On Doctor’s Day today I remember four of my batchmates who are no longer with us.Two of them decided to take their own lives, one didn’t survive a brain tumor and another a road traffic accident. They were young men I knew.All of them were more my hubby’s friends, but I keep on remembering every year on Doctor’s day. They all had dreams just like me but couldn’t fight the battles anymore. Today on Doctor’s day I feel a need to share the reasons why I love being a doctor and why I feel its the best profession in the world. In light of the rising healthcare issues in this country, we need to look inside. What is happening is irreversible. But we need to try.
The trust needs to be rebuilt.
18 Secrets I want to share with medical students: The journey is worth it
1) The biggest problem educated youngsters face in this world is their inability to correlate their education and what they do in real life. As a doctor that’s not a problem at all. Thats why if you are a doctor you will be practicing exactly what you learn in Med school
2) The question are we making a difference troubles all of us all the time. As a doctor, you will know one thing. You are always helping.T hats more than any other profession in this world.
3) This is one profession where financial independence is not a problem even when you just completed your graduation. The internship has a stipend which will help you meet the expense of preparing for the next leg of the journey. There is a constant shortage of Doctors in India.
4) Don’t have illusions and you will not be disillusioned.
5) Don’t stop studying ever. Getting your degrees are the first step The next part of the application will need a lot of head and heart involved.
6) Remember your empathy will be a blessing and a bane.
7)You will need superpowers.
8) You will not be able to save everyone. Life and death are not in your hands.
9)You are blessed.
10) Don’t forget to make good friends and keep in touch however busy you are. Your social life will help your emotional health. Take care of your health both mind and body needs care
11) Save money. Start a PPF account early. Definitely keep your insurances in order.
12) Travel whenever you can. Life is short, unexpected and beautiful. Enjoy the journey.
13) Earn well but on your terms. Sacrificing health, sleep or sanity should never be part of the bargain.
14) Avoid negativity at all costs. As a healer, you need peace to feel and help. When your inner world is disturbed it’s difficult.
15) A post-graduation degree is good to have but in India, we need a lot of good GP s. If you want to earn a comfortable living that is possible.
16) As a Doctor, it’s important you never lose hope.
17) You need to heal yourself first so never miss health alerts, exercise and eating healthy.
18)Substance abuse and mental health scares are very high among Doctors. Make the right choice. Get help when you need it.

I am also thankful for being a Doctor and a Doctor’s day post will be incomplete without a thank you note.So here goes.
5 Reasons I am thankful for being a Doctor every day of my Life.
- Thankful for my ability to help people.
- I am thankful for being able to support myself and my family.
- I am thankful for the healthcare staff who are the cornerstone of the system and are everyday heroes.
- I am thankful when patients are happy and go home better.
- I am thankful that I am making a difference every time I see a patient.
Remember the Doctor heroes of war .
On Doctor’s Day, I thank all my Doctor friends for making life easier.
About Being a Doctor Other articles you may like
- How to Be a Doctor in India: Empathy, Faith &FSM (Steps 5,6)
- How to become a Doctor in India?(Steps 3&4)
- Being a doctor changed my life
- How to become a Doctor in India?(Step 1 and 2)
- 16 Secret Study Tips from a Bookworm Doctor Mommy
- 7 Secrets No One Tells You About Being a Doctor: Doctor Mommy Reveals
- A Day in the Life of a Doctor Mommy with Crazy miracles #Writebravely
- Serendipity or Destiny: I became a doctor
- 18 Secrets I want to share with medical students: The journey is worth it!
This post is part of the We Are the World Blogfest, a monthly event to showcase stories of compassion. The hosts for this month are: Shilpa Garg, Simon Falk, Mary J Giese, Dan Antion, Damyanti Biswas.
The idea is to spread positivity and light to counterbalance the negativity and darkness in social media. You can check their pages to find the list of feel-good stories written by bloggers from around the world.

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interesting motivational thoughts thanks to sharing
It’s a very cliched saying, but the medical profession is truly one of the most noble ones. That being said, anyone and everyone (doctors included) must prioritize their health over everything else, it’s the only way they can help others.
Great article, Amrita. Happy Doctors Day to you! 🙂
One of my uncles was a doctor. Several of my cousins are, including one who is an Emergency Room doctor. Many people do not realize there is a high suicide rate among doctors. They are called upon to do the impossible. In the United States, they must wrestle with a dysfunctional and broken health care system. I know there are other challenges in India thanks to the writing of the wonderful Dr. Roshan. Thank YOU.
Thank you Alana
I think everyone could follow your list of tips, not just medical students. Looking forward to reading you next blog post!
These are great tips to apply to ANYONE, not just doctors! I can see how these can be a blessing everyday to each and everyone of us. Thanks for sharing!
despite the animosity we doctors do go through a-lot giving our best in worst situations and conditions after the gruelling study period of 8 yrs. we deserve a “HAPPY DOCTOR’S DAY” in capital letters.