I started Healwealthbridge 10 years ago.It was supposed to be a way to help people take back control over their health.Because health is your true wealth.But as it turned out my readers and my blogger friend helped me learn to live better.Blogging helps you learn.
Human beings seek community. They want to be around those they can trust.They know health is important.But.It’s a big but they still buy that packet of chips .Why don’t restaurants mention the amount of salt,sugar and oil in the food .Some restaurants mention the hero ingredients but not these.Plus there’s no way to find out about the type of oil used.Shouldn’t we be avoiding those highly processed seed oils and palm oil too?But most eateries don’t share ingredients, let alone their quantity.But as a doctor blogging I could share all that I know without it being unsustainable. I wanted my blog to be sustainable. Passive income is a thing I am still exploring but my blog is definitely my side income ,a part of my life but not the centre of it.The people in my life…they are at the centre of my life mandala.
I didn’t want to make things difficult for me by making itdifficult to maintain.That’s why I thought of writing on topics which came naturally to me while giving random gyan.That includes health ,wellness,making money and education.There were too many highly professional websites being maintained by hospitals,healthcare companies where the content is written by SME s and may or may not be reviewed by a Doctor.I wanted this to be about health care from the Indian middle class perspective .It needs to be affordable ,good quality,maintains dignity and humane.Tough things in the real world.But on the website I could do all that,without breaking the bank.Blogging is about giving back to the Community in a sustainable way.
But I couldn’t start typing in mother tongue ,though I wanted to.
I wasn’t sure about the audience reading blog or not.I knew nothing about blogs,blogging,wordpress,SEO,social media and was totally a novice about tech stuff online,But that didn’t stop me from starting blogging because it was the best way to get out of my mind.I was a new mom,with a new job in a new place and I was afraid I was not going to make it .I was clueless about being a mother ,the job meant stability but sleepless nights and other worries.The new place had its perks,It was close to my husband’s childhood home.The hospital where I worked was just a five minutes walk .In between the great adventure of being a mother exploring a new place and trying to build a career I felt out of sorts.I was looking for stability and the job didn’t feel like an ever-after thing .But wasn’t that what I always wanted?Or was it?
That’s why when I started reading Amy Lynn Andrews blog,Smart passive income by Pat Flynn and the inspired room.net by Melissa Michael’s I thought I knew the answer.I wanted a digital home.My virtual home in the clouds.It sounded funny and it always made me smile.I didn’t want to be only on momspresso and Women’s ’s Web.We know how they ended.It was sad .
It was also a wonderful way to make others smile when I told them about my blog.Blogging is a personal journey I am going through in public .
Blogging keeps me flexible.I am forever fumbling to learn some new tech or recollect about an old one and trying to organize the back end without going down a rabbit hole.Its a constant journey of dusting the cobwebs of my mind and reapplying the paint on my nails before I start typing.
Blogging helps me remember that showing up and taking a small step today puts you ahead of everyone ten years later.Showing up matters.
I finished a course on Digital Journalism by Reuters and if not for my interest in blogging, I would never have done it.Exploring the unknown is what life is about.You don’t know what’s going to happen next year,next month,tomorrow or even the very next second.If you are forever afraid of this that and everything in between, you will never be able to do anything meaningful.Walking the path which is calling to you is often a struggle.But looking back you will realize your struggle and your wins ,both made you who you are today.The bigger the challenge ,the stronger you become.Challeges and set backs are opportunities in disguise.
Knowing this is not enough.Keep reminding yourself of this .Over and over again.When you feel you want a soft life ,do something hard.Challenge yourself to learn a new skill ,mow the lawn,grow vegetables ,start a service business,write a book,Write a Poetry (which rhymes),learn a new language,declutter your wardrobe,repurpose the old dupatta…I could go on.This ability to stay curious is what makes healthwealthbridge.com work for me and it’s the reason I decided to do a soft launch of Healthwealthbridge online school some time back.It’s going to be a digital library and I have plans.
Happy tenth birthday Healthwealthbridge .You saw me through a decade .You helped me survive the pandemic lockdown and beyond.You helped me put down roots ,even if it’s online and you are the reason I was confident enough to write books and teach my daughter to write one too.
Thank you dear blog.Lets do some more good work.You taught me the value of persisting .
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