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Some people hate this word some love it.I am definitely in the “totally obsessed with mompreneur’s “group.A mommy who is an entrepreneur is a mompreneur.Simple right?Not really.
You are your own boss when you are an entrepreneur.But a mompreneur has all her schedule and business wrapped around the plans of her little one.
Children are a great source of joy and happiness.
All mommies have their child as their first priority and that’s where a mompreneur is different.
After studying to be a doctor, I thought life was a dream just getting real.
But just like in the movies, just when you think you know it all.Life gives you a sudden twist and all the plans come crashing down.
After I got my postgraduate degree in ENT from Safdarjung hospital in New Delhi, we left for Kolkata.I had a million dreams and was not lacking self-confidence. But life had a rude shock waiting for me.
My pediatrician hubby soon landed a job, but poor me with my apathy towards night duties and night on call shifts, had a trying time getting my dream job.On top of that, we were really hoping to have a baby.
That was when I realized that whatever be your qualification until you control your income you have no control over your life.
A turning point.Definitely. Did I stop looking for a job.Oh no!
I got my job as a full-time doctor in a medical college after searching for 2 years and 3 months.Before that, it was a mix and match of consultations and part-time jobs.
What I loved about the part-time scenario was I was still earning (definitely not as well as full time)but had time enough for other stuff.
That’s when I started reading about blogging.I am a certified, voracious bookworm.I love reading!
E-book, printed books, cartoons, children’s books, newspaper,magazines.Give me anything.
I can’t go to the beauty parlor, or for a trip without at least one book and tab loaded with articles.Now I also have a Kindle as a backup.
Reading blogs are so much fun.I enjoyed reading all sorts of blog.It just has to be good.
Lots of inspiration but no action was definitely not the right course of action. So I jumped right in.
Learning from scratch about a new topic like blogging, tingled all my brain cells.I planned to start a business.
Totally scared, overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start.But I did start.
I am stumbling across Google, Facebook groups, twitter chats, and webinars.
Collecting free, paid and gifted nuggets of wisdom and trying to use them on my blog.One at a time.
Want to learn how to make money out of online entrepreneurship.
Will the journey be a success?Obviously ?Wil I make loads of money? I wish!Will I share my secrets I learn with you?Of course!It’s because of you my dear readers that I have more than 1.5 lakh page views per month.
I only play to win, so I have all my fingers crossed.Lets see where this adventure takes me
The journey has just started.
I will be documenting my journey in these mompreneur posts.
Let me know what you think in the comments below
Mompreneur who inspires Part 1
Mompreneur who inspires and helps Part 2
SPI PRO Theme and Blog design:Mompreneur’s blogging journey and miracles
Mompreneurs Blogging Journey(part 3)
7 Secrets to blogging as biz (for beginner mompreneurs)
Are you overworked?Do you suffer from anxiety and occasional bouts of depression?Do you exercise?What do you do to keep your mind healthy and happy?Research has proved that being among nature, helps beat depression and anxiety.Gardening is actually an easy way to keep mind body green.
Plants are a great way to get rid of impurities in the indoor air and make it fresh.But many people worry about watering and light needs.
Are you one of them?Then I will tell you the solutions.
Window boxes, balconies.Indoor on your wall.Go vertical. Try creepers and climbers on a bamboo trellis.Looks green pretty. Needs less water and light for growing, flowering needs light though.
Check out these unique solution. Even the one below works fine.
Have a problem with Babysitting the plants when you travel?
Then you need a self-watering system.t.Check out all about it in this post on Indoor air pollution.
There are several indoor plants, which need very little light to thrive.But if it’s a flowering plant some amount of sunlight will be needed depending on the plant .thats a problem? Don’t worry there are Grow lights.
Try these.Is fertilizer a problem?Children at home?
Go organic.I use liquid organic fertilizer since some of the containers are pretty tightly packed.
Reuse kitchen water, don’t throw away the water used for washing pulses vegetables and even fish and chicken.All these contain several essential nutrients perfect for your plants.
Worried about insects and creepy crawlies?Choose your indoor plant with care and use organic pesticide and natural techniques to get rid of pests.
Do you want to know about DIY balcony gardens?Then you must read this.
If you want your own herb garden, if you just want green around you, if you want to add microgreens to your diet don’t wait.Get a one-time consultation about your balcony garden.
There is a lot of free advice available online.But how sure are you about its utility?
Do you really have the time to wade through thousands of sites searching for the one which will solve your problems?
Gardening is supposed to help you beat stress, not increase it.
How to walk ,write and Garden for the healthy life you want
Balcony Gardening Ideas in India
Bleeding heart vine to grace your balcony
Alamunda my favorite climber for a balcony jungle
Golden yellow Ixora: Easy to grow, blooms year around
Science has come a long way.As more medicines are discovered to treat various infectious and non infectious diseases more and more doctors are trying to promote prevention.
Primary prevention is the most important goal of healthcare.It aims to prevent the occurrence of disease and promote health.
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I am passionate about Preventive healthcare.An ounce of prevention at the right time, is worth its weight in Gold! But for prevention to work best you need to be aware.
According to WHO the definition of health :
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
This is why for a healthy you ,you need to be Aware.
Read, learn, practice healthy lifestyle habits.I know if I teach a mom an entire family will be taught good lifestyle habits.Children learn from you , so you need to practice, all that you want them to learn.
The best way to prepare your children for a healthy , happy future is to catch them young..As my blog grows I will be adding more such articles meant to promote prevention.
Swine Flu India Fact sheet:2015
Allergic Rhinitis what you need to know
Chronic stress:32 scientific relaxation techniques for peace
Mindful Living….Art of a more productive life
Lifestyle modifications : Reflux no more
Lead Poisoning : What you can do
Do you want tips for a healthy lifestyle?
All my VIP Subscribers get access to all my free resources as well as exclusive preview option on all my products.
Join the VIP subscribers
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Can I help you ? I love hearing from you.It makes me believe in the power of the Internet for providing help wherever you are.
Write to me at
Or you can use the form below.
The CDC Vaccination schedule from 6to 18 years is to give your preteens and teenagers protection during their period of intellectual growth.Check out the recommended vaccines .
Write to in case of any queries.
All questions regarding pediatric immunizations will be answered by Dr.Abhijit Misra (MD Paediatrics)
The CDC Vaccination schedule from 0 to6 years is to give your preteens and teenagers protection during their period of intellectual growth.Check out the recommended vaccines .
Write to in case of any queries.
All questions regarding pediatric immunizations will be answered by Dr.Abhijit Misra (MD Paediatrics)
Roshan Radhakrishnan says "An extremely talented doctor and author of multiple books, Dr. Amrita does a great job managing multiple roles with ease." Anaesthesiologist (Human painkiller) ¦¦ Winner #TOIWriteIndia - S01 & 02 ¦¦ Finding #HeroesOfKindness across the world
Vishakha Talreja says "Amrita has immense knowledge of health-related content. Her writing style is reader-friendly and I have seen her blog posts go viral for the sheer fact that they are informative and helpful.
As a doctor too her knowledge is noteworthy and she always gives the right consultation that is in beat interests of those consulting her. She is also hands-on on the issues faced by her own community. Having worked with her I can definitely vouch for her professionalism and punctuality."
There are affiliate links in the blog post. This means I will get a small commission if you visit and buy after clicking on a link to an external site,at no extra cost to you. This also helps to sustain the website. Thank you for your help
The health -wellness information is shared on this website to improve public awareness about lifestyle diseases, products, that may help or harm us. This is in no way a replacement for professional medical advice. Please always consult your doctor for personalized medical advice.