Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Karyl McBride is another book I read in January.
Book BlurbWill I Ever be Good Enough?Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
From experienced family therapist Dr. Karyl McBride, Will I Ever Be Good Enough? is an essential guide to recovery for women with selfish, emotionally abusive, and toxic mothers—designed to help daughters reclaim their lives. The first book for daughters who have suffered the abuse of narcissistic, self-involved mothers, Will I Ever Be Good Enough? provides the expert assistance you need in order to overcome this debilitating history and reclaim your life. Drawing on more than two decades of experience as a therapist specializing in women’s health and hundreds of interviews with suffering daughters, Dr. Karyl McBride helps you recognize the widespread effects of this emotional abuse and create an individualized program for self-protection, resolution, and complete recovery. Narcissistic mothers teach their daughters that love is not unconditional, that it is given only when they behave in accordance with maternal expectations and whims. As adults, these daughters have difficulty overcoming feelings of inadequacy, disappointment, emotional emptiness, and sadness. They may also have a fear of abandonment that leads them to form unhealthy romantic relationships, as well as a tendency to perfectionism and unrelenting self-criticism or to self-sabotage and frustration. Dr. McBride’s step-by-step program will enable you to: (1) Recognize your own experience with maternal narcissism and its effects on all aspects of your life (2) Discover how you have internalized verbal and nonverbal messages from your mother and how these have translated into overachievement or self-sabotage (3) Construct a personalized program to take control of your life and enhance your sense of self, establishing healthy boundaries with your mother and breaking the legacy of abuse Warm and sympathetic, Dr. McBride brings a profound level of authority to Will I Ever Be Good Enough? that encourages and inspires you as it aids your recovery.
My Book Review of Will I Ever be Good Enough?Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
I usually don’t read books with turmoil. But this was for a good cause and I couldn’t say no.
The book speaks from the author’s heart.She is a professional but hers is also a lived experience. The proverbial scientist experimenting with self diagnosis and self healing.We all do it to some extent and a lot of problem can be helped with a good dose of introspection.
But remember many health problems especially mental health problems need a professional evaluation and not a search engine .
Disclaimer this is not a medical advice and always consult your doctor for professional personalized care.
Narcissism is difficult to identify.The narcissistic personality spectrum can range from a few traits to a full blown narcissistic personality.
The children of narcissistic parents suffer and carry the legacy of not being good enough for a lifetime.
Therapy ,a loving partner and God’s help is all needed for arriving on the other side.If the chain is not broken the circle of narcissism spills over to the next generation genetically (which we can’t really control) and environmentally (which we can control).
Healthy self love and self image is crucial for survival.Lack of self confidence can be crippling.
The author delves deep into the issues of why this trait in a parent can be harmful.How you can identify it.What to do and steps to protect your soul from.The overachiever and the self sabotager we all have both versions inside us.What will you let rise?
There’s only one answer.To truly rise above a narcissistic legacy becoming successful,creating distance and making peace(with help/therapy) is a journey through life.The narcissistic parent may never accept medical help or even agree she has a problem.Insight may be lacking and there in lies your power to change the legacy .If you think you need help ,get help.
Great book a must read for those who struggle with a loved one /parent being narcissistic.
Spending time alone helps focus on ownself and self heal
Slowing down is medicine
No trust without your relationship picker
Permanent parenthood
Breaking the cycle is challenging.
Who should read this book?
Who wants to know more about narcissistic personality spectrum and how it can affect relationships.
If you have trouble with a close relationships whom you suspect is a closet narcissist and you want to work at the relationship and also help yourself heal.
You suspect your own narcissistic trait is spilling over into your parenting or other relations( you will be a rare person).
You want it to gift it to someone whom you think is stuck in a loop with a narcissistic person.
For helping in possible self-healing PTSD in adults who had a narcissistic parent.
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It sounds like a great book! I believe my mother had narcissistic traits, so I am always interested in this topics when I see an article or book.
Give it a read ,it’s very helpful for self growth .But talking to your medical doctor works better and this is an insightful aid .