I am taking part in the My Friend Alexa Challenge and the announcement is a much-needed part.
I am also trying to do the Ultimate Blog Challenge.It’s a little crazy, but I enjoy participating in blog challenges .They help me learn.
I even wrote a book about all the blog challenges I love . But before all the other things,I have to publicly let you know my Alexa rank.This means you will know, what happens to my rank at the end of this month.It’s very public and scary.
First up My Global Alexa rank in 80,734 on 01/10/2020.
With all the writing and visiting other blogs ,I hope my blog finds new friends.That’s the goal.Do subscribe and let me know about it ,in the comments below.
Now the News
Since its October, how better to welcome the #MyFriendAlexa and #UBC friends than with my books?
I set up an Audiobook Page with the free audio chapters of a few of my books. It’s my way of sharing my work with those who want it, as much as possible.

PROBIOTIC & LIFE: A Beginners Guide to Probiotic Food and Total Gut Health |Nutrition Secrets(Part3) is on Amazon Prime Reading and free to read for the next three months. It’s also available on Kindle Unlimited
What Happened at Gour is free on Amazon today and tomorrow so get it quick.
Fun fact :Did you know these books were written during Blogchatter Challenges?
I started Blogging in 2014. Writing about my blogging journey was a sudden decision. But a wonderful way to share what I learned.
Extra Wisdom
Its important you don’t compare our beginning with other people’s middles .In fact it’s best not to compare.
The best part about the internet is, it’s open.It’ the best time to live in, because you can learn as much as you want.
That’s the catch.As much as you want.
You have to want it,you have to be ready to accept it,absorb it and assimilate it.
Then you can learn.
Lessons you learn from Blogging Challenges
Its important you try.Even if you can’t do everything, that you tried,puts you way ahead of the game.In most Challenges I am lagging behind on many days. I don’t want to try any more.But every year ,I try some more.
Most things worth doing are difficult.
You will learn .Trying new things changes us forever.You pick up tips,skills resources and creative magic.
It helps you find new readers.When you depend on organic traffic ,finding a friendly blogging community will be crucial.
You will feel wonderful that you did this in COVID times of 2020.Thats stuff history is made of and we are all a part of it.
Check out the Blogchatter website for the MyFriendAlexa deets .