Winters signals weddings,parties,picnics.
But how can you have family events without risking exposure? When we are not able to meet our family and friends, no parties or get-togethers, how do you keep your spirits high?
In Delhi there has been a surge of cases and the Dehi high court wants to know why there are hardly any action being taken?There are rules and laws in place to protect the citizen ,but the citizens need to do their part too!
With Diwali, Kali puja,Bhai phonta we ventured out ,visited a few relatives,but carefully.
I will share the Scare and the care both.
We went for a trip to a relative’s home in the village.
The drive was pleasant.We were decked up with our N95 firmly in place.
We visited ,chatted,saw a few Pratima ,then had a quick snack of luchi and mangsho(mutton). Now eating cannot be done with a mask,so the mask came off for 10 minutes.But we sat socially distanced.
It was possible because there were only five people in the house at that time .
That was good ,because two days later we were told about five people testing positive for COVID 19, just next door to my relatives home.Scary fact ;one of them visited her off and on.
Luckily no one from the family tested positive nor showed any symptoms.
We however spent twenty one days praying hard.The next visits happened with mask,always in place and getting the food packed to eat at home.
Now the point I am trying to make here is COVID is stressful and the social and mental health parameters are serious for all of us.
Even with the vaccine,we may need to maintain preventive measures for some time.At Least till duration and measure of vaccine efficacy is confirmed for all demographics.
Till then what can we do?
10 Tips to Party Safe in COVID times: Gather with care
1)Check local regulations before planning event .
2) Think small ,cozy but with elements of social distancing and mask.
Whatever you do, keep the groups small ,intimate and cozy.That way you can have several small parties with much less headache.
3)Yes, wear a mask even indoors when you meet family and friends .Even when they have recovered from COVID.Reinfection is possible.Even if they tested negative for COVID recently.Until you have a home testing kit(Lucira COVID 19 Test kit) for COVID,like the one FDA recently approved and you test yourself and everyone before they enter your home, you can never be sure about their COVID status.
4) Host daytime outdoor events .It’s definitely better than indoors .If indoor event keep the doors and windows open.Good ventilation is a must.
5) Air conditioning is better skipped .If you have central air conditioning, heating system you need at least 30 air changes per hour to have some standard of safety.
6) Allow your guests to microwave their food platters before they start eating .60 second in the microwave should be safe .
7) While eating, maintain social distance of a minimum of 1m as WHO says.But best is 3 m,that which may be difficult indoors and even talking.So plan accordingly.
8) Encourage guests to bring their own disposable cutlery and school style tiffin boxes,eating and packing away extra is easier.Plus no worries about washing up or the sanitizing headache.
9) If they decide to eat using your cutlery they can opt for washing their own dishes before and after for extra safety.
Friends who do dishwashing together stay together.
Dr.Amrita Basu healthwealthbridge.com
10)You can have takeaways made as goodybags .
Must do Bonus tip:
Have necessary supplies like hand hygiene stations.Hand sanitizer or soap and water.Both work .Have closed-lid bins, distance markers, masks .
When you plan it well ,it gets easier.Don’t let frustration cloud your judgement. If you are staying safe, you’re keeping your family safe.
Many people with COVID 19 remain asymptomatic. But the many effects of the virus seem to have far reaching consequences. Like always prevention is the best policy.Because undoing the damage may be a Herculean task.
The human spirit is powerful. You can do safe and right if you try. It’s not going to be easy. But if you remember your fairy tales, no happily ever after came easily. The fight continues so stay safe, stay healthy. Don’t forget to share this article, you will be helping someone.
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One of our relative just tested positive after visiting their friends. It was a small group but they didnt take enough precautions and all are senior citizens. After that I have really been scared to meet my friends even in the open just for a coffee. It is certainly difficult to stay socially distant but I guess the times are such we have to accept that there is still a long way before we can freely meet our friends.
Yes, precautions are crucial.