How to leave the world a little better.
When I started blogging in 2014 ,I read amylynnandrews blog.She wrote a very useful newsletter called useletter.
She talked about creating original content online;not just rehash of existing content.
But I had a problem.
The health topics I wrote about often had extensive write ups on educational websites.
On looking deeper I found they were often(if not always)written by content experts or influencers not interested in the topic with expertise in writing, not necessarily a professional or expert in the medical field.
On big sites these articles were reviewed by Doctors or other Healthcare professionals .
I knew what I wanted to contribute to make my website and blog create it’s own little space in the very cluttered online World.
That started the journey of Healthwealthbridge 10 years ago.
Spreading awareness and education digitally wad my goal and I think I am on the right path to make the world a little better.
Trying to go carbon negative Since 2020 we have planted more than 500 trees and that’s something which made me really happy.Trees are the most selfless living things ever.Mother Nature has gifted us with tree friends wherever we go .My daughter knows books and plants are her mom’s favourite gifts and is my favorite partner in in nature walks.That I think is a good thing to get started on.
Making active lifestyle fun is my dream.In 2013 we shifted to a small town in West Bengal.A rented apartment with no common area,play area ,gym ,pool or a garden, I felt stuck indoors.While buying a home in Kolkata we found a lovely community housing offering not only great location,infrastructure but all of the above.But we couldn’t shift to Kolkata right away.Before 2020 my hubby simply didn’t have time to visit the village home 20 km away.I was always asking about it,but it was rented out and going there on weekends seemed impossible.
COVID pandemic lock down and my husband realized the prison like feel of the modern apartment house.
He jumped into action mode and in October of 2020 we started renovations in the village home and buying a small plot for our kitchen garden and a community garden area with friends for play time with kids ,friends and family.Its not easy and it’s not a project which is ever done.But we are doing the best we can.We made the best of a truly horrifying situation and decided to make a change for good.
Continuing to actively work for restoring gardens,forests, community gardens,nature walks and spreading the message of good health with nature is my way of leaving the world a bit better for the future.
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/we have planted more than 500 trees /
Excellent and Thank you