Prevention is the best policy when it comes to getting the better of COVID troubles. When India’s Unlockdown is starting slowly, offices, shops restaurants are opening. You must go to work, stay safe, and do your part to sustain economic growth. But wait. Do you know the right precautions to take?
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The day when liquor shops were open, Indians showed where the economy really stands. The serpentine queues in front of shops selling nonessential, C2H5OH inspired memes, jokes, and constant updates by News channel.
We were bingeing on the news then. Hoping for a miracle. Men showed us the miracle. People were queuing up at those liquor stores. The mismatch of the pictures shown made me wonder. It was sad. A man said
“I am buying for a friend.”
Another refused to take off the helmet to avoid identity being revealed. Classic case seen on a TV channel when asked why he was buying alcohol said,
“What to do, I am a drunkard,I need a drink!
The 10 Most Effective Tips for Unlock down
1 ) Social distancing is a myth if you are using public transport if you are going out for work. Plastic or plexiglass dividers will work only when they are cleaned with every change of passengers.So stay alert and don’t touch those partitions.
2)Wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth and not for hanging below the chin. Don’t reuse disposable masks. Use clothes mask if you are not a healthcare worker and wash them thoroughly with soap and water.
3)Handwashing with soap and water works best, otherwise use a sanitizer with at least 60-70% alcohol content.
4)Wear gloves, disposable or made of clothes. The thing is, don’t touch your nose, mouth, eyes, or face.
5)Sneeze while turning your mouth in the crook of your elbow.
6)Definitely maintain social distancing at your workplace. Skip the chai pe chit chat. Six feet of distance is a must for safety.
7)According to an update in the CDC, the virus seems to be mostly transmitted through direct contact. Less often through surfaces. But the risk remains. That means, in crowded places where there’s central AC and limited recycling of air ,its a big problem. Shopping malls, restaurants, pubs, movie halls, gyms are not the right place to visit now. Remember, the duration of exposure to the virus and the viral load are both important for infection.
How are they sanitizing these places? Is it possible to ensure that they are sanitizing adequately after every footfall? Unlikely.
Is it open air? Cold air settles down and warm air rises. So, the colder a crowded room is, the higher the risk.
8)Government and private offices have introduced shift duties, alternate day rosters, separate transportation. Work from home options continues for all those who are not required to visit the office daily. These are all required, but proper sanitization of theses places, proper ventilation has to be ensured.
The main problem is it’s hot in most places in India. In sweltering summer, wearing gloves and masks is close to torture. Plus, no Air conditioner, sparse public transport can all be grueling. But you have to do what you need to do.
What happens is God’s will.
9)Avoid talking on the phone or using a phone when traveling outside for work. It’s difficult to thoroughly sanitize electronic items.
10)Stay positive, eat healthy, exercise, and don’t forget your beauty sleep to get those immune cells working well.
Social distancing, mask usage, wearing gloves, hand washing cannot be stressed enough.
Skip nonessential shopping.
If you are getting outside food, you need to. Microwave it for atleast 60 seconds to ensure germ-free status. Other issues with microwaving food can’t be discussed if you are ordering a takeaway.
Shop locally as far as possible.
Whether you want your house help or not, is a decision best taken depending on your comfort level. Right now, we are still going the Aatmanirbhar Bharat way.
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