The window seat in my bedroom is my favorite place to hang out when it rains.
My cup of tea, a mystery book, and a cushion.What else do you need?

When I look out of the window I can see the top of the medical college where I work.It’s light blue in color and eight stories high.One of the tallest building in this small town.The sky above it and all around look like a giant tent tethered on top of it.The houses next to it are just small pegs holding the tent down.
With the circus that’s happening with healthcare, the lies and half-truths the Government in India and the state are feeding the unsuspecting public, this feeling of being part of a circus is becoming stronger day-to-day.On days when I am in an introspective mood I wonder at my analogy.But on days like today when it’s drizzling throughout, the only thing that comes to my mind is the song from Sound of music.
[bctt tweet=”Raindrops on roses ,whiskers on kittens my favorite things.. when I look out of the window #MyFriendAlexa #WOW #=drAmrita” username=”misra_amrita”]
Watching the rain from my window seat reminds me of why I need to remember my favorite things.Why this is the best time of my life.Why I need to thank God for all my powers to cope.
Why God gives me my joys and troubles.I am given the cards which I can play.God is kind that way.He wants me to win.Learn and win.That’s why he gives these challenges Those that I don’t win are even more interesting.They teach in surprising ways.
The friends who walked a different path but fondly remembered.The ones who are there even miles away. The people who helped me and those who I couldn’t help.
Sitting by the window I think of all these things.But I also do one more thing.I try to let go.I put my negative thoughts and my worries free into the sky.Like Dumbledore used to empty his mind in the Pensieve, I try that.Not always successful.But it gets better with practice.
“I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one’s mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one’s leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form.”
Albus Dumbledore explaining what a Pensieve is
My profession shows the depressing side of life too often.To help myself cope my window seat is a blessing.It’s my turn to let go ….from the window.
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
I am taking part in the #MyFriendAlexa challenge with Blogchatter.

Linking up with #mg