MondayMommyMoments is my way of journaling about motherhood.It’s a great way to keep track of milestones ,tips, and tricks.
The best memory keeper is my brain.But for backup, I have a variety of options.I never thought being a mommy would be so much fun.Imagine till 5 years of age you could be I was infallible in a little person eyes. Then she will have occasional doubts.
I am dreading the time when moms are never believed.
But even with all ups and downs, this is an experience which changes you and makes you better like nothing else.It is also the best way to build up your patience, perseverance.
While every moment is special storing those memories can be a challenge.
Luckily we have several options online and offline.
(Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in the next part of the post.That means if you do click on a link and buy something I will get a small commission.This in no way affects the product price for you.I recommend only products I personally use and love.Your help and support is a big part of how I maintain this website.All help is deeply appreciated.You can tweet what you bought tagging me.I will always respond.)
My favorites ways to store memories of Motherhood are:
You can buy one or convert your laptop or PC into one
LED TV Photo slide.Just plug in your hard disc with your photos and watch one after another, memories flitting through the screen.
Old digital phones.If they are working don’t through them away .decrease e-waste and reuse them as your extra digital storage
Laptop: Never forget to update these and increase your memory.Always a great option for backup of the digital memories.
Hard disks, Pen drives Memory cards.
My favorite hard disc
Cloud storage:
Plenty of options to choose from.Most of these are free for a considerable amount of digital data.You will have to occasionally clean up.
Google Drive
Social media with settings adjusted:
This is a great option with unlimited storage.But always adjust your privacy settings to allow only yourself or family/close friends to view.
The password should be strong.I try affirmative password which helps me every time I sign in!
If these platforms suddenly wind up or change their policies (which they can. remember Orkut ?).you may lose your precious pictures if you have no backup.
Facebook with adjusted privacy settings.
YouTube: You can make it private unlisted or public depending on what you want to share.With unlisted settings, you can share the link.
How do you keep your memories of Motherhood stored?
MMM 26th June prompt
How to link up?
We have simple rules.
Comment on this post and cohosts post
You can write a post prompt or link up your new post in the linky.
We share and visit each blogger who links up.
This is not just a blog hop.This is a journey.
That’s a total of at least 4 posts we want you to give some love.
Write the post and Link Up with Amrita or Deepa.
Follow on Twitter @Deepagandhi1 & @misra_amrita
Copy the badge code and put it at the end of your post.
Generate your button code
Use #Mondaymommymoments or #MMM in your post and share on social media using the same hashtag.
By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
Did you know reading blogs makes your Alexa better?
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
Prompts will be announced every Sunday at 21.00 hrs IST.Linky opens till Sunday 21.00 hours.We always visit the blogs and promote them as much as possible.It’s like your own blog promo.What’s not to love?
We share your entries on Twitter and other social media platforms generously. Who doesn’t like blog promotion?
The first #MMM ebook .Co-authored by Deepa ,Dipika,Geethica,Anupriya ,Ila and me!
Featured blogger this week
Zainab blogging at
Monday MommyMoments featured winner this week is Zainab
What is the difference between a dad and mom when it comes to parenting?
People are different and so are men and women .We are the best parents to our little girl.When it comes to different ways of parenting I have observed a few things, but it definitely is not a general observation.
The view from the sky about Parenting style:
Daddy always plays however tired he is.
Mummy always insist on 1 healthy food fruit or vegetables.It doesn’t matter whether cook absent or not. This is not negotiable.
Daddy helps revise before exams.Mommy believes in 20 minutes of study time, for 3 hours of play time. This works great.Since Rai is only five, it’s more work for me if I have to make her sit longer.
Daddy loves running around and playing catch.
Mommy likes drawing and coloring with me.
Mommy wants Rai to understand when she is meditating also known as snoozing in the afternoon. Dad never naps.
Ground Zero view of Parenting at my home:
Mommy and Daddy both try their best.But it’s sometimes 60/40 and 40/60 at others.
Parenting is a Tango, best done as a couple!
It’s fulfilling fun and the biggest learning opportunity as an adult.Unfortunately, we don’t get a certificate. Only a well-balanced, healthy, kind human, who is the product of our love, life, insecurities and challenges.Blessing and life’s work all rolled in one.
As my hubby said
If both parents want to work and take care of their children the traditional roles need to overlap and merge.We both need to be mommy and daddy .The best from both !
Writing this for #MondayMommyMoments.
MondayMommyMoments:Parenting together
MondayMommy Moments Prompt this week:
What is the difference between a dad and mom when it comes to parenting?
How to link up?
We have simple rules.
Comment on this post and cohosts post
You can write a post prompt or link up your new post in the linky.
We share and visit each blogger who links up.
This is not just a blog hop.This is a journey.
That’s a total of at least 4 posts we want you to give some love.
Write the post and Link Up with Amrita or Deepa.
Follow on Twitter @Deepagandhi1 & @misra_amrita
Copy the badge code and put it at the end of your post.
Generate your button code
Use #Mondaymommymoments or #MMM in your post and share in social media using the same hashtag.
By Joining the linky you are giving us permission to email and or tweet you a weekly reminder.
Did you know reading blogs makes your Alexa better?
Blog hops :How to get the most benefits
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
Prompts will be announced every Sunday at 21.00 hrs IST.Linky opens till Sunday 21.00 hours.We always visit the blogs and promote them as much as possible.It’s like your own blog promo.What’s not to love?
We share your entries on Twitter and other social media platforms generously. Who doesn’t like blog promotion?
My daughter’s summer vacation started almost when the monsoon was upon us. We were planning to visit Darjeeling.
Train tickets ,cars and hotel booked.Advance payment in hotel done. We had thought about visiting Cedar Inn this time.
Unfortunately the violent political unrest in Darjeeling, has made it impossible to travel to The Hills.We were not only very worried about the destination next, but also the booking amount already deposited.
The hotel representative who interacted with us over the telephone, was extremely courteous and informed us that the entire amount would be reimbursed.
We just need to send the email requesting cancellation. In spite oft he disappointment of not visiting Darjeeling and missing Glenary’s, it helps us feel better.
This ethical behaviour of the resort administration ,has made us feel blessed.The Goodwill this small act has generated,has made us decide that we will definitely visit Cedar Inn, once Darjeeling returns to normal
Definition of ethical behaviour (dictionary)
Acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals typically think are good values.
Ethical behavior tends to be good for business and involves demonstrating respect for key moral principles that include honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights.
Why is Ethical behaviour important?
Why do we need moral standards ?
Why is democracy not to be abused?
How do you teach ethical behaviour to children ?
I am searching for answers .
On a lighter note my #MondayMommy Moments partne Deepa’s blog just turned One. Kreativemommy is an inspiring platform for all creative mothers who want to feature their creativity .
Deepa is hosting a giveaway where The Child City Edutainment who publishes illustrated storybook series ‘Curious Club’is hosting a giveaway.
Join Curious Club – Meg, Ali, Yogi, and Choco, in their expeditions and discover the joy of exploration, creation and new learnings .
It’s through books that morals and ethics can be best taught to children
Deepa is a dear friend and we have hosted MondayMommyMoments since January this year.
So Healthwealthbridge will be giving a bundle of digital gifts to 3 lucky moms and a gift voucher to one winner .You just need to do two things,
I absolutely love weekends.Childhood memories of weekends are lazy Sundays ,waking up to the aroma of my mom cooking a delicious breakfast.With cups of tea, mid-morning reading and napping snuggled up in my favorite armchair.I used to chat with my little sister, as the poor dear continued to nod sweetly, as I gave her innumerable gyans.Whatever I was reading in books newspapers, readers digest was imparted as distilled wisdom, to the unsuspecting younger sibling.She was a very attentive and a sweet listener.I am saying, listener, because she got a chance to say a few words, only when I took a moment to breathe!
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough”
― Oprah Winfrey
[bctt tweet=”“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. Oprah Winfrey #ThankfulThursdays #HWB” username=”misra_amrita”]
Lunch always had mangsho bhaat, with a variety of other side dishes, all meant to improve nutrition and give us much-needed fibers.Ending with chaatni and mishti doi.Pure bliss after a delicious lunch.
Lazy Sunday afternoons were spent dozing on the bed, with a favorite book.This was punctuated by sweet afternoon siestas, while rest of the family watched the Bengali potboiler.My mom claimed those movies helped her sleep better!That’s, not something I could argue with.
Weekends are precious even now.I get angry if they are compromised.You need a break.Whatever you do professionally if you want to do it well, you need enthusiasm and passion for it.My hubby loves working.He can work non-stop.I take care that he rests and relaxes in between so that health doesn’t suffer.That’s what wekends are for!
Rest rejuvenation, peace of mind helps to lower stress improve immunity and wellbeing.Happiness quotient as measured in Bhutan should be embraced the world over.I feel that’s a true measure of how well a country is doing.
So what do I look forward to on weekends?
No work discussion.Very important.
Lazy meals together.
Thankful for weekends
Napping together.
Playing together.
Watching a movie together.
Getting some house work done which needs a 6 footer, Like cleaning the fans and AC filters.
I love pottering about thebalcony garden while I get my hubby to trim the unruly climbers and erratic creepers.
Chatting over a cup of green tea as Rai happily hula hops her way to happiness is my way to spend beautiful weekends.
Children relive the memories we make with them.Weekends are my little parcel of time to make family memories to keep us happy and store in our hearts.
What else would I love to do?
If the government makes shuttle helicopter service available throughout India, then I could quickly visit my mom , pick her up and go for a quick weekend trip to Mandarmoni.Sea beach and Rai are a good idea.
Weekends make me feel blessed even more because of the weekends I have a duty.That’s when I am even more thankful.
Even more, reason to have boundaries and plans .which will help you keep your weekends free and work done without blurring the borders.
After all , we do our best work when we are feeling more energetic , right?That happens when you rest your mind and body.If you are tired doing something take a break for the weekend and go for a quick family trip.Come back feeling like a million dollars.
Our Prompt this week
Thankful for weekends
Thankful for weekends
My Fruits for life book (Price Rs 299/) is available on Amazon.Don’t forget to grab yourAmazon affiliate code and earn revenue whenever someone buys my book, through your code.Also If you fill up the form here I will let you know if its free for download!
Write on the prompt and Link Up. You can also link up other posts.Just comment on this post and my co-hosts post and any two of the posts in the link up.
We deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
Blog hops: How to get the most benefits
Follow @misra_amrita @twinklingtina ,@Deepagandhi1 @Mayuri6 on Twitter
Prompts will be announced every Wed 20:00 hrs IST
Linky opens on Thursdays 00.00 hours.
The linky closes the following Wednesday 23.55 hours
Once upon a time I was bored .Very bored.Just surfing the net for buying more stuff ,which I may or may not need.Of being unable to leave my 9 months old baby ,to the local untrained nanny to go for conferences and workshops.Missing the vibrant atmosphere of academic discussion at my earlier institutes ,I was destined to grow mold.Until inspiration struck.Why not write about what I do best ,professionally and personally .It will help others and help me .
Double boon .
That’s when I thought of starting a blog.Writing books came later after 2 and a half years.
When I was deciding on my blog audience and niche I knew I wanted to talk to my girlfriends ,the girl gang who hangs out together discussing everything under the sun.
That’s whom I know .That’s whom I can identify with.
I am a chatterbox so having very few people to talk to ,made me write more.
What do I know professionally?
Here I had a wide range to choose from.But I was passionate about sharing health and lifestyle information which affects women and children.Living healthy and feeling good is a journey and is not a single point destination.
That’s why I had the health in my blog name.
Personally, I have always felt people are silly about money.They know they need money.they know they want money.But they feel it’s bad to earn more and are stuck on the hamster wheel.Money is energy.It’s God’s way of ensuring you can get what you want.But what you want is in your hands.God blesses our actions and thoughts but you are responsible for them.Sounds confusing?Not really.It’s all about perspective.
If you want to live well , happily .learn something which people value and willhappily.Otherwise it’s a struggle.Life lessons from my mom.That stuck in my head.I have seen too many times how cash crunch can take away your peace of mind.That’s a boat I never ever want to ride.
The reason behind the wealth part of my name.I want to help people get rid of the fear of earning well.Of self-sabotaging their way to financial freedom.I am on a journey and I want as many people as possible to be there with me.
5 Reasons I started a Mommy Blog
I wanted to help women and other moms cope with living healthy.
I wanted to help them find their goals in life.
I wanted to help myself, by writing about my fears, worries, and struggles and find a way to solve them.That way more people could be helped.
I wanted to do a social experiment.I wanted to try the hacks suggested, in the 4 hour work week.Now my professional obligations make the 4-hour thing impossible.But the concept holds good. If you are not afraid to learn, are moderately net savvy and love story-telling, you can start to earn online without selling snake oil or doing something icky.
I wanted to learn how people can earn online .If you are educated it should help right?
I have always felt knowledge and education is looked at in an upside down way.Its important that you study hard and get your degrees .What is even more important, is the education should help you become independent .If your education doesn’t help you become employable or independent in financial ways, the rest is going to be difficult.
I am employed full-time as a medical teacher and ENT surgeon .My dream of setting up a blog to learn the ropes is well on its way .I would like to support education of girl child, ensure clean air water and basic education for all and support our army wives and children.I know it’s sounding pretty impossible with this itty bitty blog .
It’s a tall order and when I told my hubby, he looked a little shocked with my plans for this little blog .But whats life without hard-to-get goals.
If I can help even one person rewire their thinking and try more, I would have met my daily goal .
During revisions of my study materials I focus on the big parts .Then break them down into bite sized parts .Then do them one after another .Till you have done all.Simple .
Everything in life has happened because of my continuing conversation with God .If you can look inside yourself and find your answers, you will never falter.You may make mistakes, will probably do, but the mistakes are also a part of the bigger plan.
What you do you do ,what happens is destiny .
This year I have received the Work At Home Bundle from the Ultimate bundles people.Its ready to get launched soon.I am going through it and making notes.If you do buy the bundle, you can access my quick summaries of the material and choose to focus early on the important areas.This bundle couldn’t have come at a better time.
I have felt moms need a way to be independent even when they take care of children.Children are our future, they will be like the influence they have.Quality and quantity both are important.What we need to work on is more Government and corporate help, to make moms working schedules flexible.
[bctt tweet=”If money can go digital, why not work for moms? #MondayMommyMoments @Deepagandhi.Let me know your answer” username=”misra_amrita”]
Mommies are beautiful.Whether they dress up or not all mothers look great.But sometimes we do need a little help.A few things I think which moms should have in their kitty to keep them healthy and strong.Healthy and strong is beautiful.I have talked about how I started lifting weight at home to help boost my BMR.But I never told you why I stopped visiting beauty parlors, in the small town where I stay.
Healthy and strong is beautiful.I have talked about how I started lifting weight at home to help boost my BMR .but I never told you why I stopped visiting beauty parlors in the small town where I stay.
Sincerely afraid for my skin health that’s why.
Did you know expired beauty products are often bought by beauty parlors in bulk because they are cheap?How many of you have checked the expiry date of these products?Do you know your parlor visits may be responsible for your hair fall!Shocking right?
Do you know the towels that are reused can be a source of fungal infection? Did you know hair colour befor application, needs to have a skin test done 48 hours before its used on your scalp?The allergic reaction for sensitive people can be life threatening!.For careful moms who cant take a day off from being a mommy this guide is to help you keep shining and beautiful at home.
Disclaimer: The link below is an affiliate link .That means if you click on it and buy something, I get a small commission.This does not in any way increase the prize of the product for you, but helps support this website.Thank you for helping.I always recommend products I love and personally use .
Beauty must-haves: Top to toe
Organic coconut oil.
Research has proved that coconut oil is the best for your hairs nutrition.Why ?Because the size of it molecule is much more appropriate for being absorbed via your hair roots Mom was right.Whatever you add to it just builds on that.My friend has an interesting oil recipe for making the coconut oil even more potent.If you want to know about it , comment below to let me know
Mommy Beautiful :Beauty Guide
Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment
A must before using any hot styling products.Your hair is your crowning glory.A well-styled mane makes us look much better than a scruffy knot!So don’t forget to invest in this.This helps to protect your hair before you use heat on it.Remember don’t use it too often.
This one is different.It’s a comb which helps gently straighten or style your hair as it dries, but not too harshly.It makes a big difference how great your hair looks even styled casually.It gives you gently relaxed hair, not poker straight!
Skinandhair-friendly diet, however, cannot be replaced by any product applied externally.That’s why eat healthy ,sleep well and say no to stressif you want to look and feel good.
I love lipstick.One makeup item which changes how I feel and look is lipstick.Red is a color which brightens up the face like nothing else.Dab it on and put lip gloss on, for a day look.Paint a deep red mouth for a dinner party.
Foot massagers
At the end of the day, all moms need to rest their tired feet.A pedicure is my favorite beauty treatment at spas.It’s bliss.When you are too busy and can’t visit the parlor every other day(also pocket doesn’t allow)then a foot massager may be an awesome addition.
This is not a typical beauty hack.But I believe walking, running are the easiest and best way to keep up your heart health.The only way to live healthily is to make exercise a daily habit.Living in crowded cities you can’t always go for a run at night(not very safe too)But a treadmill at home can help in this case.Believe me, my treadmill changed my life.
Get ready to look great, even when you are a busy mommy.
I am loving the Work at Home bundle by Ultimate bundles is great.It’s a lot of information from people who have learned through trial and error.If you want to do something, nothing and no one can stop you.But skills which can help you need to be developed.
Giving you a sneak preview of the products.
Mothers want their child to be healthy and happy.For that we to have the choice.Some moms have no choice and others can’t choose.If we can help moms use their education and skills to provide service by working from home.That’s like two birds with one stone.Stay tuned for the super special offer ,the full list of goodies and your bonuses.Will be revealed in the next posts.
Things to remember :
Wed., June 7, 2017 at 8:00 am EST to Mon., June 12, 2017 at 11:59 pm EST the special prize will be revealed