How often do you walk or run?
I love walking .I love chatting and walking tooย .I like it so much that I bought my first treadmill in 2010 , while planning to have a baby.
You might ask how that’s related?
It’s because I knew that going for long walks was going to be tough with a baby in tow.
I knew I wouldn’t be happy without walking.
I love walking so much my husband designed a treadmill desk to mount on my treadmill to help me keep up with blog, stuff while I strolled.
When I am short of time I take short sprints,that’s when I listen to music on my playlist.That’s a different type of high and I love doing that in the mornings before leaving for work.
I like walking so much,that on dates with my husband I still like going for walks.
I love walking so much I wrote a book about my love for walking and how walking, writing and gardening helped me find my own self.Give it a read. It’s free on Kindle unlimited.
I find walking so helpful that I tell all my patients with reflux disease to go for walks post dinner.
I like walking so much ,that on weekends I would rather walk in the fields with my friends than go for movies or shopping.
I like walking so much ,we look for holiday destination where walking is a bliss.
I love walking so much I dream of walking on the beach.
I like walking so much that I had to write on this prompt ,when I saw it .
10 Reasons I Walk Everyday
Walking is one of the best way to stay fit and maintain good cardiovascular health.
Walking helps me feel calmer .It’s a great way to release those lovely endorphins which are great for my health.
Walking helps me look good .
Walking helps me grow stronger.
Walking helps me sleep better.
Walking helps me in digesting food better and prevent reflux.
Walking helps me keep the weight in control when we are traveling .
Walking helps me find my flow state ,when I do my creative work with ease.I am blogging since 2014 and now currently have 1300 plus blog posts on the blog.Thanks to a large part to my walking habit.
Walking helps me with ideation.I love day dreaming while walking.
Walking helps me feel more controlled and in charge of my health.
Having strong legs means I am ready to walk anywhere.Mobility is crucial as we grow wiser and the birthdays add me.I am happy to report it’s been more than 20 years of my love affair with walking and it’s the reason I am never afraid to walk anywhere!
My new book about the Human body
Human Body for Kids: A Look Inside You (Science for Kids)
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