Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?
Today a blogger friend recommended a book which talks about the chatter in our heads and what it means.I need to check that out.I realized I am forever trying to connect the dots of my present life,choices and state with what happened in the past.
Steve Jobs said this ย
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
Steve Jobs
And connecting the dot is a big thing for me too.But the future I don’t worry about to much.I just pray that I stay healthy,happy and blessed and do worthy work .
That I think is the crux of being present in the present .Staying healthy happy and having meaningful work which helps me pay the bills,do the things I love and feel good about it is what I want to continue doing.That’s my life right now and that’s why I choose to be present in the present!
These Bloganuary prompts is helping me get back my writing muscles this January and the Ultimate Blog Challenge helps me make better connections .What more can I want?What occupies your head most?The ghosts of the past or the AI of the future?Or are you like me?Let me know in the comments below.
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Very interesting blog! I try not to dwell on the past as it’s past already. I do think about the future but no going overboard since I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I’m like you, I live for today and hope and pray everything falls in place.
I do that too!It helps
I enjoyed your post and like you I need to figure out how to connect the dots and being in the challenge has really made me think about what I’m doing and why. Along with making me decide if I want to continue blogging or not as my son is graduating in May and he is the whole reason for my blog. Have a good day and keep blogging I look forward to more of your post in the #BlogBoost #UBC
I am sure your son will be reading your blog in the future too .So keep writing. The dots will help you understand later.Thank you for visiting.
So true – I also find the more I am present to NOW and to gratitude, the better I feel and am able to function! And my prayers are more for the peace and well being of those around me.
That’s the crux of it.I find that’s helpful too.