I don’t have a brother. I do have cousins. That’s why Rakhi while growing up was not something I thought a great deal about. But my sister who is six years younger wanted to celebrate all festivals. She insisted that since we looked out for each other we should tie Rakhi to each other Raksha Bandhan is just that. Right?
Easy Fun Rakhi Lettering for card
Protecting, looking out, and helping each other out. Isn’t that what the spirit of Rakhi all about?
My little girl celebrates Rakhi at school, with loads of fun and little idea about Raksha Bandhan .i did try to explain to her today morning when she got ready for school. She was more interested in learning how to tie it, than why and whom of it.
She has 3 cousin brothers who are not close. So if I do make a point about Raksha Bandhan she will not really understand. I am in two minds.
In the epic Mahabharat, Draupadi tied a Rakhi on Krishna. That’s why taking His name Draupadi always got protection.
Whether to make Rai feel her cousins are the brothers, or she would be better off, tying it to Krishnaand make God her protector.Any tips on this?
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I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.
Reader Interactions
I tie rakhi to my sister and never felt this festival in a way that it is only a brother sister festival.
Well.. she could do both. Of course only if she intends to build on that relationship with her cousins. Or else it is meaningless. We always sent rakhis to our cousins and because we have been in constant touch, we are close to each other. It’s a huge support to have a bunch of siblings – real or cousin – is immaterial.
I feel Rakhi can be tied to anyone whom you think can be a guidance or a support for for. Yes, we tie our first Rakhi to the one above ..to protect us under his blessings forever
She can tie it to both. I was really close to my cousin’s and after marriage also used to send them Rakhi. It’s all.about changing the meaning of the festival little bit from tying it to brother to tying it to siblings irrespective of the gender.
Shipra Trivedisays
Well.. I have the situation in my life. I have no brother so I do these things : 1. Buy Rakhi for myself. I love stylish Rakhies so at times I buy one for myself and tie that myself as a nice bracelet. 2. Enjoy the day with relishing good festival food and sweets. I love sweets and what can be a better reason to enjoy them. 3. Tie Rakhi to Kanha ji. No one else can take care of myself any better. I have him as my brother for life time.
I tie rakhi to my sister and never felt this festival in a way that it is only a brother sister festival.
Nothing can be better than this, in fact before my son birth, my daughter tie up the rakhi to Laddu goal jee(Krishna) which she is still doing 🙂
Yes, that’s what my daughter does too!
That’s a great way to celebrate Rakhi 🙂 all bonds are important – even with oneself like Shipra said:)
The tradition needs a twist…Siblings should tie each other irrespective of gender n continue to stand by each other at odd and happy times.
Well.. she could do both. Of course only if she intends to build on that relationship with her cousins. Or else it is meaningless. We always sent rakhis to our cousins and because we have been in constant touch, we are close to each other. It’s a huge support to have a bunch of siblings – real or cousin – is immaterial.
Very true.
I feel Rakhi can be tied to anyone whom you think can be a guidance or a support for for. Yes, we tie our first Rakhi to the one above ..to protect us under his blessings forever
She can tie it to both. I was really close to my cousin’s and after marriage also used to send them Rakhi. It’s all.about changing the meaning of the festival little bit from tying it to brother to tying it to siblings irrespective of the gender.
Well.. I have the situation in my life. I have no brother so I do these things : 1. Buy Rakhi for myself. I love stylish Rakhies so at times I buy one for myself and tie that myself as a nice bracelet. 2. Enjoy the day with relishing good festival food and sweets. I love sweets and what can be a better reason to enjoy them. 3. Tie Rakhi to Kanha ji. No one else can take care of myself any better. I have him as my brother for life time.
Excellent thought Shipra!