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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on
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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 5
The best part of launching your audiobook on YouTube is it’s a wonderful way for self-published authors to get an interested audience. Fiction or nonfiction, you do your thing. But YouTube was started in 2005. Love them or hate them it is a massive searchable network of education, entertainment, and news . You name it and they have it.
Book Blurb: Krishna Mishra is an ex-Army intelligence officer and has MBBS under his belt. Then he specialized in forensic medicine and enrolled in the army. Nowadays, Krishna has his own detective agency. He often teams up with his wife, Ria. She is his best friend, assistant, boss, and famous in her own right.When yesteryear film star Anurag Chatterjee gets involved with a case of misplaced luggage, he meets with detective Krishna Mishra to solve the problem. It looks like a simple case until a brutal murder makes it a race against time to find the motive of a dangerous killer.
When I heard YouTube is now allowing podcast RSS integrations, it made me happy.I not only added both my podcast and RSS to YouTube but also decided to launch my first fiction for free on YouTube. Why not? It was a labor of love writing my first cozy mystery/thriller short story and having published on Amazon was surreal. I never knew I could write fiction, nor did I ever aspire to. But 2020 the pandemic time was a kind of wake-up call.
Do all the things you wouldn’t dream of doing (in a good way)Anyway, I uploaded my entire audiobook Krishna Mishra and the Mysterious Movie Star, on YouTube and added the book blurb in the description box. Shared a link to the ebook and added the relevant tags. This is very early to say whether this will help the series, get more subscribers, or something else. It’s also a gift from me to you. We all need stories in our lives, stories to take us away from the daily stuff and spend a few moments saving the world. If you liked the audiobook do consider giving it a review on Amazon.
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 6
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?
Today a blogger friend recommended a book which talks about the chatter in our heads and what it means.I need to check that out.I realized I am forever trying to connect the dots of my present life,choices and state with what happened in the past.
Steve Jobs said this
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
Steve Jobs
And connecting the dot is a big thing for me too.But the future I don’t worry about to much.I just pray that I stay healthy,happy and blessed and do worthy work .
That I think is the crux of being present in the present .Staying healthy happy and having meaningful work which helps me pay the bills,do the things I love and feel good about it is what I want to continue doing.That’s my life right now and that’s why I choose to be present in the present!
These Bloganuary prompts is helping me get back my writing muscles this January and the Ultimate Blog Challenge helps me make better connections .What more can I want?What occupies your head most?The ghosts of the past or the AI of the future?Or are you like me?Let me know in the comments below.
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 4
One day Vivekananda went to Sri Ram Krishna Dev and asked him to pray so that Vivekananda could get a job and get rich. Sri Ram Krishna Dev said, “I always pray but I think she(Maa Kali) wants you to ask her about it.”After much back and forth, Vivekananda decided to go and do just that. And he went.
Ram Krishna Dev asked him, “Did you tell her what you wanted? About your job and a good salary?”
Vivekananda looked nonplussed and said,” Oh no, I forgot to ask that.”
Sri Ram Krishna Dev: “Then what did you ask for?”
Vivekananda:” For gyan, bhakti,bibek and bairagya !(Knowledge, Bhakti, Vivek and Vairagya)
Sri Ram Krishna Dev:” What? Go back and ask for the things that you want otherwise. How will you get it?”
Vivekananda went again, looking happy. Came back and when asked what he had prayed for, looked taken aback and said -“I asked for Gyan bhakti bibek and bairagya.”I am feeling shy about asking for other things .
Don’t be shy, go back and ask with all your heart, talk to her like she is your mother and you will get what you seek.
Vivekananda went back and came back, looking abashed. “I can’t seem to remember anything else when I stand in front of her Thakur. The only things my heart seeks are gyan bhakti,bibek bairagya!
Smiling Ramkrishna Dev said -“that is the problem and the solution right there!”Narendranath Dutta also known as Swami Vivekananda became his disciple and the rest is history.
Vivekananda was born as Narendranath Datta on 12 th January 1863 .He was born in a well-to-do Bengali Hindu family and before he interacted with Sri Ram Krishna was not particularly religious. He had a curious, questioning mind and loved finding out the truth behind things. Father Viswanath Datta was a lawyer and his mother Bhuvaneswari Devi, mother,mother, was deeply spiritual
RamKrishna Mission Schools, colleges and libraries are known for raising sound kids . The only thing I have always wondered is why there was a lack of similar enterprises for girls and women’s education of the caliber that the men’s institutes had . But I am glad he did what he did. A man much before his time talked about the need for universal brotherhood in the true spirit and play being an important requirement for kids and adults for building strong bodies, and minds and encouraging team spirit and community building.
Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan, Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Kolkata is a place where my husband and I worked. I did so from 2011 January to 2012 December. A learning experience I always cherish.
Belur Math is the (headquarters of Ramakrishna Mission), Belur, Howrah. Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math, District: Howrah, WB is where my hubby did his higher secondary from. Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Kolkata was a place where I visited the library, participated in cross-cultural events, and learned how to sing as a kid.
Swamiji harmonized the East and the West, religion and science, past and present. And that is why he is great. Our countrymen have gained unprecedented self-respect, self-reliance, and self-assertion from his teachings.”
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
We want an education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet. Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.
Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be.
Religion is realization; not talk, not doctrine, or theories, however beautiful they may be. It is being and becoming, not hearing or acknowledging; it is the whole soul becoming changed into what it believes.
Writing this with the Ultimate Blog Challenge because good thoughts need to be shared. What is your thought on the right kind of education? Let me know in the comments below.
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 8
What is the greatest gift someone could give you?
The Greatest Gift someone could give me is their heartfelt good wishes blessings,prayers.
I am a big believer in the power and positive energy of collective thoughts and prayers. Maybe it’s my upbringing or me reading Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.But with the power of the Brain and all its electrical and neurochemical signals imagine the amount of energy expended when a whole group of people wish you well.
Some would argue about the opposite instance but that’s not the topic of discussion here.Its a discussion about what I feel would be the greatest gift.
People giving me space in their minds ,thoughts and hearts and wishing me health and wellness is a gift I will always cherish.So wishing all my reader friends who visit my blog,share my work,help me stay inspired to keep writing ,thank you for being there and wishing me and blog well !
What would be the greatest gift for you ?
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 10
What colleges have you attended?
I attended Calcutta Medical College for six years .That’s where I did my MBBS ,internship and house staff ship.One of the oldest and most meritorious Medical College of Asia .It was established in 1835 and the buildings whisper the stories of days gone by .It’s there where I made life long friends,met my BFF,my boyfriend(now my husband),realized truths about college politics,real life and almost growing up.
I attended Safdarjang Hospital and VIMS New Delhi for my MS ENT.That’s when I moved to a new city New Delhi,the Capital of Bharat /India .It was bittersweet when I realized I was truly adulting while not knowing how to cook!I learned fast .Got married in the second year of my PG .Lived the dream life and then came back to Kolkata and woke up from the dream.But that’s story for another day .
Jadavpur University Geology enrolled for less than year ,but went for a few months
After class 12 ,I didn’t clear the medical entrance the same year ,but since my results were good my mom told me to enroll in a course of my choice at a college I always wanted to study in .That was JU or Jadavpur University and I was very interested in a subject called Geology which later my sister studied and became a Gold Medalist college topper.The friends I made there helped me take the semester tests when I couldn’t attend all classes because of the medical entrance coaching.I have fond memories of those days and the campus there.
Basanti Devi College enrolled and went for a week.This was before the final list for JU came out.This was a women’s College and I was enrolled in the Chemistry course ,so when I wrote about lessons in Chemistry it reminded me of those days.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy new year 2024 .This is the first post of 2024 and I wouldn’t have gotten down to writing if not for the Ultimate Blog Challenge and the Bloganuary prompt!
Let me know about the colleges you attended in the comments below !
Vishakha Talreja says "Amrita has immense knowledge of health-related content. Her writing style is reader-friendly and I have seen her blog posts go viral for the sheer fact that they are informative and helpful.
As a doctor too her knowledge is noteworthy and she always gives the right consultation that is in beat interests of those consulting her. She is also hands-on on the issues faced by her own community. Having worked with her I can definitely vouch for her professionalism and punctuality."
Roshan Radhakrishnan says "An extremely talented doctor and author of multiple books, Dr. Amrita does a great job managing multiple roles with ease." Anaesthesiologist (Human painkiller) ¦¦ Winner #TOIWriteIndia - S01 & 02 ¦¦ Finding #HeroesOfKindness across the world
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