to drive traffic if you are using ย their Paid Discovery service.
Please know ย that if your account ย shows ย unauthorized promotional activity.Its again stumble jail.
It ย may be suspended or terminated.Indefinitely!
The posting limit will remain in place until you use the Stumble more ย to Like, Dislike, comment and add a wider variety of web pages.Show variety.
How does ย stumble help? ย ย ย ย ย
The best is if you get people to Stumble from your blog pages.
That tells Stumble that it’s organic.
What can cause problems in stumble?
- Not useful content
- Non original content
- Too many ads in your web page
- Slow site speed
Stumble wants yourย site to load within 3ย seconds
Have I covered everything?
Comment ย below to let me know if you have awesome stumbling tips.
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Thanks for sharing this! I just started using it to drive traffic to my blog Last month it DOUBLED my traffic and became my number 1 traffic source!
Hi Lindsay great to know about your traffic source.That’s truly inspiring
Awesome detailed post Amrita ๐
Glad you are killing it with stumble!!! Stumble is so hit or miss with me. I killed it with one post and had like 14,000 discover it.. then the next post I stumbled had like 20 lol….
When done correctly, you can garner ALOT of traffic from SU.
I have used stumbleupon in the past, but not a whole lot. Looks like I need to give it another try!
Definitely try that.Its very good
Thanks for the great piece. Stumbleupon is a complex social media channel, but one that can be learned and used properly. Thanks for your tips!
Complex is the right word.Anything which is worth it has a learning curve
Great informative post. I still haven’t figured out SU yet. Going to save this post.
Thank you .Glad you liked it.
I just feel like stumbleupon is not working for me like it does for others. I follow all the advice I get on how do increase traffic but it just isn’t working for me. I am glad it is working for you though!
Yes it has a lot to do with the stumble categories ,I think.Dont stop trying but
Managing couple of basic social media’s right now but I already read about the efficiency of StumbleUpon, I do not know if I’m going to use it though but your article is helpful. ๐
Its best to focus on one
This is great. Thanks, Amrita for compiling this. Appreciate your effort ????
Thanks Shalini
I need to use Stumbleupon more like you describe here,
Bloggers Pit Stop
Glad you found it useful Kathleen
All the useful points for stumble ๐
I wasn’t aware about stumble getting angry :p
Yes he does get angry(Ithink its a he)
Thanks for this!! though i still can’t figure out how to get the badge on my blog.. blah!
the badge misbehaves often.
I haven’t used StumbleUpon in several years but I see that so much has changed since then
Yes its changed and in a good way
I need to try Stumbleupon. I hear so much about it but don’t use it.
Try it and let me know
Very informative and detailed post considering that I am trying to understand the medium. I had almost given up but your journey is super inspiring ! I’ve recently moved to a self hosted platform and I need all the success stories and hacks that I can manage ! Hopping across and stumbling upon you now ๐
Glad you liked this.
I’ve been seeing stumble upon everywhere but I never knew how it worked! You’ve convinced me to give it a try!
Glad you like it
This is goldmine!! A very useful post Amtita! ๐
Thanks Rohan
Thanks Rohan