What’s new at Blogchatter?
Plenty. Most importantly if you are writing on your blog, just by being a part of the Blogchatter community, reading and writing will help you earn points and money in the bank too!
The Summary of the events at Blogchatter
The 2022 calendar is packed full of campaigns, challenges, and more. Best of all, it’s gamified and helps you earn while you write, read and share.
When my sister heard this, she asked,
“But isn’t that something you already did?”
“Yes and no. The earning points for writing on CauseAchatter, The Blogchatter Reading Challenge, A to Z, Ebook library are different. Plus the reels challenge, earn while you write for Be storified and Blogchatter.”
“Wait, wait.
Go back, repeat.
You are going too fast.”
Thats when I decided to write down everything I knew about the new stuff at Blogchatter. So don’t worry, just bookmark this post or save it on your phone home screen and read it at leisure. Did I mention I also wrote a book about Blogging Challenges that help? You can find a free excerpt here.
Details of campaigns and Whats New on Blogchatter in 2022
Did you know Monday Mutiny is now on Instagram!
But chai pe charcha is on Twitter at 4.30 pm.
The #Blogchatter Twitter chat new timing 7.30 lm instead of 8.30 pm.
The Fb live on Friday too is at 7 pm instead of 8 pm. That’s all the new timings for you.
In February, there’s a whole new challenge called Write a page a day. Where you need to write ten thousand words by February 28th. Write every day and share with the hashtag #WriteAPageADay on Twitter. The word count needs to be updated daily. You can write on your phone, in your diary, .on the blog, or on social media. Just register, write, share word count on Twitter with the hashtag, and complete the ten thousand words in 28 days to complete the challenge. There are points to be earned for this too. The best part is you can write anywhere as long as it’s a page.
Of course, the A to Z writing challenge is possible only in April. That was when I wrote my first book in 2016.
We have the Pitchfest, where you will learn to pitch our manuscript in May, and the Blogchatter ebook carnival in June. This time the A to Z is not clubbed with the Ebook carnival. You will have time to work on your book if you are blogging a book during A to Z.
July and October will see Blogchatter Half Marathons. For the uninitiated, it’s straight fifteen days of daily blogging.
There’s going to be a chance to do 15 days nonstop reels challenge on Instagram in August.
My Friend Alexa is scheduled for September, but with Alexa.com saying goodbye, let’s see what happens.
Throughout this, you can write for CauseAchatter. Three posts every quarter and you earn points too. The Blogchatter Projects in December lets you end your year with a bang.
In The Blogchatter Reading Challenge, just update your reading list. A screenshot or picture of the book, book’s name, and author. That’s it, you are done.
That’s pretty packed.
In 2020 when Blogchatter 2.0 was launched there were several new things. One of them was making money as a new blogger. That my dear friend is the most difficult thing which no one tells you. Everyone promises quick wins but no one gives you a step-by-step plan. Today I will give you a step-by-step plan to earn even as a new blogger.
Make Money Blogging With Blogchatter in 2022
1.Register on Blogchatter.
2. Sign up for the challenges, featured campaigns. You will earn reward points every time you successfully finish challenges. In case you win, then there’s more.
3 . Write for Blogchatter guest post. You have to write to pitchus@theblogchatter.com.When your idea gets approved, write, submit and earn 3000 points(that’s 3000 INR) which you can redeem instantly from your Blogchatter wallet
4 Write for Bestorified Guest post. As far as I know, it’s 2000 Points for five posts in a year. But you can always check the updated terms and conditions on their site.
5. Every month there are featured bloggers who earn points too. How to be a featured blogger? Write regularly, submit your blog posts to the blogroll, share them with your hashtag. Then visit other blog posts on the blog roll. Read, comment, and share posts from the community. Do this regularly and you will be a featured blogger.
6. You also earn when you read books and complete your own reading challenge.
7. Write for CauseAChatter and champion a cause each quarter and earn reward points. You need to write 3 posts per quarter to qualify.
8. Blogchatter Projects in December helps you complete a passion project give it the year-end boost and get rewarded too.
9. Write for Brand campaigns: For these Blogchatter curate bloggers personally, depending on requirements.
10. Register for Book Reviews with Blogchatter.
Besides this, Blogchatter has sudden surprise contests, challenges, surveys, and opportunities to write and earn reward points. One point equals INR 1. Your points are redeemable when you reach 1499 points.
The payment terms and conditions are glitch-free and happen at the press of a button. Life at Blogchatter is good. Come check out the Blogchatter calendar.
Disclaimer: How much you earn will depend on your own effort. It’s a lot of work but this is based on my own experience .
I have been friends with all the Blogchatter peeps since 2016. I made all my writer friends there. I earn with Blogchatter. Yes, I have commercial relationships, but we are friends too.This, by the way, is a friend post.If you asked me why Blogchatter?I will give you five reasons.
5 Reasons Why you need to be a Blogchatter Community member: Best Blogging Community in India
1)They have been running strong since 2015, and together with their growth, they also help you as a blogger grow. It’s the best Bloggers community in India. I have been part of a few, and Blogchatter will help you find the balance between creativity and economics of sustainable creation.
2)They understand the concept of continuous learning and help you learn.
3)Earn while you learn is at the core of the Blogchatter modus operandi, and you earn as even as a newbie.
4. The community supports you throughout.
5. You will have fun while you navigate the online digital maze. That helps sustain your career as a blogger.
You learn by association and observation. It’s not a sprint but a marathon. A creative journey can help you earn too.
If you need helps starting a blog or starting an online business check these resources
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Book reviews too are there and they are my favourites
Oh yes I am adding that.Thank you
Love the calendar and the planning. To your success!
Thank you
Wow, that’s alot of info and challenges. Interesting though. I will have to bookmark and read again later.
That sounds like a great opportunity with lots of chances to work on your blogging and to make money! thanks for sharing!
Oh yes . They do have a lot of opportunities.
How interesting! Like I have nothing to do but I’m going to look into this! Thanks for all the information!
The money part in dollars won’t be much. But in the Indian Blogging scene, just starting out many people do feel encouraged to see their efforts helping them make money.