Mahatma Gandhi is a man who lives even after his death.At a time when few thought about right and wrong, he had the tremendous foresight about the importance of truth.
When I tell my daughter about Bapuji I realized humans are flawed.The magic ingredient is the flaw.The right amount of genius and flaw can change the world.The best way to learn and grow is by reading about great men.
The best way to avoid costly mistakes is to learn from the lessons and mistakes of successful men(searching for more words here).
Life Lessons from Bapuji & One Lesson I Don’t Agree With
On Education
Bapuji believed in Education which builds character.
He firmly believed that quality education helps society.Literacy alone helps little.For education to make a difference one must first be able to support herself/himself financially and then help others rise.
For my daughter
Study not only because you like to learn.Study also because you want to be independent.A good education will help you like nothing else.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
On social welfare, his words are Gold
[bctt tweet=” Be the change that you wish to see in the world _Mahatma Gandhi #writebravely ” username=”misra_amrita”]
In the exciting activity of criticising Reema, Meena, and Sumita, we forget that if all of us made our own homes and locality beautiful the city state country and the world will be beautiful.Mahatma truly believed that.
Cleanliness being next to Godliness
In this, he spoke not only about the physical world but also the mind.Allowing clutter and unclean thoughts to enter your minds you pollute your soul.
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
God resides in our souls.Every time we make our soul unclean by word or deed it breaks his heart.
About Ahimsa (nonviolence)
I am in two minds.Maa Durga just went home after slaying demons.She is a mommy and she takes up arms every year to save her children.I am all for ahimsa.But only when its living beings who don’t kill the innocent.If you hurt children then it’s going to be a different set of rules.A rapist is not human.A child molester deserves new ways to drive home the point.That’s a crime against the soul.The victim remembers forever.Her thoughts and memories are painful.That’s, not a crime which ahimsa can help.
Vivekananda said
One who commits a crime and the one who doesn’t protest,both are equally guilty.
Maa Durga slays demons.Terrorists are killing children without scruples.Difficult times and different situations call for different rules.
Gandhiji tells us about
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”-But sometimes that may be the only way.
He probably never met a mother whose child was molested!
Gandhiji’s teachings and the power of the mind
Mahatma believed in the tremendous power of the mind.Of the untapped energy of our thoughts.Men lacked the discipline to channelize it positively but all things are possible if you can control and direct your thoughts.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
His words give you hope in trying times.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
“The future depends on what you do today.”
“It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”
And to err is proof of being human.You might be wrong.But you must
[bctt tweet=”You might be wrong.But you must try -Gandhiji #MondayMomyMoments” username=”misra_amrita”]
“Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it
But you can wake a man only if he is really asleep. No effort that you make will produce any effect upon him if he is merely pretending sleep.
Exactly what Lord Krishna had said about helping people
You can only help those who want to be helped.
On self-belief and having faith
Men often become what they believe themselves to be.If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even If I didn’t have it in the beginning”.
This is the most difficult lesson to learn.Because self-belief is a marathon, not a sprint.Faith is the framework on which self-belief stands.Parents have to walk the talk if they want to teach the right values.Even on the sunniest days being a mommy is not easy.
Writing this with #MondayMommyMoments.
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Those are some great life lessons. And I agree, ahimsa can only work when the other person’s actions too are non-violent. In today’s world, ahimsa will get you killed.
Quite a list of life lessons you have here, Dr. Amrita. I am not a big fan of Mahatma Gandhi, but I like your practical interpretation of his teachings.
Great way for raising your child by learning preaching from famous men. Also Reema Meena and sunita reference was nostalgic and funny. loved how you have interpret Gandhi preaching .
Loved reading your blog. I am not a fan of Gandhi Ji but yes I agree to some of his teachings. I loved we need to learn to make ourselves independent and be the change you want to see .. Thanks for sharing
I greatly disagree with Gandhiji’s teachings. But I cannot deny that there are certain things said by him which hold good too. Like- be the change you want to bring around, or an eye for an eye makes the world blind ( which I have read at lot of places wasn’t said by Gandhiji, dunno how true it is).
But, yes there are certain teachings which I give my daughter. Cheers!
I am absolutely against violence but only when it comes to innocent ones. For demons , one has to take the avtaar of maa durga!!
Doc! You have a beautiful interpretation of Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings where you don’t accept quotes blindly but also disagree on one looking at how crimes happening in the world. His teachings will forever stay in our lives.
I have a lot of respect for Gandhiji. I do believe that we must protest violence but it need not be violently.
fabulous articles thanks for sharing
These are excellent lessons from Mahatma Gandhi. And I liked your explanations. Something that can be taught to kids too.
Great lessons to learn from Gandhiji. Be the change is my favorite one.
Ghandi was such a great man. To take only one life lesson from him is amazing but he had so many to offer.
I like how you interpreted popular quotes. I think my favorite was reason to study not just to make you smart but to be independent.
Very interesting read. My first time hearing about Mahatma
These are some interesting lessons. I’m all about studying. I always tell my kids to learn as much as they can!
Interesting post. I love some of these quotes. (Tip – your 2nd Click to Tweet is blank.) Tweeted the first quote.
Gandhiji was the flag bearer of truth, values, peace, education. Now sadly, his birthday has been rendered as a mere holiday.