Hearing loss? You might want to get that checked.
Ideally, it should be done by a professional in a sound-treated room. Audiometry tests are done by an audiometrist and sometimes by ENT surgeons like me. Clinically your Ear doctor will check your hearing with a tuning fork, to get an idea about the type of hearing loss. A broad classification is Conductive and Sensorineural.
You can test your hearing online here.
What are the Tests for hearing loss?
PTA: Pure tone audiometry
OAE: Otoacoustic emission
Behavioral audiometry is for children less than five years.
BERA: Brainstem evoked response audiometry
The effect of hearing loss and sound trauma, have been explained in detail in multiple posts. Excessive use of earphones can also cause problems if it’s used for a long duration and at high volume. Excessive alcoholism can also cause hearing loss and tinnitus.
A hearing aid is an excellent first step in all conditions where it will help.
If you don’t use a hearing aid and you need one, the progressive starvation of the hair cells. causes potential deterioration of hearing. This when beyond a certain point, a hearing aid may not be as helpful.
Medications and systemic diseases need to be ruled out including hypothyroidism, and ototoxic drugs.
Cochlear implant has a significant role in children with speech and language delays due to hearing challenges.
Can Hearing loss be restored?
Ear disease-causing conductive hearing loss are Acute otitis media, wax, otitis media with effusion, chronic otitis media, Otosclerosis, Aeroplane ear, etc. Some of these conditions improve after medical, surgical, or a combination of therapy. Hearing in those cases does improve.
But when hearing loss is caused by sensorineural causes where the nerve damage is suspected, then only medicines or surgery will not restore complete hearing. In those cases hearing aids are useful.
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Very informative post! Looking forward to read more blog posts from your A2Z series.
A very informative post for people suffering from hearing loss.
As part of my A to Z Challenge, I’m recommending bloggers daily and I have mentioned your website for ‘H’. It would be nice if you came and had a look.
Very interesting information here on hearing! I think I will check out that app you linked to just to see if I need to get my hearing checked professionally.
I learned sign language when i was in college becuase there was a large population of hearing impaired students. I still remember much of it today.
Thanks for sharing.
I didn’t realize that hearing loss could get worse, if ignored. Thanks for this helpful information!
Always informative!
This is awesome information. Very helpful links as well.
How interesting to know about the online hearing test. I’m going to have my hubby check that out since he’s heard of hearing
Yes hearing loss is a serious issue and i did not know the fact that prolonged use of earphones can cause hearing loss. thanks doctor for sharing valuable information with this series,